The rules

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1. DO NOT give Hardcase any caffeine of sugar. Never! - Rex

2. Don't get on kix's nerves, he knows the most painful ways to kill people.

3. Don't get between Echo and his book, last time Fives ended up with 4 broken ribs- Kix

4. Stop giving me black coffee, that's not even coffee for kriff sake! Put some creamer in it!- Rex

5. Don't mess with General Kenobi's tea, you will end up on guard duty outside his room for a month- Fives and Hardcase

6. Stop pranking people!- Anakin

7. If you're going to scare shinies, please just don't use those kriffing spiders for it- Echo

8. Any time you need a volunteer to do something dangerous just take Dogma- everyone minus Dogma

9. Never mess with Tup's hair, he will beat you up- everyone

10. Fives and Hardcase are hereby banned from using paintball guns- Rex and Echo

11. Don't pair Hevy and Hardcase in a team, they won't leave any droids left for you to shoot.

12. Never let Hardcase eat after 7 o'clock, he won't leave us alone- Dogma and Tup

13. Not more than five people in the showers at a time, I don't want to repeat that incident- Rex

14. Don't use sand in my pranks, I have a lightsaber, and I have a key to the barracks- Anakin

15. Never accept one of Fives' dares- Echo

16. If you want to ask someone a question and it's after eight o'clock, go ask Cody, not me- Obi-Wan

17. Don't let Hardcase eat the cookies, how many times must I tell you!- Rex and Ahsoka

18. Don't challenge Echo to a fistfight, he is an ARc, and he will send you to the medbay- Dogma

19. Stop playing dodgeball in the barracks, It makes Hardcase hyper- Rex

20. Let me eat cake!- Hardcase

21. No more taking animals back to the barracks, I'm looking at you, Echo- Rex, and Anakin

22. Waxer is not allowed to have anything that he can prank you with- Cody and Obi-Wan

23. Please stop getting in fights with the ARC's, I'm tired of Bandaging you up- Kix

24.Don't tell the shinies that Kix is evil, they will believe you- Rex and Kix

25. You aren't allowed to tell Hardcase where the Halloween candy is- everyone minus Hardcase

26. Stop making food fights in the mess hall- Anakin

27. Don't paint people's armor different colors, for kriff sake- Kix

28. Never give Hardcase salted cashews, they make him hyper and he's allergic- Echo

29. Never steal my datapad, that thing is like a child to me- Echo

30. Any prank that involves sand is for the General, got it?- Rex

31. The word 'Krell' is an official cuss word- everyone

32. If you annoy me, Don't forget I'm a medic- Kix and Coric

33. If you need driving lessons, don't take them from Fives- everyone minus Fives.

34. Don't let Echo around Loth-cat's he is SUPER allergic- Coric

35. Don't scare the new ARC's about the training, Fives, it's not that bad- Echo

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