(Y/N)'s POV:
The others and I follow that smoke, ending up at the beach. We also see a familiar hut, making me realize that this is that voodoo man's place. Before any of us can make a move, Daphne speaks up.
"Wait. I know how to handle this guy," Daphne says, walking up to the voodoo man. "Hey, you! What're you doing?"
We all look at her, confused. I mean, how is that any different from talking normally with someone?
"Yes. That is masterful," Velma says sarcastically.
We then walk up to the voodoo man ourselves.
"I'm trying to do a voodoo ritual if you don't mind, thank you. It's important to get the right ingredients. See, the only way I can protect myself is by blessing this dead Arnouki beast," the voodoo man says, holding up a creepy looking...whatever it is. "And I'll tell you something. I gotta feeling they're about to perform they're evil Darkopalypse ritual?"
"Darkopalypse ritual?" Velma and I ask in sync, making sure that we heard right.
"That's right," the voodoo man says.
"That's what the ancient text describes," Velma says, opening the Daemon Ritus.
And it's also what N' Goo Tauna mentioned when I was captured.
"Hey, hey! Whoa! Don't open that, don't open that!" the voodoo man exclaims, backing up a little.
Even though I doubt it'd do anything to us, I don't feel so comfortable around the Daemon Ritus myself, especially after jumping from one body to another earlier.
"They use the protoplasm in the vat as an energy source. And the leader needs to absorb a purely good and righteous soul to complete the ritual," Velma says, reading the texts from inside the Daemon Ritus.
"Legend has it, once the Darkopalypse ritual is performed, the creatures will rule on earth for 10,000 years. So, that's why I'm taking this dead Arnouki beast in my house. To protect myself," the voodoo man says.
"You have another one of those?" Shaggy asks.
The voodoo man doesn't answer. Instead, he walks back inside of his home.
"Those creatures are taking over the world?" Sam asks.
"That is so mean," Daphne comments.
"They can't do the ritual without a pure and righteous human soul," Fred points out.
"Where the heck are they going to get one of those?" Dean asks.
"I didn't say human, or that it only had to be one person," Velma points out.
At that moment, my eyes widen in realization. "Oh my god," I say, feeling stupid for not realizing it sooner.
"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" (F/A/N) asks.
"Earlier, when I was captured, N' Goo Tauna said that they needed me and Scooby for the Darkopalypse Ritual, that we were too important. I never realized what he meant before, but I think that I do now," I explain. The others wait for me to continue. "They need mine and Scooby's souls for the ritual."
The others start to realize what I'm talking about. When you think about it, it makes sense. All I've wanted was to try and search for the person who killed my parents, and bring them to justice. I don't know much about righteousness, but if that isn't a justified reason, then I don't know what is.
If I'm the righteous one, then that must make Scooby the pure one.
"So, if the person behind all of this needs (Y/N) and Scooby-Doo..." Velma says in thought.
"Then that person is the one who brought (Y/N) and Scooby here," Daphne points out.
"Mondevarious!" Sam exclaims, him and the rest of us realizing that it was him that was behind this mess in the first place.
"Dammit! He must've faked his kidnapping from those monsters to throw us off track, so that we wouldn't have to think that it was him behind all of this," Dean points out.
(3rd) POV:
Like (Y/N), Scooby was placed in a pyramid like cage, scared, and unsure what to do. Then all of a sudden, the cage opens, and N' Goo Tauna enters the room, making Scooby whimper and back up, in hopes of escaping. However, two guards block his path from doing so.
"Hello, puppy," N' Goo Tauna says.
He then leads Scooby all the way to a different room.
"Scoobert. How are you, my friend? Sit down, please," Mondevarious says, standing up from his desk, while N' Goo Tauna leaves.
"Rokay," Scooby says, taking a seat on a black chair.
"Scooby Snack?" Mondevarious asks, opening a box.
"Maybre one," Scooby says, then devours all of the snacks from the box.
"We'll need some more of those," Mondevarious says, closing the box, and placing it to the side.
"Rey, rat's me!" Scooby exclaims, noticing a picture of him that was taken in that Spooky Island Castle.
"It certainly is. And that's because...Why? We love you, Scooby-Doo. Unlike that alleged friend of yours, Shaggy," Mondevarious says. "He wouldn't believe you and (Y/N) or (F/A/N) about that nasty girl Mary Jane, would he?"
"Nro," Scooby says, hurt and heartbroken at the memory of Shaggy not listening to him, (Y/N) and (F/A/N) when they were trying to save him.
"But I believe you, my friend," Mondevarious says. "And that's why I've got a very important job for you."
"What's that?" Scooby asks, touch the bobbing head of a cat.
"That a cat with bobbing head. Please don't touch it," Mondevarious says, smacking Scooby's paw. He then gets back to the task at hand. "Scooby, I would like you to be a sacrifice."
"A racririce?" Scooby asks with a smile.
Mondevarious slowly nods his head, knowing that his plan is succeeding. Now all he needs is to find (Y/N) and his plans will soon be complete.
(Y/N)'s POV:
"If Mondorajagaga wanted (Y/N) and Scooby, then why'd he invite the rest of us?" Fred asks, as well as points out, while also mispronouncing Mondevarious' name again.
He's got a point. If Mondevarious only needs me and Scooby for the ritual, then what was the point of inviting the others?
"It doesn't matter. We gotta, like, go save Scoob," Shaggy says, making me nod my head in agreement.
"Shag, our area of expertise is nut jobs in Halloween costumes," Fred says.
"But we're supposed to be heroes, man," Shaggy says.
"That's right. And besides, have you guys forgotten everything we've been through since our days back in Coolsvill High? The first mystery we solved? We went against our own Principle, Deedle and his two ghosts. Two. Real. Life. Ghosts! We even went against Wanda Grubwort and her lake monster. There were times when we almost got killed, but we came out alive from both times, and were actually able to save people's lives. And no matter how hard it was, or how scared we got, we were able to make through all of it, because we were a team. But most importantly, we were friends, who loved solving mysteries together," I say, remember those moments I had with everyone. "I don't know what those days meant to you guys. But they meant a LOT to me, especially when we always had each other's backs, no matter how many times things got rough for us."
During my speech, Shaggy nods his head in agreement. As for Fred, Daphne and Velma, my words must've reached them, because they began to put some thought into it, probably remembering those moments as well.
"Exactly. So, I'm gonna do what I always do," Shaggy says, grabbing Daphne's hand purse to grab a Scooby Snack. "I'm gonna eat myself a Scooby Snack, and I'm gonna save my best pal."
"Not without me, you're not," I say, placing a hand on Shaggy's shoulder.
We then wait for the others to say something.
"Velmster?" Fred asks, our attention on her now.
Hearing that must've shocked Velma, because it had been a long time since she had been called that. "You think I'm gonna fall for that? Giving me my own nickname?" she asks, trying not to cry. "Trying to make me feel like...part of the gang?" she then smiles. "We could make a plan."
"What can I do? The only thing I'm good for is getting caught," Daphne says.
"But you never let that stop you before," (F/A/N) points out with a smile.
I nod my head in agreement. "Yeah. And if that's not a true hero, then I don't know what is." I say, giving Daphne a smile, who returns the gesture.
"Hey, what're we? Chopped liver?" Dean asks, gesturing to Sam and himself. "No way in heck are we sitting this one out, twiddling our thumbs, while you guys save the world."
"Exactly. And as cheesy as this sounds, we're in this, all of us, together," Sam says, him and his brother also smiling.
There was no longer any need for words. One by one, we all stacked our hands on top of each other: Shaggy, (F/A/N), me, Fred, Sam, Dean, Daphne and Velma. At this point, there's no turning back now, not when we've got a friend, as well as the whole world, to save.
"Let's get jinkie with it," Velma says.
With that, we don't waste any time on trying to put a stop to the Darkopalypse ritual. First, we make sure to get the disco-skull, and then grab some mountain climbing equipment that was used for fun in the park. Then we all headed back to the caves where the protoplasm vat is, to put our plan into motion. We even got myself a mask that I can put on later, just in case, so that no one will be able to notice that it's me, hopefully.
Anyway, we used all of the mountain equipment to help us raise the disco-skull in the air, and place it somewhere, where no one can see it. We even use the mountain equipment to try and make our way through the cave ceiling.
"Okay, so we use the pulleys to tip over the vat," Fred says.
"Then Daphne and Dean will open the air vents and release the disco-skull," Velma continues.
"The light will then reflect off the skull," I say.
"The creatures will explode," Sam says.
"Shaggy and I will find Scoob," (F/A/N) says.
"And we will, like, have saved the world," Shaggy finishes, excited.
We then hear the sound of drums, making us start to get worried.
"Oh no," Sam says.
"The ritual's beginning," Fred says.
"We've gotta hurry!" I exclaim.
"Quick. Shaggy, you and (F/A/N) attach this to the vat," Velma says, tossing a pulley to Shaggy.
Once they grab the pulley, Shaggy and (F/A/N) then rush towards the vat with it. "Shh! We're here to save you," Shaggy says in a whisper to everyone in the vat.
"Shaggy, (F/A/N), faster," Velma urges.
"(N/N), you'd better put your mask on, quick," Fred urges.
"Way ahead of you," I say, already placing my mask on my face.
"All systems go," Shaggy says, finished with tying the pulley to the vat. "Wait, no!"
"Mystery Inc. rides again," Fred says, him and Velma riding down one of the pulleys to the ground.
I'm not sure what happened, but instead of the vat being tipped over, Shaggy and (F/A/N) were lifted into the air. After hitting the ceiling, one of the pulleys that were attached to it causes Daphne and Dean to be swung into one of the cave walls. As for Shaggy and (F/A/N), they ended up flying towards somewhere else, while Sam and I end up losing our balance, and fall onto the ground, next to Fred and Velma.
Why does stuff like this always happen?
(3rd) POV:
As for Shaggy and (F/A/N), they were sent flying, crashing in a man, who was knocked out from impact. While (F/A/N) stands up, Shaggy starts to scramble all over the place, not sure what to do, until they see Scooby, who is sitting in a chair, being pampered.
"Would you like another Scooby Snack?" a woman asks.
"Rokay," Scooby says, eating the snack.
"Scooby-Doo!" Shaggy exclaims, him and (F/A/N) both smiling, glad to know that Scooby is alright.
It's at that moment that Shaggy comes up with an idea.
(Y/N)'s POV:
"Quick, hide the Daemon Ritus," Velma says.
We don't waste any time on doing what she says. Fred, Sam and I all covered the Daemon Ritus under our mountain climbing equipment, hoping that no one finds it. And just in time, too, because a lot of those monster-in-disguise appear. They then do some kind of dance, singing a song that I am not familiar with, which must be for their Darkopalypse Ritual. Having no other choice, Sam, Fred, Velma and I try our best to do the same dance movements, so that we can hopefully blend in.
For all of our sakes, I hope this doesn't end badly.
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