"Wendy run away with me, I know I sound crazy don't you see what you do to me? I wanna be your lost boy your..." I sing absentmindedly as I stumble into my room. It's a tip in here. I can't let [Y/N] see it like this.
I blush, realising that she probably isn't going to be seeing my bedroom. I would be so lucky; it's extremely unlikely that the beautiful girl is going to end up in here.
I grab all the clothes from the floor and shove them in my washing basket quickly. Just doing that makes the room seem 70% tidier. Next to go are all the empty cups and dirty plates. I grab some air freshener while I'm in the kitchen - it can't hurt to make it smell a little nicer.
I make the bed, blushing again when the idea of her on my bed crosses my mind. Fuck. My mind really needs to slow down a little.
I move on to the living room and the kitchen, giving them a quick tidy around. She's going to be here soon. I need to change. This isn't a date Calum, I remind myself. Still, I pull my shirt over my head and replace it with a Green Day shirt.
The doorbell sounds out as I'm spraying on some aftershave. She's going to think I'm trying too hard.
"Hey," I greet her, my voice coming out hoarse. Good start Cal.
Her eyes sparkle as she smiles. "Hi."
I stand and just look at her for a minute before she releases a giggle. My heart flutters.
"Are you gonna let me in, Cal?"
I step backwards and let her into my house, apologising to her for being an idiot.
I show her into my living room and she perches on the edge of the sofa.
"Get c-comfy, [Y/N]." I tell her, ignoring the stutter.
"I'll put some music on," I decide, figuring it will ease my nerves. I shove my phone into the docking station and press play on my All Time Low playlist, praying that she likes it.
She raises her eyebrows, "All Time Low!" She cheers, "I love this band."
I'm going to need to marry this girl.
"So- uh- what is it that you need help with?" I ask, eyeing her textbooks.
[Y/N] looks towards the textbooks as if she's completely forgotten that she came over here with the intention to do work.
"I- the, um, essay that we need to write for next week. About the popularity of K-pop. Uh- I'm a bit stuck with it."
I nod, understanding completely. So far all the essays and assignments in our music course had been on more well known music - this was the first on music for specific audiences. I guess we have it all to look forward to.
She averts her gaze onto me, and I forget how to speak. Her eyes are gorgeous. My heart seems to be trying to escape from my chest.
"I- you- uh-" I stammer, feeling my cheeks flush. "I think we p-probably need to get some stats about how- how many people listen to it from the Internet, a-and then write some stuff about why it's getting more popular over here. And why it's popular in- in other countries."
"You're good at this, Cal." She compliments me, her cheeks turning a little pink.
"Thanks," I chuckle, the colour of my face matching hers.
"I'm gonna write down what you just said. Then do you- uh, wanna order pizza or something?"
"Yeah, or we could go-" I begin, cutting myself off. Fuck. I spoke out loud.
When I don't continue, she creases her eyebrows together in confusion. "Go where?"
"I- I dunno. I was just gonna say we could go to that Italian down the street instead of ordering in, bu-ut if you don't want to then-"
"Like a date?" She squeaks, almost instantaneously blushing.
My face is burning hot.
"I'm sorry I-"
"That would be great, Cal." She interrupts with a small smile. I take a breath. Phew. My heart is hammering loudly against my ribcage. My entire body feels like it's in overdrive.
When I've calmed down a little, the realisation dawns on me. We're going on a date.
* * *
This one is a bit shit bc I wanted to do a mini Nervous!Calum series so this is sort of a little filler type thing.
10 likes for part 3! Lovelovelove💕
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