Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 11: Mixed up

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(F/A/N)'s POV:

After helping Velma, Shaggy and I saw Fred and Dean in the vat. Being careful to not miss, Shaggy grabbed Fred, while I grabbed Dean.

"Hey, buddies," Shaggy says.

"You two okay?" I ask.

"Well, I had my frigging protoplasm put into the vat, and then some monster decides to make itself right at home with my body and is practically doing who knows what with it!" Dean exclaims, obviously stressed from what just happened today. "How the heck am I supposed to make out with chicks and help myself to some beer if I'm stuck like this?!"

"Shouldn't that be the least of your problems right now?" I ask, finding it a LITTLE hard to believe that he's Sam's older brother, especially when Sam is the mature one.

"Shaggy, (F/A/N)! Listen, guys. Someone must have spiked my root beer last night. Talk me down, man. Talk. Me. Down!" Fred exclaims.

From the looks of it, he's most likely hoping that he's drunk, and that this is all just a nightmare.

"Fred, you and Dean are a couple of frigging protoplasmic heads," Shaggy points out.

"I know," Fred says weakly. "But I'm still the best-looking protoplasmic head here."

Dean then scoffs at him. "Please. We all know that I'm the better looking guy here, especially since all of the chicks fall for me."

Hearing that irked me a little. Of all things, THAT is what's important to them!? I mean, really?! Now is not the time to be thinking about stuff like that, especially with what could be going on right now on the island. And just for that, I smack both Fred and Dean's protoplasmic heads, making them leave the caves, and hopefully help them get back to their bodies.

(3rd) POV:

"How do you drive this thing?" Fred asks.

"Don't ask me, man!" Dean exclaims, him and Fred trying to steer their protoplasm heads in the right direction.

"The Darkopalypse's upon us. Gather what you need for the ceremony," the monster in Fred's body says.

Somehow, Fred and Dean were able to make it to the hotel. And as luck would have it, they were also able to find their bodies.

"There they are! Our bodies!" Dean exclaims, trying to steer his protoplasmic head towards his body, while Fred tries to do the same.

"I see them! I'm coming, good-looking!" Fred exclaims.

However, just as Fred and Dean were about to get back to their bodies, their bodies entered separate rooms. And once both doors closed on them, Fred and Dean ended up hitting the doors, which caused their protoplasmic heads to bounce all over the place like a pair of beach balls.

(F/A/N)'s POV:

All that's left is to help Daphne and Sam. However, we ended up grabbing someone else.

"Thank you so much, you've saved me. Thank you," some stranger says.

"Sorry, we're, uh, looking for our friends," Shaggy apologizes, placing this guy back into the vat.

"Okay, let's try this again. Eanie, meanie, minie..." I say, trying to keep a lookout for Sam and Daphne.

"Moe!" Shaggy exclaims, trying again.

This time, Shaggy grabbed Daphne, while I grabbed Sam.

"(F/A/N)?! Man, am I glad to see you," Sam says.

"You're welcome," I say, glad to know that he's okay.

"Put me back, Shaggy. I'll figure a way out myself," Daphne says.

"Like how?" Shaggy asks, making me and Sam equally confused on how she plans to do that.

"I don't know. I'll use my tongue as an oar and swim to the edge," she says.

"Sorry," Shaggy apologizes.

"Catch you both later, when you're back in your bodies," I say, letting go of Sam.

As for Shaggy, he flicks his fingers at Daphne. Knowing how stubborn she can be, she'd obviously try to go back into the vat to prove that she can get out by herself. But considering the circumstances right now, that's not really an option. Anyway, after having Sam and Daphne leave the cave, Shaggy and I both noticed the Daemon Ritus is a few feet away from us. And from what we remember last night, N' Goo Tauna seemed pretty desperate to take it last night.

Hopefully taking this will help...I hope.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"You okay, Velma?" I ask, helping her get back on her feet, after what happened earlier.

"Yeah, thanks. I'm glad you're okay, too," she says.

"Well, a lot of stuff happened," I say.

We then both started to explain what we had both been through. While I mentioned the info I was able to get from N' Goo Tauna, Velma explained all that she could find out from when she was still a protoplasmic head, trapped in the vat. Apparently, when new arrivals come to the island, those same monsters that attacked us appear at night, and then take over a person's body once everyone's protoplasm is removed. She even mentioned that it was thanks to Shaggy and (F/A/N) for helping her get back into her body, making me believe that they must be doing the same for the rest of our friends.

"So, that's what happened. Since you were able to return to your body, that green light must've been from the monster, because your protoplasm was able cut off whatever chances that it had on doing whatever it wanted to do with your body," I say, making sure that I've got everything understood.

"Most likely. And I have the feeling that the same will happen to everyone else, once they are released from the vat and have their protoplasm returned to their appropriate bodies," she says.

"Okay, but what I still can't figure out is WHY those things would want anything to do with our bodies. I mean, being able to put people to sleep by breathing out that green gas, and with the strength they possess, they could practically destroy all of humanity if they wanted to," I point out.

"That's the one thing I don't know. You're guess is as good as mine," she says.

I then notice something from a distance. "Velma, look!" I exclaim, pointing to where I see a pair of wisps.

"That must be two of our friends," she says.

"Well, we'd better help them find their bodies first, then," I point out.

We both nod our heads in agreement, and then enter through one of the staff entrance doors. And as luck would have it we were able to catch sight of Sam and Daphne's bodies.

"Uh, yo, yo, you, yo," Velma says, catching the attention of the monsters inside of Sam and Daphne's bodies.

They start to walk towards us, and we walk towards them. Once we get close to them, Velma and I both shove Sam and Daphne's bodies into a room.

"What the--?"

Before the monster in Daphne's body can finish, Sam and Daphne's protoplasm both appear just in time to enter their bodies. While Daphne's protoplasm knocked her body against the chair, Sam knocked his own to the floor. After locking the door, in hopes that no one comes in here, Velma and I then rush towards the blinds.

It's just like what happened with Velma earlier. Daphne and Sam's protoplasm fight against the monsters. And then, just like that, the monsters get kicked out of Sam and Daphne's bodies. Seeing this, the two monsters are not pleased. If nothing else, they look quite angry.

"Back off from our friends, uglies!" I declare.

"You could use a little sunlight," Velma says, me and her opening the blinds.

Realizing that they're standing in the rays of the sun, the monsters become scared. And just like what happened with the monster that was using Velma's body, red wart-like dots appear all over their bodies, and then they explode into nothing.

"Guess that would explain why those things need our bodies," I say, letting out a sigh of relief that sunlight can actually kill those things.

"Right. The creatures must need our bodies to survive in sunlight," Velma explains. "Like a human suit. SPF 1,000,000."

"Which is why they always attack at night, whenever new arrivals come to the island. Stepping out in sunlight is like asking for a death-wish for those monsters," I say, understanding the situation a little more.

"But what are they doing here in the first place?" Velma asks.

"No offense, Velma. But that's like asking why Wanda Grubwort's spirit was able to linger for as long as it did until she took hold of you, remember?" I ask.

"You had to bring that up," she says, obviously not happy from being possessed by an evil witch, who used her body to hurt innocent people, including me and my friends back then.

I start to feel bad for reminding her of that. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that," I then notice something. Sam and Daphne hadn't said a word since getting their bodies back, making me wonder if they're still in shock from when they were protoplasm. "Uh, Daphne? Sam? You both okay?"

"Yeah," Daphne says...with Fred's voice?! "But I'm not Daphne!"

"And I'm not Sam!" Sam says with Dean's voice!

"Fred?" Velma asks, shocked.

"Dean?!" I question, just as shocked as Velma.

Uh-oh...don't tell me...!

"Uhh, do we wanna know how this happened?" I ask, afraid of what the answer might be.

(3rd) POV:

Meanwhile, Daphne ended up in Fred's body, while Sam ended up in Dean's.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"We couldn't get to our bodies. We didn't know where else to go, we panicked! It's not easy to steer when you're pure spirit," Fred points out, while Dean nods his head in agreement.

I let out a sigh. "Well, this is just great. I know that I've heard of "switcheroo", but this is ridiculous."

"You can say that again," Velma says, nodding her head in agreement.

"Hey," Fred says, looking happy all of a sudden, which makes the rest of us look at him. However, judging by the look he's making, I can't help but feel a chill go up my spine. "I can look at myself naked."

"Hey, mind if I have a feel?" Dean asks, having a perverted look on his brother's face.

I then give the both of them a death glare. (something like this)

"Do that, and you two are so asking for it," I threaten.

"S-sorry!" Fred and Dean exclaim in sync, scared.

"Oh, brother," Velma says, letting out a sigh at Fred and Dean for being so perverted.

When she leaves the room, I decide to go with her. Fred and Dean also come along. Since we have no choice but to work with what we've got, we all decide to leave the building before any of those monsters notice and start to come after us again. While walking through the trees and other plants, we eventually come across Fred and Dean's bodies.

"Get your hands off me," Fred says with Daphne's voice.

"Daphne?" Velma asks.

I then place a hand on my forehead, feeling a headache coming from all of this. "Ugh, and I'm guessing that it's you in there, right Sam?" I ask, pointing a finger at Dean's body.

"Unfortunately, yes," Dean's body says with Sam's voice, who is not amused with the situation, not that I blame him.

Ugh, my head hurts.

"He planned this somehow, didn't he?" Daphne asks, giving Fred a glare.

"Hey, good-looking," Fred says, checking out his body.

"Fred, you egocentric--" Daphne says before getting cut off.

"Please tell us you guys are you," we hear, making us turn our attention to Shaggy and (F/A/N).

"Shaggy, (F/A/N)!" I exclaim, glad to see them alright.

"Fred keeps touching me!" Daphne exclaims, obviously not happy.

"Kind of makes you nostalgic for the homicidal creatures, doesn't it?" Velma asks.

"We stole this. Hopefully it'll help," (F/A/N) says, while Shaggy places the Daemon Ritus on a nearby rock.

"The Daemon Ritus," Velma says, slightly shocked to see it.

Then the unexpected happens. All of our protoplasm leave our bodies, making us end up in a different body!

"Hey, I'm me again," Daphne says, back in her body.

"Yippee for you," I say with a hint of sarcasm, noticing that I'm in Fred's body.

"Oh, come on! Being inside my giant brother's body is one thing, but now I'm a (F/A)?!" Dean says, inside of (F/A/N).

"Better than having you inside one of the girls' bodies," Sam says, inside of Shaggy's body.

"Easy for you to say. I'm not used to being on two legs," (F/A/N) says from inside of Sam's body, who is trying to keep his/her balance.

"Man, like why am I wearing a dress?" Shaggy asks from inside of Velma's body.

"Everyone remain, calm," Fred says from inside of my body. "Velma, what the heck's going on?"

"If my calculations are correct, due to the fragile nature of instability of protoplasm and the proximity of the Daemon Ritus, we're simply going to continue randomly changing bodies, until--" Velma says from inside of Dean's body.

Before Velma can finish, our protoplasm once again jumps into different bodies. This time, I ended up in Daphne's body, which makes this embarrassing in so many ways.

"Until the protoplasm realigns with the appropriate body," Velma says, this time inside of Shaggy's body.

"I'm Dean again!" Daphne complains.

"At least you weren't inside (F/A/N)'s body," Dean says, this time inside of my body.

"And what is that supposed to mean?!" (F/A/N) questions from inside of Fred's body, still trying to balance himself/herself.

Once again, our protoplasm left our bodies. But this time, I ended up back in my own body.

"I'm me!" Fred exclaims.

"I'm back!" Daphne exclaims.

"Same here," I say, glad to be back in my body again.

"Like, me too," Shaggy says, smiling in his own body.

"Told you so," Velma says.

"Oh, I am never taking my body for granted ever again," (F/A/N) says, hugging himself/herself.

"You and me both," says Dean, also back in his body.

"I don't know about you guys, but I definitely don't want to go through that again," Sam says, making the rest of us nod our heads in agreement.

Yep, we're all definitely back in our own bodies alright.

All of a sudden, we hear the sound of an explosion, making us look to to see that smoke is rising from a distance.

"Oh, no," Velma says, looking a little worried.

"Let's go," says Daphne.

After Shaggy grabs the Daemon Ritus, we all head to where that smoke is rising from.

This trip has just been one thing after the other!

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