Fred x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 2: Mystery Inc Breaks Up/Two Years Later

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(Sorry if this chapter sucks. I really tried my best, especially during and after the song part. So, sorry if you don't like it. But I do hope you enjoy it, nonetheless)

(Y/N) POV:

While the police took Mr. Smithers away to jail, the gang and I got ready to leave. Since we solved another mystery, there was no longer any point in us staying here anymore. However...

"Fred, I can't believe you took credit for my plan again," Velma says as we all walk towards the van, while Shaggy places our bags inside of the Mystery Machine.

I then glare at her. "Excuse ME. I believe you mean OUR plan," I say, reminding her that I also helped out.

"Some plan. That ghost pawed me for an hour and a half," says Daphne.

"Daphe, look. It's not our fault you always get kidnapped," says Fred.

"I do not always get kidnapped. Can't believe you'd say that to me," Daphne says, giving Fred a glare, while also looking a little hurt.

Velma then rolls her eyes. "Oh, please. You come with your own ransom note," she says. Then before any of us know it, Daphne snatches Velma's glasses away from her. "Hey, my glasses!

"Who's helpless now?" Daphne mockingly asks, while Velma tries looking for her glasses.

"I'm going to kill you, Daphne!" Velma exclaims.

However, instead of Daphne, Velma ends up trying to choke Fred by mistake.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Watch the ascot!" Fred exclaims, prying Velma's hands off of him.

"Hey, you guys, look, I know I'm just the dude that carries the bags, but it seems to me we all play an important part in this group," Shaggy says, while Velma snatches her glasses away from Daphne. "I mean, we're just like a big, delicious banana split. Fred, you're the big banana. Daphne, you're the pastrami and bubble-gum-flavored ice cream. Velma, you're the sweet-and-sour mustard sauce. And (N/N), you're the chocolate coated strawberries and cherry that goes on top."

"Mm-mmm," Scooby hums, licking his lips.

"That sounds pretty good, doesn't it, Scoob?" Shaggy asks Scooby with a smile.

"Ruh-huh," Scooby says, nodding his head in agreement.

"You know what, Shaggy? You've really put it in perspective for me," says Velma.

"Thanks," Shaggy says, smiling.

"I quit," Velma says, making all of us widen our eyes in shock.

"No," Shaggy says.

I slowly shake my head. "Y-you can't be serious!" I exclaim, hoping that she's joking, while (F/A/N) nods his/her head in agreement.

"No way. Y-you can't quit," Daphne says, making me believe that she doesn't want Velma to leave either. But I am soon proven wrong. "I was gonna quit in, like, two seconds. And now everyone is gonna totally think that I copied off the smart girl."

"Now, wait a minute. Wait a minute," Fred says, making all of us look at him. "Maybe I quit."

Hearing that makes me even more shocked to hear. I'm not sure what expression I am making, but I can tell how much my eyes are pleading, hoping that he isn't serious. I mean, I know that I was the one who broke up with him, but there's a part of me that still has feelings for Fred, hoping for him to not be serious about quitting.

"I do. Yeah, I quit," Fred says, more serious this time before walking away from all of us.

"I'm out of here," Velma says, walking past Daphne.

"Good riddance," Daphne says before she too walks away.

"Don't--No. Don't go. Come on, you guys, don't do this," Shaggy says, trying to convince everyone to stay instead of leaving. "Please don't go."

"Do I qruit?" Scooby asks, him and (F/A/N) looking like they're both about to cry.

"No, Scoob...friends don't quit," says Shaggy.

With that said, the four of us get into the van. While Shaggy drives, I sit in the passenger seat. As for (F/A/N) and Scooby, they sit in the back and look out at the window, both about to cry from the heartbreak about the fact that Mystery Inc is broken up, and that we might never get to see Fred, Velma or Daphne ever again.

"It looks like it's just the four of us for a while, guys," Shaggy says, while keeping a careful eye on the road.

"Rhat now, Raggy?" Scooby asks.

"Yeah. What are we going to do now, (Y/N)?" (F/A/N) asks.

I let out a sigh. "I guess we'll all just do what we do best, guys," I answer.

(3rd) POV:

(This is where the song starts)

Even though Mystery Inc is no more, (Y/N) still continued being a detective, still wanting to search for the criminal who killed her parents. It wasn't out of vengeance or anything of the sort. She just felt the need to do so, since it was the whole reason why she started solving mysteries in first place.

Nonetheless, there is definitely no mistake about it, this is our story. Up until now, and from now on, while we are hesitating; Just let it go.

But no matter how many days passed, no matter what she did, she would always recall her moments with everyone. There were times when (Y/N) would remember the times she spent with the gang, including all of the mysteries they solved. Even their very first mystery, when they worked together to clear their names from being framed by the Specter of Coolsville High, who turned out to be their principle. That was the one mystery that mattered most to (Y/N), since it was how her and the gang started solving mysteries together as a group, but more importantly, as a team.

"I want to return to that day". How many years passed since then? When we realize it, it is a long old story. I was improving my ideal smile. I gave up on stupid things. I guess I have to grow up. If it's each other's dream, even though we can support each other, I just don't know why.

Eventually, after making Shaggy understand her reasons for leaving, she and her childhood friend went their separate ways, with (F/A/N) to come along with her. But this did not mean they had to stop being friends. Because they had grown up together like siblings, they would always make sure to keep contact with each other.

Even so, there's definitely no mistake about it, it's our story. Even if I can't see a part of the future; Give up, never give up. I'll repeatedly try, I'll improve my style, until the day comes when I find my real dream. I'll keep trying, trying. Countless times, so just let it go.

As the days turned to months, (Y/N) still continued working hard, with some help from (F/A/N), making a living for themselves. Not only that, but (Y/N) eventually became known as one of the best detectives there ever lived. Some even call her Detective (L/N) reborn. But despite the glory and attention, (Y/N) and (F/A/N) both could not help but think that life just wasn't the same, not without the people whom they once called friends.

"I want to be happy". Just how many times have I said that already? When we realize it, it's the same failed story. Hiding the feelings I want to meet, without saying such selfish things, I guess I have to be mature. If it's each other's love, even though we'll be able to compose ourselves, I just don't know why.

(F/A/N) would even sometimes catch (Y/N) looking at some photo albums, filled with moments that her and the gang all shared: some pictures showed moments from their solved mysteries, the time when they earned 10,000 dollars from saving the country club for Daphne's uncle, when they all celebrated their graduation at Coolsville High, when they got started on incorporating as Mystery Inc. But what always struck a painful cord from inside of (Y/N) was the pictures that were taken of her and Fred, back when they were still dating.

Even so, there's definitely no mistake about it, it's our story. It's just a part of my heart that aches. Hello. Goodbye. Hello. I'll repeatedly cry. It'll become strong, my heart. Until the day when I find a real love, I keep crying, crying. Countless times, so just let it go.

After a year, since breaking up with Mystery Inc, (Y/N) eventually got used to it, living in her own apartment with (F/A/N) as her roommate and companion. It was difficult, at first, since it had been so long since she was on her own, not since before Shaggy's parents took her in and helped raise her. But deep down in her heart, (Y/N) knew that there are times when you need to start thinking about yourself, and your own happiness, even if that means no longer being able to see your old friends again.

I don't know, what should I do. I don't know what I want to do. Where will I head towards? This future, nobody knows the way it's gonna be, everything depends on me. With my own hands, I painted this story. The smiles, the tears, and even the beautiful memories, this is our story. It still has a long way to go, this sadness. Goodbye. Alright. Alright! (Just let it go)

Life had its moment, becoming stressful, and hard for (Y/N). Whenever her thoughts would drift back to Shaggy, Scooby and the others from the gang, she would sometimes remember what life was like for them, before they all went their separate ways, when they were still a team. There were even times when she began to question where they all went wrong, and what it was that made them change. But there were also times when (Y/N) believed that it was probably for the best, since things eventually stopped working out between her and the others in the gang.

Even so, there's definitely no mistake about it, it's our story. Even if I can't see a part of the future; Give up, never give up. I'll repeatedly try, I'll improve my style. Until the day when I find my true self, I'll keep trying, trying. Countless times, so just let it go. (Just let it go (x2))

Being (Y/N)'s #1 (F/A) friend, (F/A/N) was always there to help (Y/N) get through it, because he/she also knew what (Y/N) was feeling inside. It was thanks to (F/A/N)'s support that (Y/N) knew she had to be strong and move on with her life, even if that meant going back to the life she once had before, back to the times when she was alone, with no one but Shaggy, Scooby and (F/A/N) as her only true friends.

(Y/N) POV:

It has been two years since me and the others from Mystery Inc broke up and went our own separate ways. I'd be lying if I said it hasn't been hard trying to support myself and (F/A/N), especially since my life hasn't been the same without the others. But it hasn't been so bad.

"He went that way!" (F/A/N) exclaims, running right next to me.

"On it!" I exclaim.

See, life may be different, but if there's one thing that hasn't changed, it's that (F/A/N) and I still solve mysteries, like right now. However, like the guy we're trying to catch right now, there have also been times when apprehending the culprit hasn't been easy. Thankfully, we've got ourselves a little back-up. A face I am all too familiar with appears, pinning the criminal to the ground.

"You're not going anywhere!" says the first person.

"We've got you now!" a second person says, just in time for the police to appear, bringing out handcuffs, and placing them on the criminal's wrists.

"Nice going, you guys," I say, congratulating my two partners.

See, the thing is, is that a few months after the gang broke up, (F/A/N) and I found ourselves some new partners. Sam and Dean Winchester.

I wouldn't let their heights or their looks fool you, trust me. For one thing, they're actually brothers. And despite the fact that Sam is taller than Dean, Dean is actually the older brother; four years older than Sam to be exact. It was hard for me to believe at first, but I eventually got used to it. Not only that, but on the day we met, they were shocked about (F/A/N), since it's not ever day you meet a talking (F/A).

(F/A/N) and I have been partnered up with Sam and Dean for a little over a year now, and we make quite the team. Sometimes, with the way of how well the four of us work together, it even reminds me of the times when I used to work together with everyone from Mystery Inc.

"Another job well done," Sam says, letting the police take care of the rest.

Now that we've caught the culprit behind another mystery, all that's left for us is to head on home.

"Say, since it's already been a year since our partnership began, what do you guys say we hit the bar and celebrate?" Dean suggests, as we all get in his car.

"Can't. I promised that I'd meet up with a friend of mine tomorrow," I reprimand, buckling my seat belt.

"You mean Shaggy Rogers, the same friend that you've known since childhood, who has a dog named Scooby?" Sam asks, making sure he got it right.

"Yep. That's the one," I answer.

"And since we're going to the beach, we need to get as much sleep as possible if we're going to get up early," says (F/A/N).

Dean then lets out a sigh. "Fine. In that case, we'll drop you off at your place. Sound good?" he asks, obviously bummed out that he won't be drinking any alcohol tonight.

"Thanks," I say, glad to have their understanding.

Since it's been a while since (F/A/N) and I last saw Shaggy and Scooby, we figured tomorrow might be a good chance to see them again, especially when tomorrow's our day off from detective work. We still keep contact with each other. But since I've been so busy with my work as a detective, (F/A/N) and I hardly ever get the chance to spend time with Shaggy and Scooby like we used to anymore. So, our day-off tomorrow is the perfect opportunity to see each other again, especially when we made plans to hang out at the beach.

I wonder how they've both been doing lately?

(I know this chapter is kind of long. But that's only because I wanted it to be just right, or at least good enough for all of you to enjoy yourselves. So, hopefully you liked it and are looking forward to the next chapter)

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