About two weeks had passed since Tom and Tord's last date and the two just hung out at each other's house for a good while . Until Tord's parents even started to call Tom 'Son' . Tom really loved Paul and Patryck..He saw them as the parents he didn't have and wish he had ...
Tom got cut by his phone ringing and buzzing against his wooden desk . He flinched ,surprised by the sudden sound of the device . He answered the phone and cooed
"Hey Shaky breath~"
Tord had a new silly nickname and he hated it . They found each other stupid nicknames they both hate to guts . Tord being 'shaky breath' and Tom being 'Empty sockets' .
"Greetings , Empty Sockets~ How is my lovely guy doing today?"
Tord cooed back in a loud Norwegian accent causing Tom to get shivers down his spine and getting goosebumps in his thighs . The sound of Tord's voice always made Tom so happy ..
"So what is the reason of your call , shaky breath...? Need me already?"
God that wasn't smooth Thomas. Really not smooth. He facepalmed himself in shame as he sighed and excused himself ..
"Sorry that wasn't smooth.."
Tom could hear a loud laugh from the other side of the phone ..Here we go again with the butterflies in Thomas's stomach... He chuckled before taking a deep breath
"So what's the reason of the call?"
"No parents at home ! Wanna come ?"
A few seconds after, A slight blush appeared onto Tom's cheeks ..Was Tord really inviting Tom over when his parents were gone ..?
Although it seemed very « cliché » to have those thoughts when these kind of situations would happen . Tom could only ask himself questions about so many things ..
What would happen? How does this kind of thing even work?
He was definitely way too confused and was in the part of his life were sexual interactions were still mysterious and unknown to him.. Tom brushed that thought off , thinking it was only his 16 years old mind acting the way it should for a teen.
Tom eventually stopped thinking too loud to finally heard a loud Norwegian Voice crack ..
The loud noise right in Thomas's ears caused him to flinch and pay attention to what was going on on the other side of the phone .
He felt kinda embarrassed for having weird behaviors and weird habits around Tord ..he knew very well how awkward he could be and didn't want his beloved Norwegian to grow tired of the weird behavior of his .
"Sorry Shaky breath .. I got distracted.."
A slight chuckle could be heard from the phone as Tord softly spoke with a hint of mockery and irony in his voice
"Is there another man in your heart other than me Thomas ?"
Tom found himself laugh slightly to the joke as he sighed .. He loved Tord's irony . It was one of the funniest things he had seen appart from kids throwing tantrums in groceries stores ...
He would miss that.
A loud and sharp sound could be heard like if the Microphone of Tord's phone was getting hit frantically a few times before it stopped followed by a few gasps ..
A coughing fit ..
"Everything 'Kay on your side ..?"
He asked worried for his partner ..Tord started to have less coughing fits after he got used to the tube constantly dangling from his face .
Dear god , Thomas hated that Tube .
He knew it was only a tube of plastic keeping his boyfriend in a good breathing condition but to him it felt like that damn canula was constantly mocking Tom and if it could talk it would probably say:
"I am closer from Tord than you and at least I am useful for him."
Tord chuckled slightly as he took a deep breath and seemed to be breathing normally again.
He never really wanted to Tom to worry but the odds made them have this terrible fate .
"I'm coming."
Tord heard from the other side , he giggled and coughed very slightly ..
"Thomas ..not now it's 6 in the morning "
"Exactly , not a normal time to have a coughing fit ."
Tom was right on this point. Tord's coughing fits had stopped for a bit recently but they came back out of nowhere and seemed to have worsened ... Which caused much trouble in Tord's family. His parents brought him to the Doctor at LEAST 4 times this week .. Can you blame them? Not really.
Although if there was one thing Tord hated ..It was being treated like a baby .. Of course he loved to receive affection ..but pure pity used to piss him off to an unimaginable point .
His parents were the most loving beings ever but their constant worry was making Tord feeling trapped .
Of course all mid-crisis teens think that they are trapped from being free because of their Father or Mother Figures . But to Tord it was different , he didn't have that thought .. He didn't blame it on Paul and Pat but he blamed him on himself .
He was the one who put himself in this situation when Tom warned his so many
times ...
'Smoking isn't good .. you're going to regret it...'
And he was right . Tord wished he could take it back but no..it's too late. He didn't want to just mourn over his own upcoming death. He wanted to be positive about it ..Think that maybe ..it would make him create amazing memories .
"...'Kay. Seeya there..!"
The call ended as Tord placed his phone on his bedside Table and got up . He grabbed the bottle of pills laying next to the Lamp and opened the cap taking one of them out and swallowing it with difficulty. Those pills were made to make to blood Coagulate Incase one of his coughing sessions would lead to minor internal bleeding .
He despised the taste. But love the effect .. It was making things much easier for him to go through and much easier for Tom to look at...
He truly didn't want his Boyfriend to look at him coughing up blood and Panicking like there's no tomorrow ...
After about an hour, the doorbell rung through the almost empty house as Tord ran downstairs and opened the door happily to be greeted by Thomas the one and only.
"Hey Tom! What took so long?"
Tom smirked as he got a small bouquet of flowers behind his back showing them proudly to Tord
"W-What..? What are these for ? It's not my birthday or anything !"
Tom giggled as he placed the flowers in Tord's arm as the caramel haired boy looked at them with a hint of red on his cheeks...
"I don't need a valid reason to offer you flowers now do I..? But if you REALLY want one , It's because I love you."
Tord looked back up at Tom with the same dumbfounded face as tears formed In his eyes before rolling down his cheeks slowly ..
"t-thank you...!"
He placed the flowers on the table next to the doorway as he brought Tom into a hug placing his head on Tom's shoulder smiling like a dork ..
"So what do you want to do?"
Tom asked pulling away from the hug as he looked around at Tord's house ..now that he thinks about it he never really got to look at any of the room of the house except Tord's .
"My parents aren't home they are working wanna watch a cheesy Love movie with some popcorn ? You know no homo."
Tom smiles softly as he grabbed Tord's hand softly ...They were weirdly cold ...The house was really warm though...
So why was Tord so cold ? He decided to not ask about it to avoid ruining the mood. Tom knew that this wasn't going anywhere. He wasn't going to do anything to Tord...No he wouldn't dare ...
"Yeah! No homo ! Want me to make the popcorn while you choose the movie ?"
Tord smiled as Tom as he let out a slight cough before he covered his mouth leaving a bit of his ..'throat liquid' on the palm of his hand
Tom stood there watching the scene unsure of what to do... He gave a gentle pat on the back Tord head as he ruffled his hair ..
"It's okay Tord ...I'll handle the movie just go on the couch 'Kay?"
The Norwegian nodded as he gave a slight kiss on Tom's cheek before he headed to the living room where he sat down...
His situation wasn't getting any better and he started to feel weak already..
'Keep smiling Tord ..'
He would repeat this to himself constantly... He wanted to make Tom feel better about the whole situation but maybe it was time that he Stopped being Negative ..
He only had so little time now he didn't want to spend it crying in his room. He wanted to do crazy stuff ..Go to places they wouldn't be allowed to go to..
He wanted to feel free...
The yell was followed by a few violent coughs Which caused to Tom to Frown.. He hated to hear his beloved boyfriend being in pain .. He opened the cupboards and finally found the pack as he threw it in the microwave before he pressed the buttons starting the 'cooking'
A groan could be heard from the kitchen...as a few rambling noises rung through the halls
Footsteps rung through the halls as Tord appeared in the door way holding onto it.. He seemed exhausted ..like if he ran a marathon but...he just walked from the living room to the kitchen
Tord wasn't getting any better even with the medication he was given... It was getting awfully annoying to chug pills like if they were some sort of candy ..
He giggled ,gasping to catch a few breaths as he smiled wide at Tom ..
"Guess the movies are canceled ..The remote doesn't have any battery and My dads once again didn't keep their promise ..."
Tom looked back at Tord as he walked to him and pat his back gently to avoid another coughing fit .. The Short teen turned his head to Tom with a fainted smile .. Which caused to Thomas to sadly frown ...He knew something was up.. and he wouldn't let Tord pretend anymore ..
"You know Tord ..You can cry if you're sad ..."
To those words, Tord's started trembling ...He shoulder started shaking as he sniffed before letting loose a few tears ... He never cried in front of Tom for this reason... but he had all the right to do so...
He just.. didn't want to make him sad when he was already going to lose him...
Tom sighed ...He knew that Tord couldn't be so happy all the time ... He opened his arms inviting the caramel haired man in his arms for an embrace .. Which Tord gladly accepted slamming his body against Tom's like if he simply couldn't stand anymore ..
And there they were .. standing in the doorway of the kitchen ...Hugging desperately like they would be separated forever if they even let go..
"It's okay ..I'm here for you.."
Tord continued to cry like all the rest of the world isn't there , while Thomas was soothing him gently placing his head on Top of Tord's
Soon after they were laying on the couch ... Tord laying on top of Tom , hugging each other . They really both needed this ...Tom even started to cry at some point too... He needed to let loose a few Tears as well.. After all they both did their best to avoid crying in front of each other... Tom .. wanting to cheer up Tord decided to ask him a few questions about himself ..
"Tell me Tord , when did you get Mr.Cloud ..?"
Tord looked up in Tom's eyes ...it looked like he just woke up from 5 hours nap .. but nope, he just slept for 40 minutes or so..
"My Cockatiel..?"
He asked tilting his head to the side..
Tom couldn't help but gaze at his eyes for a bit before he snapped back to reality and said
"Y-Yeah! Like , when did you get him?"
Tord let out a old 'Ooooh.' As he giggled wiping a few tears away . Good job Tom you did make him smile .
"Well I got him last summer at a pet rescue ! My parents finally accepted my Cat frenzy but the one I saw didn't seem to appreciate me though ... she was really pretty! Long white fur with black and caramel Spots ! I'm sure she'll found someone great ! But my parents exploded in laughter when I came back with a Feathered Friend !"
Tom laughed quietly as he pet Tord's hair stroking it softly causing to Tord to smile As he pressed his head against Tom's hand
"And ..you got adopted ..right? or..."
Tord looked at Tom like if he asked a question he didn't know the answer to.. To that , Thomas felt like he fucked up. You just made him smile and now you're reminding him of probably bad memories ...
"Well I did ! But I'm glad they adopted me .. at least after what they told me .. "
"What did they tell you?"
Thomas asked, way too curious to not ask . Once again his curious side was showing way too much... Tord smiled and stared at Tom with a smirk
"You're way too curious but okay, I'll tell you.
Well. My parents told me how they found me and ended up taking me home . So , I was very young apparently..Maybe 5 or 6? And I was at the kids park with my 'Real Parents' when one of them must've put me on the high swings . The ones that kids can't get out of without help."
Thomas kind of felt like he knew where this was going ..He didn't want to hear how much Tord suffered but .. CURIOUS SIDE.
"And there i was getting pushed on the swing like the happy little kid I was . Until the pushes stopped and the person left for a while ... Luckily , Paul and Patryck still in their 20's back then were at the park on a date and saw me alone and walked up to me asking me if I was okay."
Yup. That's what he thought . Tord's parents literally abandoned him on a damn swing at a kids park. Wow if you can't give them the title of Clowns of the century I don't know who could .
"But then I was too young and confused to explain what even happened so when they understood they waited for my parents to come back ...one hour ..and then 3 ..but they didn't come ...they brought me to the police station and waited for the police to call my parents ... After about 20 calls ..nobody replied and the police officer couldn't keep me at the station since they were having a very busy day .. Paul and Patryck kindly took me to their home and I remember staying with them ever Since!"
Okay that's it . Tom was pissed like he never was . How could people abandon someone as sweet and pretty as Tord? well it's still a mystery... He hugged Tord tightly and protectively ..
"How dare they?! You're way too adorable . I would NEVER abandon you ."
The Norwegian looked up at his beloved Boyfriend and let out an 'aweee..' causing his to giggle and say:
"I love you too Thomas .."
Tord Leaned closer as he placed his lips on Tom's giving him a slight kiss ..
They wouldn't kiss often actually. They would only kiss when they would be COMPLETELY alone . For ..reasons? But now they were home alone and had a lot of time in front of them..
That's it . Thomas wasn't going to let the occasion go away.
He wrapped his arms around Tord's neck as he placed his lips back on his boyfriend's causing The short Norski to flinch before melting back in the kiss ..
The two eventually broke the embrace , gasping for air as Tord blushed ,looking down at Thomas ..
"W-wait..w-we shouldn't ..what if my parents.."
"They won't be here ..perhaps you told me they weren't here for the day.."
"Y-you're right ..okay.."
He answered with a soft smile on his face causing Tom to literally MELT.
Soon after, Tord was picked up and sat on Tom's legs facing him. Thomas helped Tord to remove his loyal backpack and put it down next to the couch. The tube was long enough so it wasn't much of a problem..
He grabbed the tube traveling down the front of Tord's body as he placed his behind his shoulder to avoid it being too annoying as he started to lift up Tord's yellow sweater..
This felt ..Wrong and right at the same time ..Something that Thomas simply couldn't explain...He just hope that Tord felt the same Way about the whole situation..
And he was right ..Tord was liking it as much as Tom.. They both worked on removing Tord sweater without messing up his cannula and after a few minutes of figuring out, the hardest part was done .. Now , leaving Tord with only his button up White dress shirt..
"I love you.."
"Me too.."
And their little game continued.. Tord helping Tom to remove his pastel blue T-shirt and his checkered shirt leaving his boyfriend Shirtless right in front of his eyes ...
Now it was Tord's turn and his shirt wasn't getting spared either .
It was quickly unbuttoned to reveal Tord's upper body to Tom's eyes ..
"You're so beautiful..~"
Tom whispered to Tord's ear causing him to shiver softly and giggle ..Tom then wrapped his arms around Tord's hips bringing him closer and making their lips meet once again.
Messy was the word you could use to describe the whole current situation .. I mean you wouldn't expect two 17-16 years old teens to be pros right? But it didn't matter to the two . They loved each other and that's what mattered .
In less than 10 seconds, Tord was now under Tom, still with his shirt opened but still there ... Tom who was no dominating his lover looked down at his smiling sheepishly...He leaned down and made contact again.. this time the kiss getting more intense and intense ..
"Tord ! We're home ! Sorry Pat forgot the keys of the office an-.."
Paul And Patryck we're standing in the doorway of the living Room staring at the two teens who were both completely dumbfounded..
Tom's List
•Kiss TOrd ✔️
•Bring him on a Date✔️
•Bring him back to our first kiss place ✔️
•Complete Tord's List
Tord's List
•Get a Boyfriend ✔️
•Go to a music festival
•Go back To Norway and Say goodbye to my Old house
•Kiss someone ✔️
Days left: 24
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