Ashton: her bright eyes smile when they land on me. God she's beautiful. I take a deep breath, trying to compose myself a little. Hopefully she won't notice the blush creeping up my cheeks. I find it impossible to act cool around her, she just makes me so... Excited. She makes weird feelings bubble up inside me - weird feelings that refuse to go away. Every time I catch myself staring at her for a little too long or thinking about her a little too much I have to remind myself that she has a boyfriend. It happens constantly.
[Y/N]'s smiling eyes don't seem as heavy as last time I saw her. She seems lighter somehow - happier.
"I broke up with my boyfriend," she mentions casually, sipping her coffee as if it's no big deal. I almost choke on my drink. Act cool, Ashton. I raise my eyebrows and try to act like my heart hasn't just started beating at a million miles an hour.
"What? Are you okay?" I exclaim. My voice hits an octave only dogs could hear, making me cringe. I'm the worst at this.
"Actually, yeah. I feel pretty great."
"That's good. I can't say I liked him much."
"You're only just telling me this now?! Why?"
The long list of reasons why I don't like her boyfriend - her ex boyfriend - rush through my head, blurring together and making it almost impossible to sort between them. I gulp. Now is the time to take a risk. "I guess I just never thought he was right for you. He... He definitely wasn't the one for you."
[Y/N] looks conflicted for a moment. I hope that I haven't said anything wrong. Just as I'm about to apologise, she speaks.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
I nod and hold my breath, waiting for her to speak again.
"I broke up with him because I've fallen in love with someone else."
My heart almost stops beating. No. I can't have lost her again. Not yet. This is too soon.
"Oh. Who?" I say, trying my best to put some life into my voice. It's pointless, I sound like I've just found out my dog has died. I don't really want to know who it is, it will just make me hate them.
"You, actually."
I almost wasn't listening when she told me it was me. I had been ready to hear someone else's name, I would never have imagined that she could've said it was me.
When I don't speak she starts rambling.
"I know you probably don't feel the same but I just thought that-"
"How on earth could I not feel the same?" I interrupt her. How can she possibly believe that anyone, especially me, couldn't love her? She's perfect.
A slight smile curves the edges of my lips.
"I love you too, [Y/N]."
Calum: her eyes are sad and full of guilt, but how much she cares about me is clearly there. I had been hesitant about it at first, not wanting to believe that the beautiful girl wanted me in the same way that I wanted her, but now I know. My eyes keep dropping to her lips - I want so badly to feel her mouth pressed against mine and taste her lips, but I can't. She has a boyfriend.
Part of me is almost relived when she pulls away. If she kept looking at me with those huge dark eyes and gently playing with my fingers then I would've done something I'd regret. Tears brim in her eyes as she turns to leave, breaking my heart.
I don't know where she's gone and I'm not sure if she's coming back. As much as I want her to be with me, I want her to be happy more. And spending time with me is putting her relationship in jeopardy.
All I can think about is kissing her. The images won't leave my head; her plump pink lips moving in sync with mine, her long eyelashes lightly fluttering over her soft cheeks as she releases a small moan... I run my hand through my hair frustratedly and try to force the thoughts from my head. It's useless.
A knock at my door rips me away from my thoughts of [Y/N], although my mind returns to her almost instantly. What if it's her?
The second I open the door a pair of soft, strawberry flavoured lips are on mine. I melt into the kiss, wrapping my arms around her waist instinctively.
She smiles at me after a minute, sending my heart into overdrive.
"I broke up with him." She whispers.
I can barely contain my happiness, but the only thing that matters to me right now is how she is feeling. "Are you okay?" I ask her nervously. The smile hasn't left her lips.
"Yeah. I kinda realised that I was in love with someone else. He's really great."
My heart pounds in my chest. She's talking about me. I brush a piece of hair from her face and lean my forehead on hers.
"He's lucky." I whisper, meaning the words more than I have ever meant anything before.
Luke: maybe admitting my feelings to [Y/N] was a mistake. She has barely spoken to me since I told her last week. I pray that there's some other reason that she's avoiding me, but I know that that's just wishful thinking. But I had to tell her, I couldn't resist it. The way she had looked that night, her eyes shining brighter than the stars above us and the moonlight casting a silvery glow over her pale skin... It's an image that is haunting me. I had just blurted out those three little words that had the potential to ruin everything. She looked at me like I was joking, and then realised that I wasn't. Redness painted her cheeks and she giggled awkwardly, not knowing what to say. She had pushed her hair away from her eyes and studied my face for a few minutes, still trying to determine whether or not I was joking. But she knew I wasn't. Even I could hear the raw emotion in my words. Even I could tell that the crack in my voice told her everything she needed to know.
I'm on my way to see her now. It's the first time in a week that I've seen her. This is the longest we've gone without seeing each other in years, and I miss her. Despite the fact that I can't wait to see her, I'm utterly terrified. The hope that she would forget all about it or just not mention it is too much to ask. It'll probably be the first thing she brings up.
I recognise her silhouette the second I lay eyes on the person standing shivering by the phone box. Hopefully acting like we usually do will help us go back to normal. Maybe it'll make her forget about whatever questions she may have for me.
I grab her shoulders from behind, making her jump in shock. She is relieved when she realises it was just me, and she grins.
All of a sudden, we're kissing. It's all I can think about. My entire body is flooded with her. Her small body is pressed to mine, her dainty fingers are entangled in my hair and her tongue traces the edge of my bottom lip. I pull back out of shook, although I immediately miss the warmth of her lips.
"[Y/N] what- what was that?" I stutter, mentally cursing for allowing my voice to waiver. She's grinning widely.
"I broke up with him."
A strange, overwhelming, happy feeling washes over me. She isn't with him anymore. I can't stop myself from smiling.
"Really?" I whisper. I'm not entirely convinced that I'm not dreaming.
"Yeah, I kinda realised that I was in love with you." She says in a tiny, shy voice. I can barely believe what I'm hearing. She wants me. I've waited so long to hear those words fall from her lips. I feel like my heart is going to beat straight out of my chest. I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans and grab her waist, pulling her into me. I just want to be as close to her as possible. I kiss her with as much passion as I can manage. I'm hoping that she realises how much I love her. I whisper the words to her, just making sure that she knows. She has to know. "I love you, [Y/N]."
Michael: so much is happening around us but nothing else matters to me but her. My heart is pounding as loud as the music that surges around us. Her eyes are hypnotising; I can't bring myself to look away, even though I know I should. She has a boyfriend. I hadn't intended for us to end up this close to each other, but as we were dancing I just got carried away wanting to be closer to her. I try to move my lips to speak, but I'm stuck. My chest feels tight when she breaks away from my grip and runs off into the crowd. I follow her immediately; I have to know that she's okay.
I pull the door open and there she is, standing outside in the freezing cold. My first thought is 'give her your jacket,' but I restrain myself given that I've already gotten us into a mess. "[Y/N]..." I begin, trailing off. I'm greeted by her silence. She looks confused. "[Y/N] I'm so sorry. I just... Well I really like you. A lot. I actually think I love you but... I know I can't. You have a boyfriend. You don't feel the same way. I shouldn't have been dancing with you like that, I'm sorry." I ramble. I run my shaky hands through my hair and scratch the back of my neck nervously. Why isn't she saying anything?
"[Y/N], please say something." I beg, unable to take the silence any longer. She looks up from the ground, her teary eyes meeting mine. "Michael I love you. So much it hurts, alright? And I don't know what to do."
I want to be sympathetic, and I want to tell her that I will be happy with whatever she choses to do as long as she's happy, but I can't stop the happy feeling from washing over me. She loves me. However, there is still one problem.
"What- what about your boyfriend?"
"I don't know... I- uh- what do I do?"
"What do you want?
I'm almost scared to hear her response.
"I want you, Michael."
Relief rushes through me. Those words mean everything to me.
"What about... What about him?"
"I want you. I'll break up with him."
I can barely control my emotions. I want to smile, but I know she's having a hard time, so I try my best to suppress my feelings.
Someone is at the door. I know that it's [Y/N]. I run to let her in, but I'm trying not to be too hopeful. Maybe she has changed her mind.
She standing there, looking as perfect as ever, with wide eyes and half a smile on her lips. Something is different about her. She seems... Happier. I bite my lip nervously, waiting for her to speak. The tension is killing me.
"I broke up with him." She tells me, her face breaking into a full smile. I envelope her in a hug, trying to hide how truly happy I am from her. Truthfully, I'm scared that I might cry and I don't want her to see. I have wanted her for so long, and now I've finally got her. It's overwhelming. I kiss the top of her head lovingly.
"So..." I mumble, wondering what is going to happen next.
"So..." She repeats.
"Can we be together now?"
She nuzzles into my chest. Having her in my arms is an amazing feeling. I hold my breath as I wait for her response.
"Yes." She whispers. My heart almost stops. She's mine. I never want to let her go. I breathe out a sigh of relief.
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