Day 10: With Animal Ears

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     "Nyah~" Template purred out, his fists curled up in the position you'd imagine it being in on either side of his chest, smiling over at his boyfriend who was just staring with his usual blank expression. "C'mon can't you do it too?"

     They, both Template and Pale, were adorn with fake cat ears upon their heads. Pale had very fuzzy and quite big ears, going from a creamy white to an ash gray at the tips, while Template had some moderately sized ones with unique curls in the middle of each black ears speckled in small white spots. Template held Pale's hand and hold it close to his head, letting it curl a little.

     "Come on, can you 'Nyah'? For me?" Template pleaded, letting go of the hand only to let it flop down. With a huff, Template brought the hand back up and held it up. "You've acted really cute before, and you act just like a cat on most days. Could you just do both just this once?" Pale stared at him with the same blank and emotionless stare.

     Template sighed softly and dropped his hand once more.

     "Well, if you can do that, could you-" Pale got extremely close to Template, cutting him off as he was inching closer and closer to his face before letting his tongue drag up against his forehead. Template was left blue all over, a bewildered expression on his face as Pale continued licking him.

     "Pale, this wasn't what I meaAAAAaaa-" Template bit his lip and screwed his eyes completely shut as Pale started gliding his tongue against his neck. He gripped onto the fabric of Pale's sleeves, turning his head away from him. "T-This is not what I meant, P-Pale," he repeated out, getting his point across or at least trying to with the sternest glare he could muster. This time Pale seemed to get the message, show by the fact he slipped his tongue back where it was supposed to be. But he still stayed close to Template's neck, moving the scarf so his head could be cradled in his shoulder.

     "Stop?" Template would have blushed more if he could.

     ". . . Maybe not yet."


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