It was 10pm and y/n had been asleep for the last 2 hours while Michael and Crystal were just now going to bed little did they know your were awoken by a nightmare you had and was just sitting against the headboard of your bed cuddling your favorite bear that you sleep with
After being scared you were still tired so you went to back to bed
then around 1 in the morning a loud clap of thunder woke you up and you screamed and started whining wanting your parents as you waited they never came so you went to your parents room
You slowly opened the door to see your mom and dad cuddling with each other so you went to your dads side first because you were a daddy's girl of course
You climbed on the bed struggling a bit but once you got up you poked his cheek softly but he didn't wake up so you went over to your moms side give her nose a tiny kiss and then poked her shoulder
" y/n what are you doing awake baby " Crystal asked you while sitting up
" i was scared and I went to daddy but he didn't wake up so I came to you " you said with sad eyes
Crystal then hit his shoulder making him twist to face you guy he was hearing your guys conversation but half asleep
" can I sleep with you and daddy please mama " you asked pouting hoping she would say yes
"nooo" michael said whining like a little kid because he wanted to sleep alone with crystal
"Hm" you said with a mad face crossing your arms
" mean daddy " you said wrapping your arms around you crystals neck
" yes of course you can sleep with us baby " she said kissing your cheek putting you in the middle of Michael and her then when Michael opened his eyes he saw you grinning because you got your way.
He kissed your cheek and you all went back to bed
"Dadddyyyy" y/n yelled from her room
" yesssss " Ashton yelled from the living room with the boys watching a movie
" i need water " y/n yelled back
" I gave you water like 5 minutes ago go to bed y/n I'm not saying it again "
y/n tried many strategies for Ashton to let her stay up past her bedtime and let her watch the movie they were watching
" pleaseee daddy please I love you so so so so much " y/n yelled sweetly
"Aww man go get y/n some water or I will" Calum said throwing a pillow at his head
" goodnight y/n " he said once again getting back on his phone
Calum then got up getting water going to your room
" uncle calum can you pretty please with a cherry on top tell my daddy to let me stay up and watch the movie with you guys " y/n begged jumpin on her knees on her bed
" I'm trying but he's being a butthead "
" he's a mean daddy " you said crossing your arms
" hold on I think I know how " calum said grinning winking at you
Calum went downstairs snatching ashtons phone out his hands
" let y/n watch the movie with us or I'll tell her what really happened to her favorite doll " Calum threatened
" you wouldn't dare " Ashton said getting up
" wanna bet " calum said smirking
" fine " Ashton gave in sitting back down
" dang Calum never knew you had that kinda energy in you mate " Michael said fist bumping calum (🤜🏼🤛🏼)😂
Luke,Calum and Michael all starting teasing Ashton on how quick he gave in.
"y/n come down here" Luke yelled
y/n came down and stood next to her father
" yes " you said grinning
"You can stay up and watch the movie but don't tell your mother" Ashton said pointing his finger on your nose
your ran to calum cuddling to his side
" hey I let you stay up and you don't even cuddle with me " Ashton said pretending to be offended
" nope " y/n said laughing cuddling more with calum will grinning looking at Ashton
Luke and Michael sat there laughing at Ashton
" just kidding daddy I'll cuddle you, but uncle calum don't get to lonley without me " y/n said running to her fathers side
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net