You Start Dating His Bandmate - Calum Hood

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I spat the blood out of my mouth and bared my bloody teeth at the brute of a man who stood in front of me. He snarled at me and went in for another punch. I ducked, having already anticipated the move.
He was strong, that was undeniable, but he wasn't fast. I had the advantage. My fist collided with his nose before he even had a second to think.
Someone came between us and tried to push us apart, yelling at us to take it outside, but I'd pissed the guy off too much now. Rage was set in his eyes and I knew this wasn't a fight I was about to win. That's exactly why I had picked him when I had scanned the room earlier. I needed someone who could knock me out cold with ease. The brute pushed the man away easily and lunged for me. I made no effort to deflect or duck, and the last thing I remembered was hitting the cold stone floor, darkness seeping into the edges of my vision.
"Calum, what the hell did you do?"
She was being way too loud, even if her voice was like music to my ears.
I pried my eyes open to find her glaring at me. Now wasn't that a sight for sore eyes, literally. I smirked at her.
I opened my eyes fully and looked around the unrecognisable room. My smirk was wiped straight off my face as I saw Michael stood next to the hospital bed, his shoulder pressed against hers. I'd forgotten about that.
I attempted a laugh, but it turned into a rough cough. [Y/N] looked worried.
"How'd you find me?"
"I'm the emergency contact in your phone you idiot. They called me because they had no freaking clue who the hell you were when you got dropped off here, unconscious, last night."
The memories started to come back to me. If only they would stay away. I didn't need the additional pain in my head right now.
"So?" She barked, steel set in her eyes. I shrugged. "Tell me why you did this."
That wasn't a request. I knew better than to question her when she got that look in her eyes. It seemed that that look was only reserved for me nowadays.
I shrugged again, even though it sent pain splintering down my side. "I got in a fight."
She glared at me and opened her mouth to yell, but Michael cut in.
"This is the fourth fight you've gotten in in the past month, Cal. I'm starting to think you're the one starting them."
He was my best friend. I shouldn't be mad at him. I shouldn't. It was wrong of me, especially since he hadn't done anything wrong, not really.
Michael sounded tired. Not just I got called here at 3am tired, but seriously exhausted, like he hadn't slept properly in a while. [Y/N] looked the same. Maybe that was just all the sex they were having. I shoved the thought away, almost wincing at the idea of it.
I held his eye contact for a couple of minutes before glancing back to [Y/N]. Worry was radiating from her every pore. I hadn't meant to worry her. I just... I needed to punish myself. For feeling like this, about her. I shouldn't have to constantly remind myself that she was with him - Michael - not me.
I needed to clear my head. I needed some fresh air. The walls in here were already starting to close in on me. I hated being in one place for too long, especially in a hospital room. I tensed my body to stop myself from shuddering and pulled myself upwards. My entire body ached. That's what you get for one too many drinks and a bar fight. I winced at the pain, mentally cursing for letting them see my weakness.
[Y/N] surged forward, ready to fight off the cause of my pain. I almost smiled, but even that couldn't brighten my mood.

"When can I leave?" I asked, ignoring their questions and accusations.
[Y/N] raised her eyebrows. "You can leave as soon as you tell one of us why the hell you keep getting into fights."
I sniggered and instantly regretted it. Hurt flashed into her eyes. It was gone in an instant, replaced quickly by a cold glare.
"I'm off to get a coffee. I was woken up because of some idiot last night, Mike, so I'll be back in a bit."
I took a deep breath, my ribs sighing in pain.
Michael mumbled a goodbye and moved to sit in the seat next to the bed.
"So," he sighed, "are you going to tell me the problem? Because I'm pretty sure I already know what it is."
Not possible. He didn't know- he couldn't know. He would hate me.
"There's no problem. I just had too much to drink." I murmured, trying to sound convincing.
"Me and [Y/N] broke up." He blurted, fiddling with his hands awkwardly.
"What?" Why the hell would he ever let her go?
"Yeah. She's been trying to figure out how to tell you for a couple of days now."
"But... Why?"
Michael half smiled, "because of you, actually."
I braced myself, expecting a punch, but Michael didn't move.
I looked over at him, again finding myself shocked at how tired he looked.
"What's wrong, Mike? You look exhausted."
He barely even attempted a smile.
"I've been stressing out over this." He began, wiping his palms on his jeans. "I- I didn't know you liked her. I promise. I wouldn't have even gone near her if I'd have known."
I could barely believe what I was hearing.
"The first time you got in a fight was the night we got together. You were so... sad that night. Not even angry. Just deflated, depressed. I should have realised then."
I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off.
"It was when you got in the second fight that I started to suspect something was up. It was after I told you about our first time- God, I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry, Calum."
"Michael you..."
"After that I started to notice how you looked at her. How you smiled when she walked into the room." He gulped. "I wasn't sure, but then after that third fight... I broke up with her. I knew it was because of us."
"You... You've been broken up for over a week?"
Michael nodded.
She didn't tell me. Why didn't she tell me?
He chuckled, "I can tell from your face that you're less than pleased that she didn't tell you. That I didn't tell you."
All I could manage was a nod.
"She told me not to. She wanted to tell you herself- I had to respect that."
I nodded again.
"But Cal... I need you to tell her how you feel."
"Mike, she's your ex."
Even as I said it the words felt wrong. I couldn't do that to him.
"We barely even dated for a month, Cal. You deserve her. And you need to stop punishing yourself for liking her. I don't hate you."
"I'm serious, Calum. You need her. A lot more than I do."
My mind was exploding and calm at the same time. Screaming and silent all at once.
"Thank you," I choked. I didn't know what to say to him. Nobody had ever cared this much about me before.
The door flung open and in she walked, rage fuelling her. I could tell that she wanted to yell at me. She handed a coffee to Michael.
"What, none for me?" I grinned, attempting to soften her a little. No such luck.
"Idiots don't get coffee. You'd probably try to burn yourself with it."
"Calum needs to talk to you," Michael stated, raising from the chair. I glared at him. He raised his eyebrows and darted for the door before I could object.
"So," she mused, "ready to tell me what your problem is yet?"
I took a deep breath. I may as well just jump in the deep end.
"You. You're the problem."
The rage was replaced with confusion.
"What? What have I done?"
She chewed on her lip as she waited for my response. Shit. That shouldn't fuck me up this badly. I cleared my throat, but the words weren't ready to come yet. I was glad she couldn't see my shaking hands.
"Cal?" She whispered, her eyes softening.
"Because I shouldn't be feeling like this for you. I shouldn't have the wind knocked out of me every time you enter the damn room, and I shouldn't be totally paralysed by your smile. I shouldn't be feeling like this." I choked out, unable to meet her eyes. Her breathing hitched, but that was the only sign of emotion she showed. She could tell I wasn't done.
"And because I should have told you how I felt about you sooner. Before Michael. Before any of your boyfriends. That's the problem. That I couldn't man up, even for you, because this is utterly terrifying. I don't like feeling this way. In fact I hate it. Because I can't have you a-and you don't want me. And seeing you with other people is torture. Not having you... It's painful. It hurts worse than having the shit beaten out of me. It's horrible."
She stared at me, not blinking. I just waited, giving her time to digest my words.
When she finally did blink, tears fell down her pale cheeks.
"Calum," she whispered, making something deep inside me twist and uncoil in the space of a second.
"I'm sorry," I muttered.
"Calum," she repeated.
"No- don't bother turning me down. I know how you feel."
"Calum, listen to me."
That made me look up at her. Her eyes were shining with tears. I fought the urge to dry her damp cheeks.
"I love you, you complete and utter idiot."
I opened my mouth to speak but the words were stuck on my tongue.
"It's why me and Michael broke up."
"C-come here," I said thickly, grabbing her hand and tugging her closer.
I barely felt the tinge of pain that her kiss caused my split lip. I was consumed in her, the way she tasted, the way she smelt... She filled my senses completely.
"I- I love you too," I mumbled. I had to make sure she knew. She had to know.

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