Ashton: you took a deep breath and pushed down on the handle, the door swinging open to reveal Ashton, who advanced towards you immediately. Nerves played over his face freely, his tough persona weakened by the whole ordeal. His large hands tightly grasped your shoulders and his eyes concentrated solely on your own as he spoke.
"Thank god you're here, [Y/N]. I swear to you, I didn't do it. I swear it."
You sighed and shrugged his hands from your shoulders, closing the door and shuffling further into the room.
"I bought a bunch of different magazines to try and prove it to you. Look!" Ashton told you, thrusting an open magazine towards you.
You glanced down at the image he was pointing at but quickly looked away.
"Why would I want to look at you kissing someone else?" You spat bitterly.
"No, look carefully."
Your face creased in confusion as you intently examined the image. You weren't exactly sure what you were looking for, but then realisation dawned upon you.
"This ones me." You whispered.
"Yeah, it's a completely different picture to Hello! magazine, and the Hello! magazine has a completely different picture to Ok! magazine. They all use different pictures. Some are photoshopped, some are of us. I didn't do it, [Y/N], I couldn't do that to you."
You sat down on the edge of the bed and allowed your head to fall into your hands.
"Oh god, I'm such an idiot."
He was quickly next to you, pulling you into him comfortingly.
"Only for believing I could ever do that to you. You had a perfectly good reason to be pissed, but you should know that I love you too much to even think about hurting you." He said quietly, a small smile forming on his lips.
"I love you too, Ash." You said quietly, smiling back at him as he kissed your forehead.
Calum: three sharp knocks signalled Calum's arrival at your room. You pulled the door open and allowed yourself two seconds to gaze into his chocolate brown eyes before you quickly focused your attention on the floor. You couldn't let him use his charm to win his way out of this situation. You stepped back, gesturing for him to enter as you did so. The door closed quietly, and for a few moments neither of you said a word.
"I can't believe, after everything, you bought more." You uttered, breaking the silence. A smile tugged at the edges of his lips.
"Sorry, do you find this amusing?" You snapped.
He grinned widely. "No, but I like how well I know you." You narrowed your eyes, glaring at him.
"I didn't buy any new property. I paid a few news update programmes to say that I had because I knew the quickest way to get you speaking to me was to piss you off."
You smiled despite yourself, shaking your head as you attempted to suppress the urge to laugh.
"I can't believe you."
"[Y/N], I'm sorry about how I acted before. I should have consulted you about what I was buying, but I wanted it to be a surprise. I didn't realise that people would be reporting on it. That kind of explains my reaction to you confronting me as well. Since I wanted it to be a surprise, when you found out I was annoyed so I took it out on you, which I should not have done. I'm sorry." He rambled, his eyes concentrating solely on your own.
You remained silent for a few minutes as you stared at your shoes. You allowed every word to process in your mind before you looked back up at him.
"So when are we going to our new holiday homes?" You grinned, stepping towards him and wrapping your arms around his neck.
Luke: you sat in silence as Luke paced the kitchen. Despite the restlessness, he was calm, which somehow made you more nervous.
"How was it?" He blurted, stopping directly in front of you.
"What?" You replied in confusion.
"The kiss. How was it?"
You stood up and gently placed your hands on his shoulders, hoping that your touch would sooth him.
"Awful, Luke. It lasted for less than a second, but all I could think about was the fact that it wasn't you. I hated it." You told him truthfully. His tense shoulders relaxed a little, but his eyes were still wild.
His calmness soon faded as the realisation of what Chuck had done settled in.
"I'm gonna kill him..." He muttered, striding towards the door.
"Wait, no!" You yelped, rushing to beat him to the door. Luckily you managed to throw yourself in front of it before he could open it. You firmly dug your palms into his shoulders and pushed him away from the door, leaning against it to further disadvantage him.
"Move, [Y/N]. He can't get away with kissing you. He needs to be taught that he can't just go around making out with other people's girlfriends." Luke's voice was low and gravely, igniting a flame in the pit of your stomach. This side of Luke was hot.
You pushed yourself into him, pulling his head down to meet yours. Your lips collided in a mind-blowing fashion - you were sure sparks actually flew off you guys.
Hours later you laid in bed with Luke, your limbs entangled and your head resting comfortably on his bare chest.
"See, that was a much better way of getting your anger out..." You whispered to him, earning a breathy chuckle and a kiss on the top of your head.
Michael: "C'mon, [Y/N], open the door!" Michael yelled, his fists hammering on the wood. You were sat next to the door contemplating allowing him inside. Deep down you knew that this wasn't really his fault, but you were still annoyed at him. If he had actually listened to you then he wouldn't have ended up kissing someone else.
"[Y/N] please!" He shouted. You sighed and heaved yourself from the ground, unlocking the door to be greeted by Michael very nearly hitting you in the face.
"[Y/N]!" He exclaimed, enveloping you in his arms. Even if you were pissed at him, being held by Michael was the best feeling you had ever experienced.
"You should have listened to me, Mike..."
"I know." His voice was muffled by your hair, but you could hear a rare seriousness in his tone. "It's just, I don't imagine that anyone else could like me because the only person I give a shit about is you. I don't pay attention to anyone else enough to realise if they've been flirting or giving me signs or whatever. You're the only one I see, [Y/N]."
You found yourself appreciating your embrace even further as it meant Michael couldn't see the tears brimming in your eyes.
"You really mean that?" You choked.
"Of course I do you idiot. I love you, and only you. After you left I went back inside and told Eva that if she ever contacted me again I would get a restraining order."
You giggled. "A restraining order?"
"Looking at it now it's quite unrealistic, but I was angry okay!" Michael laughed defensively. "Besides, I don't want her anywhere near me. The only person I want near me is you."
You tore away from Michael's arms and pulled him towards you, your lips crashing together passionately.
"See, there's no one as good as you." He whispered onto your lips. You smiled into the kiss, lacing your hands though his hair and allowing him to slowly move you towards the bedroom.
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