Nervous - Luke Hemmings - P2

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I shove my shaky hands into my pockets and take a deep breath, willing both my heart and my mind to stop racing.

[Y/N] suggests that we go somewhere for pizza and I nod eagerly, even though I had pizza for lunch. Where I'm concerned, she can have whatever she wants. All I want is her happiness.

We stop in a little place and I awkwardly mumble to the waitress about wanting a table for two. It feels like this is a date, and everything about the situation is making me feel nervous. I don't think my mouth has ever felt this dry.

[Y/N] is sitting across from me and she looks so beautiful, as usual. I feel like I should tell her, but I'm not sure if she'll be okay with that. She probably doesn't think that this is a date, and telling her that she looks beautiful is a very date thing to say.

There's just something about the way her hair sits perfectly and the mysterious sparkle in her eyes that has me hooked. Not only that, but it has me tripping over words and freaking out. I have no idea to stay calm around her.

We order our pizzas and [Y/N] suggests that we meet up tomorrow as well. She wants to see me on a Saturday? Personally I can't believe that she wants to do work on the project over the weekend, but I'm not complaining - it means I don't have to go two days without seeing her, which is normally hell for me.

"That sounds good. We could meet at the library?" I suggest, hoping my voice doesn't sound as high pitched to her as it does to me.

She giggles, blushes and glances down at the table. She's adorable. "I, uh, I was kinda hoping we could do something that isn't project related." She mumbles nervously, still not meeting my eyes.

I can't believe what I'm hearing. She wants to spend time with me outside of university? Time that isn't spent working on our project or doing education-related things? I must be dreaming.

Her eyes flicker upwards, locking on mine. My mouth is dry and the words are stuck in my throat, so I nod enthusiastically. Too enthusiastically. I hope she doesn't think that's weird.

"Yeah," I choke, my voice hoarse, "that would be great."

A wide smile brightens up her worried features, and my heart skips a beat. She's perfect.

While we eat, my minds drifts to tomorrow. How am I going to make it as amazing as possible for her? How am I going to manage a whole day without fucking up majorly? I cannot ruin what I've got - whatever it is - with her. I can't mess it up.

"Luke?" [Y/N] says, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I respond, and I can't help but smile at her. She's almost too pretty.

"I'm looking forward to tomorrow."

She sounds nervous, and judging by the pink shade of her cheeks I'd say that she is. But she's still smiling. She's a lot braver than I am.

I gulp and try to stay calm, despite the heavy beating of my heart.

"Me too." I say.

I'm desperately nervous about tomorrow, but I've never meant anything more. A whole day with [Y/N] is my dream.

* * *

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