As it turns out, hiding your emotions is pretty exhausting. All of my energy was currently going into fighting back my grimace.
I gritted my teeth and faked a smile. Ashton grinned back at me, blissfully unaware. I shouldn't be so angry at him. He hasn't done anything wrong.
The door of the bar swung open, sending a draft of cool air through the pub.
And there she was.
I couldn't stop my eyes from widening a fracture as I took her in - she was perfect. Her red dress hugged her body beautifully, accentuating her chest and tan legs. I needed to snap out of it before I started drooling.
[Y/N] spotted us in the corner and flashed us a smile as she walked over. My heart was pumping far too quickly. I needed to calm the hell down.
"Hey guys," she greeted us, leaning in to give Ashton a quick kiss. I tried to swallow the knot that had formed in my throat, but it was useless. She sat down next to me and ran her dainty fingers over the shoulder of my jacket.
"You scrub up well, Lukey-Pookey."
I scowled at her. She had been calling me that since we were kids, and I didn't like it now anymore than I did back then.
"Not so bad yourself," I commented. Major understatement. She grinned and turned away from me.
"Are we just waiting for Calum now?" She asked, not directing her question at anyone in particular. Michael nodded.
"[Y/N], I need you to help me out with something. Come here a minute," Ashton requested, pulling [Y/N] to her feet and taking her outside.
"What was that all about?" I asked Michael. He shrugged. "I dunno. He's been like this all day."
I must've been scowling again because Michael laughed. "If you just talked to him he might understand. You can't keep being angry at him for no reason."
Michael was the only other person who knew my secret. And that was purely because I'd gotten completely and utterly trashed the night [Y/N] and Ashton had gotten together and I had accidentally told him.
"I can't stand this," I said quietly.
Michael sighed. "You realise she liked you before she got with Ashton, don't you?"
Bullshit. If that were true he would've told me before now.
"And you're just telling me this now?" I drawled, keeping my voice bored.
"I only found out at the weekend."
"Oh? And how did that happen?"
"If you don't stop being an asshole then I'm not going to tell you."
I sighed, "fine. I'm sorry. What happened?"
He smirked. "You're not the only person who likes to make confessions to me while they're drunk. [Y/N] was having a bad day so she made me go out with her. She told me everything."
I tried to hide my shock, but I wasn't sure how successful I was. There was something about Mikey's tone that made me believe him instantly.
"So why'd she get with Ash then?"
"She wanted to get over you. And Ashton had showed an interest."
This place was packed. It smelt strongly of sweat and booze, and I could barely hear myself think.
Ashton looked rough. He shouldn't - he's got the life I want. Yet again I forced the unreasonable thought from my mind.
"You okay mate?" I shouted, plopping down on a stool next to him. Ashton sniggered and shook his head. I glanced down at his empty glass. We'd been here a while now, and by the looks of things that wasn't his first.
"What's up?"
"I broke up with [Y/N], Luke."
I almost choked on my drink. What? I guess that did explain why they hadn't been glued to each other's sides all night.
"Uh- mate- are you okay?"
He nodded.
"Do you need me to do anything?"
At that he looked up from the bar and stared so intently into my eyes that I thought he could see straight into my mind. That would be disastrous.
"I need you to ask her out."
This time I did choke on my drink.
"W-what?" I spluttered.
"She likes you. She really likes you, mate. I knew it when we started dating and I know it now. I thought it would go away with time but it didn't."
I stared at him, unable to speak.
"And I want her to be happy. And I want you to be happy, Luke. I told Mike all of this and... He told me everything. I'm sorry. I didn't realise."
Michael. I was going to kill him.
"Are you sure?" I mumbled, my voice only just loud enough for Ashton to hear.
He laughed. "Yes, I'm sure. Go."
Where was she? I had scanned every last inch of this place and yet she was nowhere to be found. I needed to talk to her, badly.
I burst out of the front door, desperate for some fresh air. I took a deep breath and allowed myself to fall back against the nearest wall.
"Hey, Lukey-Pookey." A familiar voice said.
[Y/N] moved from out of the shadows and grinned at me. Her smile didn't reach her eyes, and it faded too quickly. She took a step closer to me, allowing more light to illuminate her features. Her eyes were puffy and she had mascara stains down her cheeks.
Without thinking about it, I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around her.
"Ash told me. Are you okay?" I mumbled into her hair.
"Mhmm," she sniffed. I hated how even that little sound broke my heart when coming from her.
I stroked her silky hair and leaned my upper body backwards so I could see her face.
"The mascara stains really scream okay at me."
She giggled and nestled her face back into my chest. I hoped she couldn't hear how quickly my heart was beating.
"Uh, [Y/N]?" I said nervously, concentrating my eyes on a billboard across the street. I had to find the nerve to ask her out.
"Mm?" She mumbled.
"You look really good tonight."
Her body tensed in my arms. "Thank you."
"You- you always look good."
She tightened her arms around me affectionately. "I love you, you know that?"
My body went rigid. Calm down Luke. She means as a friend.
My throat felt tight. I couldn't lose my nerve.
I retracted from our embrace a fracture and held her close to me. Her eyes met mine, sending a rush of anxiety through me. Do it. Do it. I bit the inside of my cheek nervously, only stopping when the coppery taste of blood filled my mouth.
"I- I love you too." I stammered, hoping she would understand how much I meant it. She stared at me blankly for a second, her lips in a thin line.
And then they were on mine.
"You realise I've been waiting for years for you to say that to me?" She mumbled hazily.
I smirked. "You realise I've been waiting for years to say that to you?"
She giggled. The sound was intoxicating. And then she was kissing me again. That sent my mind into overdrive. That was intoxicating.
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