Nervous - Luke Hemmings

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My heart hammers with nerves and anticipation as I wait for [Y/N] to get into the lecture hall.

Today is the first day of working on our joint projects, and by some miracle I got partnered with her.

The only problem is how nervous she makes me. She turns me into a complete wreck. I fell in love with her the second I met her, but my crippling nerves continue to make it impossible for me to act normal around her, much less for me to ask her out.

[Y/N] walks into the room and scans the room for me. I give her a slight wave and she grins and heads to where I'm sitting.

"Hey," she greets me, still grinning. It makes me weak. She's gorgeous.

My mouth is unrealistically dry, but I manage to choke out a "hi."

The lecturer hasn't arrived yet, giving us a few minutes to talk. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not - I don't want to make an idiot out of myself.

"How are you?" She asks, meeting my eyes.

"I'm g-good, thanks. You?" I reply. So far so good, in spite of the tremble in my voice.

"Great, thanks!"

I'm glad she's happy. She's all I care about, so if she wasn't happy I'd go out of my way to make sure that she was.

Our eyes are still locked together, but neither of us are speaking. I can't help but get lost in her eyes - they're beautiful.

"You have amazing eyes, Luke." She tells me, and my cheeks get hot.

I want to tell her that I was thinking the same thing about her eyes, or that she is amazing, but my mouth is glued shut. I can't even manage a 'thank you'.

I attempt to force a sentence out by opening my mouth, but all that comes out is a little squeak.

My face gets even hotter. Great.

She giggles, which doesn't help me at all. That sound is my favourite thing to hear, and it paralyses me.

"Luke?" She says, sounding a little worried.

"S-sorry," I stammer, "thank you."

Attempting to compliment her is next to impossible, so I gulp and hope that she doesn't hate me.

Thankfully, the lecturer arrives, saving me from my embarrassment.


After the lecture finishes and we've made sure all of our notes are the same, [Y/N] suggests that we go to the library to do a bit of research on the subject of our project.

I agree, not because I want to do the work, but because it gives me an excuse to spend more time with her.

We find an empty corner of the library and start flicking through a few books that we've found on our topic.

I momentarily glance upwards, my eyes instantly fixating on [Y/N] sitting across the table from me.

There's something about the way her hair falls over her face and how her eyebrows scrunch together in concentration as her finger traces the line she's reading that makes my heart beat a little quicker. She's never looked more beautiful, and I have to make an unreal effort to pull my eyes away from her.

It takes a minute, but I manage to focus my attention back on the book I'm reading. Moments later, she says my name.

It sounds so good when she says it.

"Hmm?" I wonder, lifting my head from the book.

"Do you wanna go get something to eat?"

Is she asking me out? I don't want to even consider that an option. If I consider it then I'll just be disappointed when she confirms that it's nothing more than her being friendly.

Still, there's no way I'm rejecting her offer. The more time I get to spend with her the better - even if I make an idiot out of myself more times than I can count.

I nod my head, "I would love that."

* * *

Sorry that it's been a while!! I'm useless, I know I know!

But, here's the first part of Nervous! Luke, I hope you guys like it and I hope y'all don't hate me too much for being a slow updater. I will be back on track v v soon, I promise!!

Okay, you lot might hate me for this, but I think it's going to be a good thing. I'm gonna make it 15 votes = immediate update. Just because 10 votes are coming in really quickly nowadays (because y'all are amazing!!!!), and I feel bad when I can't give you the next chapter instantly purely because 10 votes are happening super fast!!

I want to make sure all my updates are of decent quality and I can't do that if I have to speed write an update, so this is a good thing, I promise!! It means that you get better content!

All my love, and thank you all so much! xoxo

p.s. I'm really excited about my Calum Hood fic 'Wanderlust' that I'm writing alongside these preferences, and it would mean a lot to me if you could have a look at it!
💓 pleasepleaseplease 💓

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