36. Never make fun of the Wolffe pack for howling- everyone
37. No, Hardcase is not allowed with anything that can drive, fly, or etcetera, last time he gave Echo a concussion when he was allowed to- Kix and Coric
38. Stop scaring people in the shower, for kriff sake- Tup
39. If you want to fight, pay me in cookies and I won't tell- Hardcase
40. For the love of kriff, stop letting Hardcase eat donuts!- Rex
41. If you're going to do a prank, never let Dogma in on it, he will ruin everything- everyone minus Dogma
42. Don't use any prank involving bees, why the kriff must I tell you?! I am allergic to bees!- Fives
43. Quit replacing the soap with toothpaste, I'm looking at you, Hardcase- Jesse
44. Who used my toothbrush to brush their hair!? Never, and I repeat, NEVER do that, again- Echo
45. Don't let Hardcase have any kind of Coffee, or Capuchinou, becuase so help me, I will lock you in a closet, and break all of your ribs- Fives
46. If you're looking for a book to read, don't take Echo's library card. Just because we look the same doesn't mean we can steal other's property- Rex
47. If we're going out to eat, the bill is on Dogma- Everyone minus Dogma
48. Never take our kama's, for the last time, guys! So help us, we will destroy you, and we know the most PAINFUL ways to do it- Fives and Echo, the ARC troopers
49. If you do something wrong, don't tell Dogma, because he will feed Hardcase cookies and then lock him in your room. Trust me, I know. It's not fun- Echo
50. Don't take vibroblades from the battlefield. Last time, Hardcase got ahold of them, and he ate the cookies, and almost stabbed Echo's eye- Coric
51. Don't unlock the safe in my room- Fives
52. If I die on the battlefield, someone has to promise to slap Fives for me- Echo
53. When things go wrong, blame it on Dogma- literally everyone except Dogma
54. If- and when- I catch the person who stuck that cat under my bed, I will make them read to kill a mockingbird, and then give them a lecture on why it is a great book! I'm allergic to cats! -Echo
55. Give me your cookies!- Hardcase
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