Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 1: Case of the Luna Ghost

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(Y/N) POV:

It has already been a few years since me and my friends started working together as Mystery Inc. We've been making quite the name for ourselves, but it sure has done us little good, especially when every one has let it all gone to their heads. Before you ask what I'm talking about, it'd probably be best if I explain it in more detail.

You see, it started like this. As usual, the gang and I are trying to solve another mystery at the Wow-O Toy Factory: The Case of The Luna Ghost. The gang and I had also come up with a plan to catch the Luna Ghost, and just in time, too. After we all get into positions, the Luna Ghost crashes through one of the windows of the factory, letting out a creepy laugh, while carrying Daphne.

"Let go of me!" Daphne exclaims, trying to get the ghost to let go of her. "Okay, now I really have a wedgie. Fred! (Y/N)! Velma! You guys, hurry it up! This ghost keeps grabbing--" she then lets out a scream, not looking too happy with this ghost touching her butt. "Please!"

"Jinkies," says Velma, me and her both standing on the metal grate floor. Velma and I both share a look, before talking into the walkie talkies. "Fred. Come in, Fred."

"Fred! Can you hear us or not!?" I question, getting annoyed that he's not answering.

"Fredster here, Velms, (N/N)," Fred says, finally answering us.

"Enough with the hair already," I say, knowing full well that he's admiring his hairstyle and reflection in a mirror somewhere.

"Shockingly, Daphne's been captured again," Velma says, hinting sarcasm.

It's true. Lately, these past few years, whenever is comes to solving a mystery, Daphne always gets captured somehow. It amazes me how it always happens every single time.

"But it's okay. When the Luna Ghost rounds the corner with Daphne," I say.

"Shaggy, Scooby and (F/A/N) will pop out of the barrel," Velma continues.

"Then you two will activate the conveyor belt, spilling the oil onto the floor," Fred finishes.

Seeing the ghost heading towards the spot where Fred is hiding, Velma and I duck, to hide ourselves, so that the Luna Ghost won't notice us.

"Just remember my plan," Velma says, making me glare at her.

"You mean OUR plan," I correct, since I helped Velma come up with this plan in the first place, while also making sure to keep quiet so the Luna Ghost doesn't hear us.

(3rd) POV:

"Like, chill out, Scooby-Doo, (F/A/N). Stop shaking," Shaggy says, him and his two animal friends hiding inside of the barrel.

"Us?" (F/A/N) questions.

"That's you," Scooby corrects.

"Oh, right. It's me. Sorry," Shaggy apologizes.

Unfortunately for the three of them, the Luna Ghost could hear them, as well as noticing Scooby's tail sticking out from a peeking hole in the barrel. After igniting a flame, the Luna Ghost sets Scooby's tail on fire, causing him to yelp in pain, and give away his hiding spot. Having no other choice, (F/A/N) pops up, licking his paw first, then placing it on Scooby's tail to make the flame go away, much to Scooby's gratitude. When the barrel's lid hits them on the head, however, they both look up and notice the Luna Ghost is in front of them.

"Boo," the Luna Ghost simply says, causing (F/A/N) and Scooby to scream in fear.

"(F/A/N), Scooby-Doo, what are you doing? Like, this is no time to..." Shaggy says, while Scooby and (F/A/N) try to tell him that the Luna Ghost is right behind Shaggy. "Oh, boy. Like, there's a ghost right behind me, isn't there?"

Scooby and (F/A/N) nod there heads, pointing a finger at the Luna Ghost. The Luna Ghost gets ready to ignite another flame, ready to burn the trio.

"Run!" Shaggy, (F/A/N) and Scooby scream in unison, while also ducking into the barrel.

Velma quickly activates the conveyor belt, making the oil spill all over the floor.

"Gro, Raggy! Gro!" Scooby exclaims, riding on Shaggy's shoulders.

"Run, Shaggy!" (F/A/N) exclaims, riding on Scooby's shoulders.

"Like, I'm trying buddies!" Shaggy exclaims, who is having trouble getting away from the Luna Ghost, because of how slippery the floor had gotten from the oil.

"Now, Fred! Now!" (Y/N) yells.

"Rurry up!" Scooby exclaims, while Shaggy finally manages to run away from the Luna Ghost, just in time for him, Scooby and (F/A/N) to not get burnt.

"I got him," says Fred, ready to use the fire hose to dowse water on the ghost.

However, since Shaggy is still in the barrel, he had no idea where he was going.

"Look out!" Scooby exclaims, just in time for Fred to accidentally get bumped by the barrel (Shaggy).

The Luna Ghost then flies into the air, letting out another creepy laugh. Fred tries to use the hose on the Luna Ghost, despite being on the floor, but ends up hitting (Y/N) and Velma. Both girls scream, trying to get away from the water that's being sprayed on them. But because she can't see, (Y/N)'s legs end up getting tangled in chains, causing her to fall off of the metal grate floor.

"FREEEEEEEED!" (Y/N) screams, thinking she's about to fall to her death.

Thankfully, by some miracle, her fall was somehow stopped, leaving (Y/N) to let out a sigh or relief that she's still alive, despite the fact of being hung upside down. Then, after Fred turns off the hose, a net made of rope falls on top of him.

"Sorry, (Y/N)," Fred apologizes, noticing (Y/N)'s situation.

"I know, Fred," (Y/N) says with her arms crossed. "Now could you and Velma get me down from here? This chain is seriously making me feel like my leg is being torn off."

Meanwhile, Shaggy is still running away from the ghost, while Scooby is still riding on his shoulders, and (F/A/N) is riding on Scooby.

"Where's the ghost?" Shaggy asks.

"He's right brehind us!" Scooby exclaims.

(F/A/N) then notices something on the ground. "Skateboard! Shaggy, look out!" he/she warns.

Unfortunately, Shaggy accidentally steps on the skateboard, resulting in the trio to slide up a baby-sized slide (that's what it looks like to me), and then land on one of the factory's conveyor belts. Somehow, the spot on the barrel, where Shaggy's head is, smashed open, giving Shaggy a clear view on what's going on. They miraculously avoid getting sliced and diced, while trying to escape from the ghost.

"Is he still after us, Scoob, (F/A/N)?" Shaggy asks.

"Ruh-huh," says Scooby.

"You have no idea!" (F/A/N) exclaims.

The trio then lands on a ramp of heated lamps, while Shaggy maneuvers the skateboard to help him and his friends from getting burnt.

"Ranzai!" Scooby exclaims, kind of having a little fun.

"Zoinks!" Shaggy exclaims, noticing that him and his friends are heading to a crusher (I have no experience with factories. So, sorry if I got it wrong). "Grab the hook!"

"Hold on, guys!" (F/A/N) exclaims.

(F/A/N) grabs the hook, just in time for him/her and his/her friends to be moved out of the way from being smashed. However, they end up crashing into the Luna Ghost and Daphne, knocking into a neat stack of Barbie dolls (I'm actually not sure if they really are Barbie dolls, so try to go with it, and also don't hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong).

(Y/N) POV:

As soon as Fred and Velma helped get me down, we turned off the machine and went to the pile of Barbie dolls where our friends and the Luna Ghost crashed into.

"(F/A/N)? Shaggy?" I ask, hoping that they're both all right.

"Daphne, are you okay?" Velma asks.

A pile of dolls was moved out of the way, revealing Daphne. "I'm so over this damsel-in-distress nonsense," she says, not looking too pleased.

I try not to laugh, because her head is right next to Scooby's butt.

"Where's Shagster?" Fred asks.

Then more dolls move out of the way, revealing Shaggy, who has a smile on his face. "Like, I'm right here, man," he says.

"Re too," says Scooby.

"Same here," says (F/A/N).

"Hey, Scoob, (F/A/N), that was fun. Let's grab another skateboard and do it again," Shaggy says, looking excited.

"Reah!" Scooby exclaims, also looking excited.

I roll my eyes at them, unable to hold back my smile. Even in situations like this, those two are so silly. I guess that's what makes them the best of friends, especially when you have a great boyfriend like Shaggy. However, we soon hear a siren, making us turn our heads, just in time to see the Mystery Machine crash through the doors of the factory, with police cars following close behind it.

At first, I start to question who was driving the Mystery Machine, but soon start to notice Pamela, one of the owners of the factory. Not only was she the one who drove the van, but Fred's fan-club starts screaming, asking him to sign his autograph for them.

Pamela then gives Fred a hug, obviously smiting with him. "Thank you so much for saving the factory," she says.

"Pam, any comments?" someone from the paparazzi asks.

"This is a victory for any celebrity who wants to make a quality ecological action figure," she says, facing the camera.

"Fred, what's the secret of your success?" the paparazzi asks.

"Teamwork. I do a tremendous amount of teamwork, and I always have a plan. Come on," Fred says, gesturing them to the Luna Ghost.

"Yeah, my plan," Velma says, not looking too happy that Fred took credit again.

Teamwork, my butt, you narcissist.

This here, is what I'm talking about when I said letting it go to their heads, especially Fred. Over the years, while Mystery Inc started to get popular, Fred would always take credit, never sharing any of the glory with the rest of us. We may have agreed to let him be the leader of the group, back when we first got started as Mystery Inc, but he has no right in being selfish, especially since the world thinks the rest of us are his sidekicks.

"I knew from the beginning there was never a phantom. The Luna Ghost is, in fact..." Fred declares, taking off the mask to reveal the person behind this mystery.

"Old Man Smithers?" a lot of us say in sync.

"The creepy janitor?" Pamela asks.

"Smithers wanted revenge after you refused to go out with him," Fred explains.

"How could you, Pamela? I'm a lover-boy of George Clooney--an proportions," Mr. Smithers says, making Pamela creeped out.

"Fred, how was the ghost able to fly?" the paparazzi asks.

"I can answer that. Watch," Velma says, walking up to Mr. Smithers. Her and Fred take off the costume, revealing a type of suit that comes with balloons. "These balloons were filled with a highly potent helium synthesis, giving the Luna Ghost," she then pushes the red button on Mr. Smithers suit, making the balloons fill up with air. "His weightless appearance."

"I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids, or your stupid (F/A), and your dumb dog!" Mr. Smithers exclaims, pointing a finger at me and the gang. "I'll get you for this!"

Like we haven't heard that one before.

"Scooby-Dooby-Doo!" Scooby exclaims.

And that was the sign for another case-closed.

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