You Leave Your Boyfriend For Him

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Ashton: with tears in your eyes you broke up with your boyfriend. It upset you, but you hadn't been feeling the same about him for a while now. It had been this way ever since you met Ashton, and you knew you couldn't keep your boyfriend going like this. It wasn't fair. You fully believed that there was one person out there for everyone, and you were sure that you had found your 'one' with Ashton. You had never felt this way about anyone before.
Ashton's happy face greeted you in the cafe.
"Hey," you said, feeling a little nervous. You weren't sure what you were gonna say.
The two of you just talked about random stuff for a while, but eventually you managed to slip into conversation that you had broken things of with your boyfriend.
"What? Are you okay?" Ashton exclaimed, placing his hand gently on your shoulder.
You nodded. "Actually, yeah. I feel pretty great."
"That's good. I can't say I liked him much."
"You're only just telling me this now?! Why?" You laughed. He grinned and laughed awkwardly while tapping the table nervously.
"I guess I just never thought he was right for you. He... He definitely wasn't the one for you."
You weren't really sure what to say to him. His words had startled you a little.
"Can I tell you a secret?" You asked after a little while. He nodded.
"I broke up with him because I've fallen in love with someone else."
Ashton's eyes widened and then seemed to glaze over a little. "Oh. Who?" He said flatly.
"You, actually." You said quickly, while you still had the nerve to tell him. He looked shocked.
"I know you probably don't feel the same but I just thought that-"
"How on earth could I not feel the same?"
Your breath hitched in your throat as you waited for his explanation. What had he meant? You were practically dying of suspense when he finally spoke again.
"I love you too, [Y/N]."

Calum: your eyes remained intently on Calum's. You wanted to kiss him so badly, but you knew you couldn't. You had a boyfriend.
Calum's fingers grasped at yours, sending shivers down your spine. If you stayed with him any longer you were going to do something you would regret.
"I-I have to go." You stammered, your mouth dry. His eyes sank, almost breaking your heart.
You left before he got a chance to see you cry. You knew exactly what you had to do, you were just terrified to do it.
Your boyfriend opened the door to his apartment with a slight smile on his face.
"Oh, hey," he said flatly when he saw you. He never got excited to see you anymore. It was like he just didn't care. He moved to let you in but you stopped him.
"W-wait, I can't stay. I just needed to talk to you." You said quietly.
"You're breaking up with me, aren't you?"
"Wh- how did you know?"
"I can hear it in your voice."
"I'm sorry."
He shrugged like it wasn't that big of a deal to him and closed the door without saying bye. You figured that was enough of a reason not to feel guilty about leaving him.
You headed back to Calum's place nervously. He beamed at you when he opened the door. The first thing you did was press your lips to his. You had wanted to for such a long time, and now that you finally were it felt magical. It was perfect. When you pulled back you had the biggest smile on your face.
"I broke up with him." You whispered.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I kinda realised that I was in love with someone else. He's really great."
"He's lucky."

Luke: you were stuck. You had been with your boyfriend for three years, and you were sure you loved him, but he didn't make you feel the same way Luke did. Luke was your best friend and you hadn't realised how much you liked him until he confessed his feelings to you the other week. How hadn't you realised how in love with you he was? And more importantly, how hadn't you realised how in love with him you were? You began savouring every last second with Luke and wishing that you could spend all of your time with him. The way he looked at you stirred something deep inside you - it made you feel a way no one else ever had. You knew you were in love with him, but you didn't want to admit it.
You texted your boyfriend to meet. When you saw him you knew your decision would be made.
You were right. The second you saw your boyfriend you were instantly wishing that it was Luke you were meeting up with for coffee. That was how you knew that you needed to end things with him.
The two of you sat down in a Starbucks and you began speaking immediately.
"Uh- I... I think we need to break up." You said nervously. Surprisingly, he didn't look shocked.
"I knew this was coming."
"What? How?"
"Things haven't been the same between us in ages. I knew it was only a matter of time."
"I'm sorry."
"No, [Y/N], it's fine. We're not as good as we used to be."
Luke was due to arrive in five minutes. You could barely wait. You shivered as the freezing cold wind hit your shoulders. You wished you had a warmer coat. Someone grabbed your shoulders from behind, making you jump. Relief flooded through you as you met his eyes. Without hesitation you joined your lips together in what could only be described as a mind blowing kiss. He pulled back after a second, clearly shocked.
"[Y/N] what- what was that?" He stuttered.
"I broke up with him."
The happiness that filled his expression was unreal. His eyes completely lit up and his smile stretched from ear to ear.
"Really?" He whispered.
"Yeah, I kinda realised that I was in love with you." You said quietly. He pulled you back into him, kissing you passionately.
"I love you, [Y/N]." His breath was hot on your lips. Your lips curled into a small smile.
"I love you too, Luke."

Michael: the music and noise of the party pounded around you, but you were stuck in a moment with Michael. Time had slowed down around the two of you as you stared into each other's eyes. There was no denying that you had feelings for each other, but there was just one problem - you had a boyfriend. You had been dancing, and somehow you had ended up close enough to feel his hot breath on your lips. Your heart was beating straight through your chest and as much as you wanted to look away from him, you couldn't. There was something about his eyes that was utterly captivating. You loved him, but you were terrified to admit that.
You broke away from his grip, allowing time to speed up again, and pushed through the crowd. You needed to get some air.
Michael appeared at the doorway a couple of minutes later, his eyes frantically searching for you. "[Y/N]...." He began. You were silent.
"[Y/N] I'm so sorry. I just... Well I really like you. A lot. I actually think I love you but... I know I can't. You have a boyfriend. You don't feel the same way. I shouldn't have been dancing with you like that, I'm sorry." Michael rambled, nervously running his hands through his hair. You weren't sure what to say, so you didn't say anything.
"[Y/N], please say something." He pleaded after a few minutes. You gulped.
"Michael I love you. So much it hurts, alright? And I don't know what to do."
Michael's expression was almost unreadable. Almost. At a first glance, he seemed shocked. But you knew him. You knew what he was thinking. He was happy.
"What... What about your boyfriend?"
"I don't know... I- uh- what do I do?"
"What do you want?"
"I want you, Michael."
"What about... What about him?"
"I just want you. I'll break up with him."
You could tell that he wanted to sympathise with you, but he was unmistakably attempting to suppress a smile.
"Hey," you said to your boyfriend. You were scared. What if he didn't take this well?
"You're coming here to break up with me, aren't you?"
"What the- how did you know?" You sighed.
"I saw you and Mike the other night."
"Nothing happened. I promise. I wouldn't do that to you."
"I know you wouldn't, I just mean... Well you're good together. Better than we are. I see the way you look at each other... You love him, [Y/N], and he loves you too. You should be with him."
You couldn't believe he was being so sweet. Tears sprang to your eyes. "I'm sorry." You whispered, your voice cracking.
"Hey, shhh. Don't be sorry. I just want you to be happy." He said, rubbing your shoulder comfortingly. "Go tell him." He said quietly.
Michael opened the door, his eyes wide and expectant, waiting for you to tell him what happened.
"I broke up with him." You breathed, your voice barely audible. Michael's face broke out in a smile. He wrapped his arms around you tightly and kissed the top of your head.
"So..." He mumbled questioningly.
"So..." You repeated.
"Can we be together now?"
You smiled into his chest.
He squeezed you a little tighter. You could hear the smile in his voice when he spoke.

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