Our hands are so close. If I just reached out a little my finger would brush [Y/N]'s - and then maybe we'd even hold hands. I could hold her hand all the way to the Italian.
I want to hold her hand. I want to hold her hand so badly. But my palms are sweaty and I'm scared she's not really considering this a date, so I don't reach out and lace her fingers in mine. Even though I really, really want to.
We reach the restaurant and quickly get shown to a table. I rush to pull her chair out for her, almost tripping over my feet in the process.
"Thank you," she says with a little giggle. She sounds a little nervous - although I'm not sure why. She holds all the cards here. She's the one with the grip on my heart - she has all the power in this situation.
I sit down and bury my head in my menu. I'm at a loss for words already. Shit. I hope she doesn't think this is awkward. I have no idea what to do or say - all I can think about is how pretty she looks and how lucky I am to be on a kind-of-date with her.
"W-what are you having?" I ask, finally finding the courage to speak up a little. We've been friends for ages, conversation shouldn't be a problem. But we've never been in a situation like this- a date. Conversation now matters more than ever - and I'm doing an awful job at it.
"A ham and pineapple pizza, I think." She states, offering me a small smile. What if she thinks I'm ignoring her? Fuck. Why are dates so complicated? It's not like I've been on many - I don't want to lead anyone on knowing how completely devoted my heart is to [Y/N], but it's not like I've never had a date. But they're never like this - probably because I've never been this nervous before. I've never liked a girl enough to get nervous around her before - not until [Y/N].
"I'm gonna go for a pepperoni pizza." I tell her, keeping my voice as steady as I can.
"Good choice. I might have to steal a slice." She smirks, nodding her head slightly.
I'd give you the whole damn thing if you asked for it.
"You l-look really pretty, [Y/N]," I blurt, voicing my thoughts. It's half an accident - I did want to tell her, but I was going to wait. Obviously my mind got carried away with itself.
She looks cute when she blushes.
"T-thanks. You look pretty good yourself, Cal."
My turn to blush.
I glance downwards and notice how her fingers are resting near my side of the table. I'm still desperate to hold her hand, and this time I'm less reluctant to hold back. I wipe my palms on my jeans and take a deep breath before placing my hand near hers. It takes a few minutes, but eventually I've managed it. Our hands are linked across the table, and her cheeks are flushed again, but she's smiling and she doesn't pull her hand away. That's a good sign, right?
The feel of her soft skin against mine sends shivers down my spine. Her touch sends fire burning through my veins - I've never felt something this intense before. The fire in my veins leaves my entire body feeling warm - I'm not used to it, but I definitely like it. I could get used to this... If only.
The conversation gets easier and easier, and I'm stumbling over fewer words. We talk abou everything and nothing. From what kind of job she wants to her favourite animal, from her family to her friends... Nothing is off limits. I feel completely at ease with her, despite my hammering heartbeat.
[Y/N] makes an effort to laugh at my dumb joke about pasta just as we're finishing our pizzas, and I realise how much I really do like her. Nobody laughs at my jokes.
For a few minutes we sit in a comfortable silence before she pipes up, her voice quiet and a little shaky.
"Uhm, Calum?"
"Is this a- a date? Like a real date?"
* * *
y'all are little cuties for giving this series so much love! thank you to the moon and back, all the love💕
as usual, 10 likes=update!
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