y/n POV:
"y/n come on get up now please" your dad said shaking you awake
"It's to early I don't wanna"you said trying to get under the covers while he kept taking it away from you
"y/n it won't be so pretty when mommy comes to wake you up so please wake up now" Ashton said trying to save you from a terrible morning
"fine" you said huffing getting up and putting on what was on your desk
after you got dressed you went to brush your teeth and went to sit on the couch watching your Disney show
" alright come on we're going to uncle Lukes house " Ashton said turning on the tv
" hey I was watching that " you said crossing your arms
" well we're leave let's go " Your mom told you putting a hand on her hip
" well I'll tell you what I don't want to go and I'm not going " you said putting both hands on your hip giving them sass
" watch the attitude " Ashton said getting impatient while walking over to you throwing you over his shoulder
" put me down right now mister "
you said hitting is back and kicking your feet
"Get in and buckle you seatbelt"
Your mom said getting in while buckling her own seatbelt
"no" you said looking out the window at your dad standing texting Luke saying they were on the way
" Y/n Irwin buckle right now stop playing " your mom started raising her voice
you mimicked your mom but still put your seatbelt on.
One the way there you got bored and wanted to listen to music
"daddy put the radio on right now" you said being the diva you are
" ask nicely and I will " your dad told you keeping his eyes on the road
" just put it on " you whined
" if your not gonna ask nicely we're not listening to anything but the wind " he said having enough of your brattiness
" then we'll listen to the wind " you said crossing your arms looking out the window
Once you got to Luke's house all the boys were there waiting for you guys and you quickly ran to Michael since he was your favorite
" hi mikey" you said running to hug him
" hey y/n/n " he said picking you up while hugging you
Alittle while later the boys where working on music and you had taken Ashtons phone because you got bored but you didn't know the password so you kept trying until you disabled it for 10 minutes
" DADDY theres something wrong with your stupid phone " you said giving him his phone
" fix it now because I'm bored " you said putting your hands on your hips
" ohhh the girl is hot " Luke and Calum joked around seeing Ashton getting upset and how sassy y/n was getting
" y/n you disabled my phone for 10 minutes why are you every touching without asking " he started raising his voice and your mom tried calming him down but wasn't working
" because I was bored " you said playing with your fingers
" you know what for the next ten minutes you can go sit in timeout I've had enough of you being a brat and giving attitude all day " he said getting louder with every word
" GO SIT IN A CORNER NOW " your dad yelled as you ran off whimpering afraid of him because he's never yelled at you before
the boys tried calming Ashton down but all he did was get up and go in the backyard slamming the door behind him
" daddy your a cheater I'm never playing with you again " y/n yelled getting off the kitchen chair running to the living room couch as y/n face planted on to the couch into a pillow
Calum chases right after her
" oh yea well your just mad I was going to win "
Y/n sat back up
" y/n/n that's how the game-"
Calum tried talking until y/n cut him off
" only my friends can call me
y/n/n and your not my friend right now daddy" she said crossing her arms
" I may not be your friend but I'm your daddy so I call you wait I want y/n/n" he said raising his eyebrows and closing his eyes proudly (😌)
" I DONT CARE " you said stomping on his foot run I to your room slamming the door locking it
" y/n y/m/n Hood you do not slam doors OR lock your door I don't even know why your door has a lock- Y/N get out here now!" Calum said
" not until you admit you cheated you cheating cheater daddy " y/n yelled from the other side of the door
" y/n get out here now " calum said knocking
" make me " she said kicking the door
" Y/n NOW!" Calum said more upset
" I said make me Calum " y/n said shouting from under the door
" don't call me calum,"
" it's daddy or dada to you little miss " calum said getting aggravated
"whatever calum your a cheater"
" y/n good listen to me, that's how candy land works. I picked a card and I got the popsicle card which means I go closer to finish it's not my fault I even let you shuffle the cards so if it's anybody's fault it's yours" calum tried explaining
" nope you cheated daddy and I'm never coming out " y/n said sitting on her little desk across her room
Calum then gave up looking for something to pick the lock with and once he opened the door he found y/n cuddled up into her bed crying
" y/n why are you crying " he said picking you up into his arms making you rest your head on his shoulder
" how did you get in daddy " she asked him
" magic powers now tell me why your crying " he said kissing her head
" I'm mad at you because you won't admit you cheated " y/n said getting off her fathers shoulder to look him in the eye while wiping her tears away
" alright fine, I cheated I'm sorry I won't do it again" calum gave up knowing one day she'd get the rules of candy land
" wasn't so hard was it daddy "
said giggling giving Calum a quick peck on the lips
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