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Thank for waiting

Nandani p.o.v

I open my eyes and move out from bed

'But now they remind me of yours.'

Out of the blue manik's voice jumped in my head ,I shook my head and let it go, I turned to grabbed my coffee only to see a note stick on the coffee mug

'I am going to a business trip ,it will atleast take me two days to return,
Sorry to inform you like this'

Woo.. I didn't really expected this..
Nevermind it will only result me having a me time


I got fresh up,get into my formal clothes which was just a green kapiz with white patyala and done I grabbed my white coat and had some usual breakfast and headed towards hospital


I just finished a surgery which take approximately 2 and a half hour and now I am  resting peacefully
Just when my phone ranged it was our lawyer Mr. Varma

"Yes ,Mr. Varma."I answered the call

"Nandani Ma'am?"he asked as it wasn't obvious


"Actually Nandani Ma'am I want to talk about your and Manik sir divorce"

I jerked myself and sat erect on the chair

"Yes"I said

"Actually my assistant lost your divorce paper so.."

"What! Are you out of your mind, Mr.Varma  I thought you are a professional person that why I handle you the paper.but.."I cut him in the middle of the sentence

"Sorry ma'am it's all my fault I should have been careful about it,Sorry once again"

"I just want some required information "
And my me time was wasted on giving all the information to Mr. Varma again

Saying all the details even when it was not related to him but it keep me reminding of him , the call got cut from the other side while I was just staring at the screen which was reflecting my image

"30 days!"

"So..what about it !"

"Woo..I didn't know my wife have this side also I mean I never saw you shouting like  now ."

"You never had time for me."

"By the way I can drop you to home"

"You alone .. dark night.. strangers..think about it Nandani"

Unknowingly a smile slipped on my lips


I get up from my seat, straighten myself up and made my way to check my patient and to get all these thoughts out if my mind

The day was good actually better than I expected ,me and my group had some fun  talk ,I visit Naina she is doing quite good she is having a surgery Tomorrow and had asked me to bring some of the novel that I have for her
And right now I am infront of the huge mansion , I took my keys out to open the door only to find the door open, I step back in shocked who can it be I mean it's 10:30 pm I push the door and enter inside only to find the lights were on and there was a voice

I took the vase from the table that was beside me and headed towards where the voice was coming from

"Hey, Nandani"the man in his 30's holding a carry bag was standing just infront of me which make me frown ,why is he inside the mansion ? First of all how he get the keys?and how he know my name?

"I know you have alot of questions running in your head but please keep the vase aside first"he said which make me realise I am still holding the vase in my hand

"Oh..Sorry"I said and kept the vase on the dinning area table

"Actually,I am Manik's friend Cabir"
I see, that's why he is looking familiar

"Manik have said me to bring you dinner and see if you are fine as you are not receiving any of his phone or messages"

Yeah I know he had call me twice or maybe be thrice wait let me check 12 miss call and 7 messages, to be honest I didn't expect that

"If you don't mind can you tell me where are plates?"he asked

"Wait I will do it " I said while I take out the plates for the cabinet and make all the required arrangement

"Come let's eat "I said

"You want me to eat  with you?"he asked

"No I don't have any problem but Manik have strictly prohibited me to do anything other then handling you the dinner"he said

"No it totally fine with me" I said while giving him the plate

"Thankyou"he said in return

We had dinner I must say Cabir is a good company he is such a good person he didn't even let me felt me awkward or something like that and not forget he really have good sense of humor

He enter the kitchen and handle me the dishes

"Should I help with something?"he asked

"No need ,I will do it?"I said with a smile

"Ok then I will go"he said

"Nandani.."he said while taking my attention towards him

"Yes"I said more like to say him continue

"Actually Manik have told me about you and him..I mean.."

"About 30 days"he said

"I know him for very long time..I know he had done a huge  mistake treating you like that but I have seen him being guilty for his action in the past he really wants to make up to you but out of the blue this meeting came up ..I can really sense the stress in his voice when he asked me to give you dinner..I mean I just want to you to give him one last chance ..he is a good person"he said while looking here and there not meeting my eyes

Should I really give him chance?
One last time?

I don't know,if this would work I don't know if Manik is really guilty but one thing I know for sure that Cabir wasn't lying I mean I can sense that

"I will go for now"he said while moving towards the door and I just follow him

"Bye"he said

"Bye"I repeated

I get back to my kitchen washing dishes just when my phone rang Mr. Malhotra the caller id displayed on the screen and I was just staring at the screen as it black again when the realisation hit me that I was simply staring at the caller id for 2 straight minutes

I washed my hand and waited for the phone to display the name once again but why?

My little head was again in the battlefield to wait for his call or to freash up as I am still in my formal dress, I was hungry that's why I didn't change  and decided to eat first 

My phone again ranged   and this time I picked up in the first second ring

What am I doing?

"Hello.. Nandani"he said


"Sorry"he said

"Because I wasn't able to do something special for you"I don't know why but he was sounding so mature at the same time guilty and tired just opposite of The Manik Malhotra's style

"You sound tired"it just slipped from my mouth

"Yeah..I was preparing for the presentation may be thats why"

" the way thanks for the dinner"

"I hope that idiot have been  good to you"he said making me smile on his words

"Yeah..I think you should take a nap atleast..dont go hard on yourself"I said

" much affection all of a sudden, I can't handle it"he said teasing me

"I am just thanking you for dinner .. goodnight"
I cut the call even before he answered

Suddenly a smile slipped on my lips

The clock rang which shows 12 o'clock

It almost a week
Hey everyone!
Sorry for keeping you waited for so long

But I also have a surprise/treat what ever you name it

I am thinking to publish  another work on manan tonight Insha Allah so stay tune.

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