Day 9: Hanging with Friends

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     Today is the day! Who would have such an opportunity like the one he had right now?

     Template and Ink met each other around a week ago, give or take given how time doesn't exist well in the multiverse. Of course, the two got to talking where they found out that the both of them had boyfriends. So Ink offered that when they all had some free time on their hands, maybe they should go on a double date.

     Template could never deny such an offer!

     So for that whole 'week', Template made sure to make everything perfect. He had cleaned the house to the point it looked more like a hotel than a home, he made himself as presentable as possible without being too flashy (after all, first impressions matter and this was someone who Ink found special), and he coached Pale on behaviors that were deemed acceptable to his standards so that he wouldn't have to embarrass them both.

     So now he and Pale were just resting against the couch, Template checking his phone and calling his idol every couple of minutes to check up on the situation with assurance that they will come soon and that they'll talk about what they'll do when they come. Template's soul was just beating at his throat in anticipation, Pale did little to help as his knee bounced in place.

     Finally, finally there was a knock at the door. Template bounced up for the couch with Pale flopping down hopelessly now that he had nothing to lean his weight against.

     "Come in!" Template called to the person at the door, walking over towards it as the door swung itself open.

     "Hey, Template! Sorry I came a little late!" Ink greeted, stepping on inside while smiling over at the dark skeleton who had now stood not too far from him.

     "It's fine! It's better you being here than skipping out," Template immediately excused with a hand waving him off. Pale had at this point walked over and leaned a bit of his body against Template's arm and glanced over at the familiar looking skeleton.

     The two skeletons just stared at each other, Ink shown with a feeling of uneasiness in his expression as he wordlessly pulled out a yellow vial and handed it off to Pale. With that, Pale took the vial and without another thought took a swig of all of its contents, letting it kick in a moment later.

     "Thank you, Ink!" Pale smiled over to him, returning the vial over to the protector of the universes. Ink let out a chuckle before looking up at Template.

     "You already introduced him to me?"

     "What can I say? I couldn't wait for you to come and I couldn't wait to tell Pale you would be coming with your date!" Template said with such enthusiasm. Ink looked over and brought a hand out to the second happiest in the room.

     "Pale! It's really nice to meet you. I've heard quite a bit about you ever since Template first started mentioning he had someone and you seem like a pretty alright guy!" Pale looked over at the Guardian of the AUs and the hand he brought out to him, smiling even more as he took it and shook the hand with joy.

     "Same here! Though he kinda acts like your placed upon a pedestal. But at least I'm meeting someone he likes a lot!" Template looked over at him, exclaiming his name in embarrassment as Ink laughed a little. Template had a fair bit of blue magic in his cheeks as he glanced away a bit.

     "It's quite obvious, I'm sure anyone can see it from miles away," Ink chuckled out, letting go of Pale's hand and stepping back to look at the two together. "But it's nothing to fuss over, who doesn't like attention on them for awhile?" Ink chuckled, placing a hand on his hips and leaning to one of his feet.

     "On a different topic, where is your date? I want to see him too," Template questioned as he cocked his head to the side, glancing at the door behind him. Ink laughed a little.

     "He probably thinks we can wait a while, you know how people can be fashionably late." Template held in a small laugh and nodded reassuringly. Soon the doorknob jiggled as it was being fumbled with, Ink stepped away from the door's aim of fire and let his lips curl into a sweet grin. "I think that's him."

    Without another second to even think another thought, the door swung open, revealing someone who we all know will be coming here. Dark bones, messy hand-stitched clothing, a tall structure, pixels all around him, and a blue streaks that went down from his cheeks. It was the destroyer we all know and love a little too dearly, Error. Just standing right in front of a confused then horrified Template.

     "Why me?" Template uttered under his breath as his gaze was stuck upon the Destroyer of Universes, his face drained of all color as the monstrosity that towered over him looked down and scoffed.

     "You two look oddly familiar," Error joked, his arms crossing over his chest as he glanced over at his boyfriend. "Is this seriously the only reason why you brought me here? Just to humor us." Ink smiled but shook his head.

     "I just offered it because we had the time and Template and Pale over here seems like a good people to be around for us." Error rolled his eyes and looked over at their opposites once more, something clicking in his head causing him to laugh.

     "I am pretty sure we know otherwise." He spoke out, his glare piercing right into Template. His face was numb with fear, his soul sinking down to his stomach and creating sick and deep thumps knowing they both remembered their first meeting.

To be continued...

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