Fred x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 13: A man in a mask

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(I know the picture stinks, but it was the best I could find. So, sorry)

(F/A/N)'s POV:

Since the man we crashed into is unconscious, Shaggy thought it'd be a great idea to disguise himself with some of the man's clothing. At first, I thought it was a good idea, until more of those monsters appear, singing to the ritual's song. Not sure what else to do, I hide behind Shaggy, while he tries his best to blend in by dancing to the song.

That's the least of our problems, however, when the man we crashed into starts to wake up, and slowly gets back on his feet. Before I can warn Shaggy, however, his dance moves involve smacking the man in the face, kicking him where the sun doesn't shine, and then elbowing him in the face four times, knocking this guy unconscious once again.

Wow. Didn't see that coming. But I am impressed, nonetheless.

Once those monsters leave, Shaggy rubs his elbow in pain. "You try to sneak (N/N) out of here, I'll go get Scoob," he whispers.

"You got it," I say, giving him a solute.

With that said, I try to sneak my way through the monsters, to find (Y/N), as carefully as I can.

(Y/N)'s POV:

While Sam, Fred, Velma and I continue to dance with these monsters, we all look up, trying to give Daphne and Dean the hint to climb to the surface, so that they can open the air vents. Thankfully, they understand, and start to climb. Meanwhile, I notice that Mondevarious appears, along with N' Goo Tauna and some henchmen.

I'm not sure how long we had been at it with this dance, but once everyone stops, Sam, Velma and I stop as well, still trying to blend in. The only one who hadn't stopped is Fred! We all give him worried looks, trying to hint that he needs to stop dancing, because he's blowing our cover. After a second or two, he starts to realize his mistake.

"Yo, yo, yo. Yo, homedogs. Uh, you all forgot the next part of the dance, where we do the electric slide, you know," Fred says, doing some more dance moves.

Unfortunately, he's not fooling anybody, especially when Mondevarious' henchmen grab Fred, Sam, Velma and me.

"Fred, Velma, Sam. Welcome to my little end-of-the-world party. I've waited a long time for this moment," Mondevarious says. "Thank you for returning the ultimate party favor: The Daemon Ritus. And thank you for also saving me the trouble of bringing (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)," the moment he says my name, one of the henchmen takes my mask off, revealing my face to everyone. They even start to drag me away from my friends. "And now, behold the sacrifices."

When he says that, Scooby appears, being carried on a brick-made chair by four more henchmen. They even drag me all the way to him, keeping a tight grip on me, so that I don't escape.

"Rank you. Rank you," Scooby says, waving to everyone from his seat. "Rello, rank you."

I then hear someone make a "pst" sound, making mine and Scooby's eyes widen in shock. "Shaggy?" we ask in sync.

"Hey, I'm here, too," I hear a familiar voice say in a hush whisper.

"(F/A/N)?" I ask, looking behind me to see my said (F/A).

"(N/N), (F/A/N), Scoobert," Shaggy says, taking off the mask he was wearing, revealing his face, as well as making me realize he was disguising himself. "Hey, let's run for it. We, like, gotta get out of here."

"Tell me something I already don't know," I say, trying to whisper.

But Scooby shakes his head. "I'm a racririce," he says with a smile.

"A sacrifice?" Shaggy asks. "Dude, that's not a good thing, Scoob."

"A sacrifice means having your own life taken away. You know that means, right?" I ask. Since Scooby never once heard of the word 'sacrifice', he doesn't know the meaning of that word. When I explain it to him, Scooby starts to become shocked and a little scared, not that I blame him. "It means you're going to get killed. And so will I, unless we get out of here."

"Ro-no!" Scooby exclaims.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you," Shaggy says. "And I'm really sorry I haven't been a very good friend since we got here. But listen to me, bro, you gotta trust me now."

"Rou don't rust me, or (Y/N) and (F/A/N)," Scooby says, looking like he's about to cry.

He must still be hurt when Shaggy didn't listen to us about Mary Jane being a monster.

"I do trust you guys, Scoob. (N/N), (F/A/N), and even you," Shaggy says insistingly. "Now look. Who's your best buddies?"

"(F/A/N), (Y/N), and Raggy," Scooby says.

"That's right. And who's my best buddies in the whole wide world?" Shaggy asks.

"(Y/N), (F/A/N), and Ruby-Doo?" Scooby asks, pointing to me and himself when he said our names.

"That's right, Scoob. You are. And we're like two trippy peas in a far-out pod, man," Shaggy says, making Scooby nod his head in agreement. And I'll admit, if we weren't in a dangerous situation right now, this would probably be the most touching moment I had ever seen. "And best buddies, they trust each other. So, let's do what we do best. Let's run out of here screaming in fear, like a couple of lunatics, okay?"

"Rokay," Scooby says with a big smile.

I can't help but smile as well. "Fine by me you guys."

"Same," (F/A/N) say, nodding his/her head in agreement.

"On the count of, um...Let's make it five," Shaggy says.

I roll my eyes at him. "Oh, alright."

"One," Shaggy says.

"Two," (F/A/N) says.

"Ree," Scooby says.

Before they could finish, I feel something pierce itself into my chest, making all of us look to see that the pincer is grabbing onto my protoplasm. Once my protoplasm leaves my body, the henchmen who were holding it let go, as if my body was some kid of rag doll.

"(N/N)!" I hear Shaggy, (F/A/N) and Scooby exclaim with worry.

I try to move my protoplasmic head, but the pincer has a strong grip on it. As for Mondevarious, I see him place the Daemon Ritus over his chest.

"The moment is at hand. Through the Daemon Ritus, I shall absorb the energy source," Mondevarious declares, as all of the protoplasm in the vat get sucked into the Daemon Ritus. "And now, to complete the transformation, I shall absorb the righteous one, and then the pure one."

"(Y/N)!" I hear Fred yell, who is trying to break free from the henchmen, trying to get to me.

"Fred!" I exclaim, feeling more scared than I have ever been, afraid of what might happen to me.

Somebody, help me!

"Ultimate power shall be mine!" Mondevarious declares.

"Nobody absorbs my girlfriend!" Fred declares, punching one of the henchmen that was holding him back, and then jumps onto the pincer.

My eyes widen in shock. "Fred, are you crazy?!" I question, shocked that he'd do something so reckless.

However, because of his actions, the pincer swings to the side, causing Fred to knock Mondevarious away from the vat, which also stops the process of having him absorb anymore protoplasm.

(3rd) POV:

Meanwhile, after climbing, Daphne and Dean end up in a tunnel, still trying to get to the air vents. As for the others, thanks to Fred's actions, (Y/N) was able to get free from the pincer.

"I'm free!" she exclaims, her protoplasm zipping all over the place, while she tries to guide herself back to her body. "Okay, definitely not easy to steer!" the henchmen even try to grab her, but fail miserably when they crash into those monsters. (Y/N) even sticks her tongue out at them. "Catch me if you can, losers!"

As for Velma and Sam, they use this as an opportunity, now that they're free. "Come on! Let's get the Daemon Ritus!" Velma exclaims, her and Sam heading towards Mondevarious, to claim the said item.

"Get off my pincer!" N' Goo Tauna yells, trying to shake Fred off the said object.

Eventually, Fred does let go, landing next to where he knocked into Mondevarious. As for (Y/N), she tries to direct her protoplasm, somehow able to make it back into her body.

"(Y/N)!" (F/A/N) exclaims happily.

"Rowabunga!" Scooby exclaims, just as happy.

"Like, are you okay?" Shaggy asks, helping (Y/N) get back on her feet.

"Remind me never to do that again," (Y/N) says, glad to be back in her body.

Meanwhile, after Fred gets back on his feet, he, Sam and Velma rush towards Mondevarious, to get the Daemon Ritus. But when Velma tries to touch it, she flinches in pain, due to the intense heat radiating from the Daemon Ritus.

"Hey, look guys," Fred says, pointing to a tear in Mondevarious' neck.

"A man in a mask," Sam says, making Fred nod in agreement.

Fred then pulls the mask off, to reveal that Mondevarious' face is actually robotic. Seeing this makes everyone shocked, finding it hard to believe that a robot was behind all of this mess, especially when the Daemon Ritus slowly shrinks, melding to inside of the robot. But what's even more shocking is that when the robot's chest compartment opens, it reveals Scrappy-Doo, the Daemon Ritus now on his chest!

"Dadadadaaa! Puppy power! I've outsmarted--" Scrappy then gets cut off by being zapped from electricity from his robot costume.

"Scrappy-Doo," Velma says, her and the others shocked to see that he was the true culprit all along.

"Correction. The new, improved Scrappy," he says, climbing out of his robotic costume. "Because I, Scrappy-Dappy-Doo, have absorbed enough energy to rule the world with my all-powerful army!" as Scrappy speaks, his body slowly grows bigger into something that no one is sure of. "And I've brought you here, puny, pathetic Mystery Inc. to witness my moment of triumph," the bigger Scrappy gets, the more Sam, Fred and Velma back away, unsure if they want be anywhere near him. "All I need to complete my transformation is (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) and--" like his body, Scrappy's head grows just as big, being the last thing to match his monstrous appearance. "Scooby-Doo!"

"Me? Don't you mean Melvin Doo?" Scooby asks, pointing to the said person.

"Seize them!" Scrappy commands, pointing a finger to (Y/N), Shaggy, Scooby and (F/A/N).

"Like, let's get out of here!" Shaggy exclaims.

"Don't need to tell me!" (Y/N) exclaims, ready to make a run for it.

"Take that, pretty boys!" Scrappy laughs evilly, knocking Fred, Sam and Velma to the side.

As for Daphne and Dean, once they make it to the surface, they don't waste any time on getting to the handle, to open the air vents. Daphne tries to pull with all her might, but the air vents refuse to open. Seeing this, Dean tries to help her.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Shaggy,Scooby, (F/A/N) and I run with all our might, trying to not get caught by Scrappy.

"This is totally un-groovy, you guys!" Shaggy exclaims.

"You think?!" I exclaim, refusing to stop for anything.

"Scooby-Doo, where are you?" Scrappy asks, knocking all of the monsters out of his way to chase after his targets.

Legs, don't fail me now!

(Sorry that this chapter sucks, you guys. I really tried my best)

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