Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 3: Wait what!? What're you doing here?

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(Sorry about the picture above. It was the best I could find to suit this chapter)

(Y/N) POV:

"Thanks again for driving us here," I say, while grabbing my beach supplies from the Impala's trunk.

"No problem," Dean says while putting sun-block on himself, so that he won't get burnt.

Since  I don't have a car  of my own to drive around in, I had to ask Sam and  Dean to drop me and  (F/A/N) off at the beach. Thankfully, they didn't  mind. Not only that,  but they were also curious to know what Shaggy and  Scooby are like.  They've heard some stuff about them before Mystery  Inc broke up, but Sam  and Dean are more interested in getting to meet  Shaggy and Scooby in  person.

"So, where are we supposed to meet up again?" Sam asks.

"Well,  ever since  Mystery Inc broke up, Shaggy and Scooby have been taking  care of the  van. All we have to do is look for a blue, green, and  orange van that  reads "The Mystery Machine", and then we'll find Scooby  and Shaggy," I  explain.

"Knowing those two,  they're most  likely having a barbecue, stuffing themselves with all  kinds of food,"  (F/A/N) says with a smile.

While walking, we  eventually see a  man walking towards us. "Excuse me, are you (Y/N) (M/N)  (L/N), and  (F/A/N), the detectives?" he asks.

"That's us," says (F/A/N).

"Is there something you need?" I ask.

"Oh,  yes. I've been sent  by my employer, Mr. Emile Mondevarious to invite  you two to his world  famous amusement, Spooky Island," the employee  says, handing me an  envelope. "He'd like you two to solve a mystery."

"Sorry, dude, but today's our day off," says Dean, making me, Sam and (F/A/N) nod our heads in agreement.

As  much as I'd like to  help, (F/A/N) and I have been solving mysteries  none-stop, to the point  where we're in need of a break. The same goes  for Sam and Dean.  Basically, we're exhausted, and would like to enjoy  our day off today.

"He'll pay you a fee of 10,000 American dollars," the employee insists.

"We don't solve mysteries for money," I say.

"He'll provide you with free airfare," says the employee.

"Not into first-class," Sam comments.

"Room and board," the employee insists.

"No thanks," says (F/A/N).

"And all you can eat," the employee says, giving it one last shot in convincing us to go.

"Sign me up for all of that," Dean says, excited.

Sam,  (F/A/N) and I all  roll our at eyes at Dean. All the things that the  employee just listed  are things that Dean enjoys. Seeing how he's never  going to let this go,  I let out a sigh.

"Only on two conditions. One, I need two extra paid flight tickets for Sam and Dean. And two,  (F/A/N) is allowed to go on the plain with us, with no  problems from the  "no animals allowed" rule," I point out.

"I can have that arranged," the employee says with a smile.

"Then you got yourself a deal," I say, shaking hands with the employee.

"Looks like we're going," says Sam.

"Yes!" Dean says, obviously excited about all of the free stuff.

"But remember, we're only going to solve the mystery, okay?" I reprimand.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure, sure," Dean says, obviously ignoring me.

We  soon find out from  the employee that we weren't the only one's invited  to Spooky Island.  Apparently, so were Shaggy and Scooby. And since the  employee had heard  that they'd both be here, we all decided to lead  the way to the Mystery  Machine.

Hopefully they'll be okay. Knowing those two, they get scared way too easily whenever it comes to scary stuff.

Once  we approach the  Mystery Machine, I knock on the van's side door.  "Shaggy, Scooby it's  me!" I exclaim, hoping that they're inside.

Apparently,  Shaggy  must've gotten a little too excited to see me and (F/A/N),  because once  the van's side door opens, Shaggy comes stumbling out,  barely tripping  himself. I grab the back of his shirt, and practically  drag his body,  making him stand straight, so that he doesn't end up  hurting himself  from falling.

"Like, thanks, (N/N)," Shaggy says with a smile.

"What would you do without me?" I rhetorically ask.

The employee then spoke to Shaggy and Scooby, saying the same thing he said to me, (F/A/N), Sam and Dean. However...

"I'm  sorry, dude. Look,  uh, I'd love to help you out. You look like a  really nice guy. It's just  we're not detectives anymore, unlike (N/N)  and (F/A/N)," says Shaggy.

"Oh, no. I've been sent  by my  employer Mr. Emile Mondevarious to invite you to his world famous   amusement park Spooky Island," says the employee.

"Oh, we don't go near any place with "spooky", "haunted", "forbidden", or "creepy" in the name," Shaggy lists down.

"Or hydrocronic", says Scooby.

"Right, or hydrocolonic, but that's for a whole different reason, man," Shaggy says before walking away from the employee.

"But  Mondevarious would  like you to solve the mystery," the employee says,  listing the same  things he did to me, (F/A/N), Sam and Dean. But Shaggy  said no to all of  them, until... "And all you can eat."

"A-a-rall you can eat?" Scooby asks, making sure he's not dreaming, and then faints.

I couldn't help but laugh. Knowing these two, food definitely gets their attention.

Looks like we're all going to Spooky Island.

After  that, we all made  sure to pack whatever we might need, as well as  making sure not to lose  our plane tickets. Dean, Sam, (F/A/N) and I  arrived first, but were  promised by Shaggy and Scooby that they'd catch  up with us at the  airport. While walking through the building, the  four of us make sure to  keep an eye out for which plane that will take  us to Spooky Island.

I must've not been  paying close attention on  where I was going, because I accidentally bump  into someone. "Oh my  gosh, I am so sorry," I apologize.

"No, no. It's my fault......(Y/N)!?" the person I bumped into asked.

When he takes his sunglasses off, I then start to recognize him. "Fred?!" (F/A/N) and I exclaim in sync.

"You two know each other?" Sam asks, a little confused.

"Long story," I say before turning my attention back on Fred. "Anyway, what're you doing here?" I ask.

"I could ask you the same thing?" Fred asks, just as shocked as I am.

"(Y/N)? (F/A/N)? Fred?" someones asks, making us turn our attention to see who it is.

"Velma?" Fred, (F/A/N) and I ask in sync.

Oh my gosh, what the heck are they doing here?

While  Velma walks  towards us, I start to let out a somewhat nervous chuckle.  "By any  chance, would the two of you be going this way?" I ask,  gesturing to  Spooky Island's gate.

"Y-yeah," Fred says, while Velma nods her head.

Deciding  to just go with  it, we all continue to head towards our destination.  Dean then lets out  an "ahem", hinting that I should introduce him and  Sam to Fred and  Velma.

"Oh, uh, this is Sam and  Dean  Winchester. They're brothers," I explain, while Fred and Velma  each  take turns in shaking hands with the two brothers.

"Nice to meet you," says Velma, giving Sam and Dean a smile.

"Nice to meet you, too," says Sam.

"So, how have you, uh...?" Velma tries to ask, her attention on me, Fred and (F/A/N).

"Been?" Fred and I ask, guessing if that's what she was trying to say.

"Yes," Velma says, trying to not be awkward.

"Well,  I've still been  solving mysteries...with Sam and Dean here. Like me,  they're detectives,  and have also been my partners for quite a while  now," I say, trying to  not make this seem awkward.

It takes  all I have to  try and not to be nervous around Fred and Velma. I mean,  we haven't seen  each other in two years, not since Mystery Inc broke up  and went  separate ways. What else am I supposed to say to them? "Long  time no  see, let's go back to solving mysteries together"? I highly  doubt that  would work out, considering the reason we all broke up in  the first  place, especially the reason why I broke up with Daphne.

"And you, Fred? How have you been?" I ask, trying not to be nervous around him.

"Great,  great. I'm on  the, uh, lecture circuit with my new book, "Fred on  Fred: The Many Face  of Me," Fred says holding up a book of himself.

"Jinkies, that's impressive," Velma says, her face saying otherwise.

"And what about you, Velma? What have you been up to?" (F/A/N) asks.

"I've  been working at  NASA, developing hydro-powered missile defense  systems," she answers.  The others and I share a look, all of us  impressed that she's actually  been doing that. I mean, it's no surprise  that Velma would be part of  that, since she's always been a genius at  stuff like that. "But more  importantly, I'm on a journey of  self-discovery."

"That's really impressive," I say.

"Charter  service to  Spooky Island will begin momentarily," someone on the mic  says, making  all of us take a look at our tickets, to make sure that  we're getting on  the right plane.

"What do you mean I  can't  have seven carry-on bags? That is so economy," says a familiar  voice,  making me, Fred, Velma and (F/A/N) look at each other in shock.

"Daph?" we all say in sync, aside from Sam and Dean.

Daphne  turns her  attention towards us, realizing that it's definitely us. "Oh  no. I'm not  talking to you guys," she says, adjusting her sun-glasses,  zipping her  lips, and then placing one of her bags on the reception  desk. After a  moment or two, she turns back to face us. "What the heck  are you doing  here?"

"Isn't it obvious? We  all received the  same letter from one Emile Mondevarious, the reclusive  owner of Spooky  Island," Velma explains.

You have got to be kidding me!

"It's  not fair! I was  gonna solve the mystery all by myself for the first  ever!" Daphne  exclaims, walking towards us, while also taking off her  sun-glasses.

"How're you gonna save yourself when you get caught?" Fred asks with a smirk.

"I'm  a black-belt now.  I've transformed my body into a dangerous weapon,"  Daphne says, making  me, Fred, Velma and (F/A/N) laugh. I mean, since  when has Daphne ever  been interested in being a black-belt, especially  since she was always  focused on making herself look pretty instead of a  fighting machine.  However, seeing that none of us believe her, Daphne  gives us a glare.  "It's true."

"Far out," we hear, making us turn around to see Shaggy. "I guess we're, like, all going to Spooky Island, man."

"Wait, where's Scooby?" Sam asks.

Not  long after asking  that, we all see Scooby walking towards us, or at  least trying to.  Scooby is wearing yellow heels, a straw hat, glasses, a  white dress with  yellow and blue flowers printed on it, and is  carrying a purse (that's  what it looks like to me. But don't hesitate  to correct me if I made a  mistake somewhere).

"Shaggy?" I ask, wanting to know what's going on.

"Care to explain that?" Sam asks, gesturing to the way Scooby is dressed.

"They don't allow big dogs on the plane," Shaggy explains.

"Why didn't you just ask for him to be arrange by being given permission on the plane like I did for (F/A/N)?" I ask.

"I didn't think about it," Shaggy admits.

This  almost takes me  back to the time when Shaggy and I tried to sneak  (F/A/N) and Scooby  onto our school bus in disguise, back when we were  still attending  Coolsville High.

"You've got to be kidding me," says Velma.

"No one is stupid enough to believe that," says Daphne.

"Who's the ugly old broad?" Fred asks, earning a kiss on the cheek from Scooby.

"Apparently  there is  someone who is stupid enough to believe that," I say, earning  an annoyed  glare from Daphne.

"Flight 3774 to Spooky Island, now boarding," the woman on the reception desk says.

"Listen, I wouldn't have agreed to come if I knew" Velma points out.

"Like,  wait, just think  about it for one minute," Shaggy insists, trying to  prevent any of us  from parting ways again. "Mystery Inc. reunites.  We'll be a team again,  just like the old days. So, come on, gang. Let's  do that thing where we  all put our hands in, we lift them up, and we  all go whoohoohoo!

"Only if Fred and Velma do it," Daphne says, obviously refusing to do so.

When none of us do it, Fred speaks up. "People are watching, Shag," he says.

When  Fred walks away, so  do Velma and Daphne, getting ready to board the  plane. I then feel  someone nudge me, making me look at Shaggy and  Scooby. Both of them have  hopeful looks in their eyes, hoping that I  join in by placing my hand  on top of theirs. Even (F/A/N) places  his/hand (hand, paw, claw, etc) on  top of Shaggy and Scooby's, giving  me the same hopeful look.

I roll my eyes at them,  but can't  help but smile. "Ah, what the heck?" I ask, placing my hand on  top. "I  guess it wouldn't hurt for old times sake."

"Like thanks, (N/N)," Shaggy says with a smile.

"What're friends for?" I rhetorically ask.

"Hey,  we better hurry.  Or we're gonna miss our flight," Sam says, reminding  us that the plane  will leave without us if we don't get on already.

"Oh, yeah, heh, sure. What're we waiting for?" Dean asks, looking nervous.

Oh  yeah, I almost  forgot. Dean is really scared of planes. Knowing that, I  can't help but  get worried, wondering how he's going to take it, as  well as wonder  whether or not he'll actually make it through the entire  flight.

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