Ashton: you smiled halfheartedly at your sister as she placed an unappetising sandwich in front of you. Normally you would've made a comment about her awful food preparation skills, but she was really trying to be comforting, so you remained silent.
"You really should eat something, hun. I know you're hurting, but starving yourself isn't going to make him a better boyfriend." She said, trying to inject some logic into your life.
"I don't understand, this is really out of character for him... But there's evidence! It's all over the papers, so what am I supposed to believe?" You blurted, your thoughts being too loud to stay contained in your mind.
"You need to talk to him about this, [Y/N], not me. But I agree with you, hun, those accusations just aren't him. I've known him a few years longer than you have, and I know that this isn't something he'd do. You need to talk to him."
You gulped and nodded your head. Ashton had been calling you non-stop, so the next time your phone started buzzing you answered it.
'[Y/N] I...' Ashton began.
'Stop, Ashton. I'm at my sisters, I'll be home in ten minutes. We need to talk."
Calum: you hadn't spoken to Calum for three days. He had been calling you and texting you, but you weren't ready to forgive him just yet. You weren't sure how much longer you could keep the silent treatment going, but you didn't know if you were ready to forgive and forget just yet. Maybe you had overreacted a little bit? You weren't sure. You hadn't been trying to start an argument with him, a simple explanation would've been fine, but he had gotten defensive.
You flicked on the TV in your room, hoping that some music would soothe your thoughts.
A five minute music-news update flashed on screen after not too long.
"Calum Hood has bought some more property guys! He's spending a lot recently, but at least [Y/N] won't have to stay in a hotel for all of their next world tour! Lucky her!" The news presenter said. You couldn't believe him. The phone was ringing before you could even think about what you were going to say. Your thoughts were overtaken with rage, however the second you heard his voice you calmed down a little, much to your dismay.
'Hello? [Y/N]?" Calum said into the phone.
'I can't believe you!' You snapped, attempting to keep your voice level.
His laugh echoed down the phone, much to your surprise.
'I'm glad you're finally talking to me.'
'[Y/N], can we please talk? Please?'
You sighed. You couldn't hide away forever, especially with the nightly rates of this hotel.
'Fine Calum. I'm staying at Waldorf hotel, room 318.'
Luke: "hey, Chuck. How are things?" You said, sitting down next to him on the park bench where you had arranged to meet.
"Meh. How are things with you?"
"Same. What's up?"
"The usual. Parents won't stop yelling, blah blah blah.... And yourself?"
"Luke wants me to stop seeing you because he thinks you like me, which is crazy. What's even crazier is that he thinks I like you, which I don't, not like that. Doesn't he realise that I love him?" You rambled.
"Yeah, I did like you, but that was... different. When I met him everything just changed. I can't even explain it."
Chuck pressed his lips to yours, earning an angry squeal in protest as you ungracefully pulled yourself away from him.
"What the hell are you doing?! Did you not hear any of that?" You screamed at him, standing up to create more distance between you.
"Yeah, but I don't really believe you. I know you like me. And you're in luck, I like you too!"
"What the fuck?! I don't like you, Chuck. I like Luke. And now I can see why he was worried. I think I might've made a mistake walking out on him earlier on. I've got to go. Please don't call me for a while, I really don't have anything to say to you."
Michael: you ran out of the club, the cold wind painful against your bare arms. You looked around frantically, praying for a taxi to be driving past so you could make a quick getaway. Unfortunately you had no such luck.
"[Y/N]!" Michael yelled from somewhere behind you. You paused for a second, conflicted about whether to turn to him or to run from him.
You slowly turned to him, a shiver running down your spine. He jogged towards you, stopping directly in front of you and tightly grasping your shoulders.
"[Y/N] I..."
"I told you! I told you and you thought I was being some jealous idiot!" You yelled at him.
"I know you did I just..."
"And now you've kissed her and it's probably going to be all over the papers and I'm going to look like a complete idiot! People are going to be giving me pitiful gazes everywhere I go, all because you refused to listen to me!"
"[Y/N] I'm sorry alright! I should've listened to you. I should've known better."
"You know what, Mike, I think I need a bit of time to think." You sighed.
Finally there was a taxi nearing you. You stuck your hand into the road and it pulled over for you.
"Don't go, [Y/N]. Please don't go. I love you."
You bit back your tears and sucked your breath in sharply, his words ringing in your ears. The crack in his voice and the desperation behind every word stung you, but you couldn't stay. You had to get away from there, now.
"Bye, Michael."
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