Fred x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 7: Secrets/Escaping the Castle

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(3rd) POV:

After the ride turned off, Velma and Dean become relieved, glad to be okay. But they also become worried, since Fred didn't appear after crashing into that window.

"Fred?" Dean calls out.

"Freddie? Are you all right?" Velma asks.

To answer them, Fred finally appears from the window, making Velma and Dean relieved to see him alive. Something then catches Velma's attention.

"The last book," Velma says, pulling the said book from the shelf, which reveals a secret passage.

When Velma and Dean go through it, they find themselves in the same room Fred crashed into a moment ago. But what caught their attention was desks and chairs, which is something that you'd find in a school.

"Looks like some kind of school," Fred points out.

"In a spooky castle ride?" Dean asks, confused on why such items would be here.

"Fishy," Velma says, just as curious.

Fred then notices a control panel of some kind, then fiddles around with a button, which turns on some video screens, with the words "Training Video" on it.

"Welcome to America," a woman on the video says with a smile. "I am using the language English. Now that you're a young'll need to learn societal dos...and don'ts. Interaction between young people is polite and casual."

While Fred, Velma and Dean watch the video, they become confused, questioning why something like this would be here of all places, especially in a spooky ride like "Spooky Island Castle". In the video, a man plays some music on a piano, to which a trio of girls are enjoying, and then two more men bump into each other.

"Hey, sorry, bro," one of the men apologizes, for making the other man's drink spill on himself.

"I will crush your bones into dust!" the other man says, breaking his glass cup just by tightening his grip on it.

"Let's see how the situation should be handled," the same woman from earlier say, popping back onto the screen. Seeing this, Fred, Velma and Dean all share a look, trying to figure out if this might be a clue or not for their investigation. "Remember, today's young people have a language all their own."

The screen then shows the same scene play out, until the two young men bump into each other again.

"Sorry, bro," the first man says.

"No big whoop, dog. Yo, did you catch that new vid on the box?" the second man asks, not as hostile from what the video showed earlier.

"True dat. I'm up to sniznuff on all popular trends," the first man says.

"Word," the second man says as the screen zooms on him, while he gives a wink.

"It seems to be a brainwashing facility of some type," says Velma. "Wherever there's a brainwashing cult, there's always a power hungry leader behind it all. The Papa Smurf figure."

"Mondevarious," Fred says, listing a possible suspect.

"Then why would he have invited us here?" Dean asks, trying to put all of this into careful thought.

Meanwhile, back with the Triple S.

"Raggy, Ram, look," Scooby says, noticing some stuff.

"Let's check it out," says Sam.

Sam notices a device, then pushes a button, which turns on the lights, revealing some kind of movie set studio.

"Oh, boy. Lights, camera, action, huh, Scoob?" Shaggy jokes, earning a nod of agreement, while Sam shakes his head with a smile.

(Y/N) POV:

After what happened earlier, Daphne, (F/A/N) and I got away from the cart we were stuck on, and found ourselves in a creepy looking hall. It obviously isn't part of the ride, and was probably made for the workers to walk around, if anyone were ever to get on the ride. But that doesn't stop us from investigating, to see if there are any clues. Eventually, we find a room, and turn on the lights just by opening the doors.

"That's creepy, especially with what's in the center," I say, earning a nod of agreement from (F/A/N).

"Think it might be a clue?" (F/A/N) asks.

"Only one way to find out," Daphne says, about to grab the item on the pedestal.

I then notice something and stop her. "Daphne, wait!" I exclaim. "Just be careful. It might be boobie-trapped."

Daphne nods her head in understanding, then takes a deep breath before walking towards the center of the room. Just as she's about to grab the item from the pedestal, it opens, making the three of us jump.

"Wow," I hear Daphne say, as she takes a look at the item.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I don't know. But this thing has some strange markings and these small writings around it," she says.

"Let's take it with us. Velma might be able to decipher it. Plus, it might have something to do with why the college students have been acting weird," (F/A/N) says, making me and Daphne nod our heads in agreement.

Daphne closes the item, and lifts it from the pedestal. When she does, however, four pieces of the floor start to lift from the ground, forming into a pyramid like cage.

"Daphne!" I exclaim, urging her to get a move on.

She thankfully jumps out in time, before the cage could close on her.

"Let's go," she says, a little scared.

"Way ahead of you," I say, rushing through the halls with Daphne and (F/A/N) right next to me.

(3rd) POV:

"Jellybeans," Shaggy says, satisfied with the snack him and Scooby just had, while Sam was trying to figure out why movie equipment would be inside of a spooky castle ride. Scooby then burps, making Shaggy laugh. "I'll have whatever he's having." after burping back at Scooby, Scoob lets out a slight longer and louder burp, making Shaggy turn around with a suspicious look. "Are you challenging me?"

"Hm. Mraybe," Scooby says letting out a worse burp.

It then became a competition of who was the best at burping between Shaggy and Scoob, which soon turned into a farting competition as well. Meanwhile, Sam decided to ignore them, having been taught from (Y/N) that it's best to just let them have some fun, considering how they deserve the chance, especially from all the times when they tried to solve mysteries with Mystery Inc.

"Pull my finger. Uh-oh, too late," Shaggy says, letting out a low burp, then shaking his hand as though he was doing it with a drink, and then swallows it. "You're in trouble."

"Roh, broy," Scooby says.

While Shaggy lets out some farts, making Scooby laugh, Sam notices (Y/N), Daphne and (F/A/N) appear.

(Y/N) POV:

When Daphne, (F/A/N) and I find ourselves in another room, we see Shaggy, Scooby and Sam, making me relieved to see them, especially since they appear to be alright. However, hearing Shaggy make those farts makes the three of us gag in disgust, unable to handle the smell in the air.

"And I though Scooby's farts were diabolical," (F/A/N) whispers to me, trying to not breathe in the stench.

"You can say that again," I say.

At first, Scooby was laughing at Shaggy's actions. But when Sam elbowed for him to stop, Scoob realized why when he noticed us. The only one who doesn't notice me, (F/A/N), or Daphne is Shaggy.

"Raggy," Scooby says, trying to make Shaggy stop farting in our direction.

"I'm not stopping till your fur is singed off," Shaggy says.

"Shaggy?" Sam asks, trying to urge him to stop.

Even though Sam and Scooby try to get Shaggy to stop and notice that he's farting in mine, (F/A/N) and Daphne's direction, Shaggy doesn't stop, and just keeps on going, letting out another fart, and a big one at that.

"How pleasant," I say with a hint of sarcasim.

Hearing me must've caught Shaggy's attention, because once he turns around, his eyes widen in shock, making him realize his mistake.

"We're here. To solve. A mystery," Daphne reprimands, not happy with the fact that Shaggy and Scooby we're goofing off, not that I blame her (let's face it people, none of us want to be farted on in the face).

"Yeah, Scoob," Shaggy says, making Scooby frown at him, as well as making me raise an eyebrow, wondering why he's blaming Scoob.

(3rd) POV:

Back in the room where Fred, Velma and Dean are in, they failed to notice the little man, who nearly got them killed. The little man crawles under the ride's panel, until he reaches a certain button, which reads "Security Alarm". When he pushes the button, the alarm turns on, throughout the entire building.

"Let's get out of here," Fred says.

With Fred in the lead, making a run for it, Velma and Dean follow right behind him.

(Y/N) POV:

Today is just not a good day, is it?

"Zoinks! Skedaddle!" Shaggy exclaims.

Hearing the alarm go off, the others and I start to make a run for it, in hopes to get out of this building. Thankfully, we soon meet up with Fred, Velma and Dean.

"Hey! (Y/N), (F/A/N) and I found a neat scary clue," Daphne says.

"Same here," says Dean.

"We believe this is a brainwashing facility for an evil cult," Velma says.

"Then maybe that's the secret relic they worship," I point out, gesturing to the item in Daphne's hands, which resembles a pyramid.

We then stop in our tracks, seeing shadows that belong to people, who are heading our way.

"We're all going to be relics if we don't get out of here, man," Shaggy says, scared.

"I got a plan," Fred says.

As fast as we can, we all change into costumes, trying to blend in and pretend that we're figures, part of the ride.

"Oh, what's that smell?" one of the men asks.

"Sir, they found the Daemon Ritus," another man says.

Daemon Ritus? The item that Daphne, (F/A/N) and I found? Is that what it's called?

Whatever it is, it seems to hold some great importance to these guys. I am soon proven right, when a wrestler looking guy picks up the little man, not looking too happy.

"For your sake, they better not have gone far!" the wrestler exclaims, throwing the little man to the ground. "It is time to summon the big muchachos."

They all leave, making me and the others let out a sigh of relief to have not been caught.

"Like, oh, no," Shaggy says, letting out some more farts.

It was so bad that it nearly caused a nearby flame to explode, making Scooby chuckle. Not wasting any time, we soon leave the building through the staff entrance, taking off our costumes, and tossing them to the side. While doing so, we head back to the hotel that we're staying at (I think that's what it is. I mean, what else would be for so many people to stay in while enjoying their time on Spooky Island). And I'm not sure why, but doing this with everyone, solving a mystery just like we used to when Mystery Inc. was still in business, it actually makes me really happy.

It's almost like the gang's back together again. Even though that's wishful thinking, it's still fun to be with everyone like this again.

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