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I was laid on my hammock, listening to the unnerving sounds of the jungle. The boys had left to do their challenge almost two hours ago, and they still hadn't returned.

My thoughts were violently disrupted by the loud sound of a phone ringing. My attention was set on the big red telephone box a couple of meters from the area I was meant to be sleeping.

I quickly hopped out of my hammock and jogged to the box, opening the heavy door and picking up the phone.

"Alright Keith?" I asked, already knowing who it was. I listened to him speaking as I held the door open with the palm of my right hand, holding the phone with my left.

"What percentage of women prefer having a male boss?" I heard a voice say on the other side. "A, thirty-three percent, or B, twenty-seven percent"

I repeated what the man said out loud to the other campmates. I waited for a little while whilst they did a majority vote.

"We pick thirty-three percent, choice A" Duncan called across the camp.

I nodded quickly. "We pick answer A please Keith"

The line went flat.

I put the phone back and walked out out the red telephone box, closing the door carefully behind me. I sat back down on my hammock and smoothed down my plaits.

"Well?" Lady C asked me impatiently.

"He hung up— we'll just have to wait until they get here" I told her as nicely as I could.

I swung back and forth on my hammock, desperately looking for something to do. I hadn't been picked for any challenges yet, I felt like I had no purpose in camp anymore.

I was interrupted by people cheering. Sitting up slightly and looking over, I saw Kieran and Brian walking back into camp, wearing— chicken suits.

They told us that we got the answer wrong, and we could have got a bar of milk chocolate.

I sighed in disappointment. I could really do with a massive bar of chocolate right now. I could do with any amount of food with flavour right now. I grumbled and wrapped myself up in my sleeping bag, dosing off.




I woke up to a loud noise, screaming and falling out of my hammock, I landed harshly on my elbows, sending shockwaves of sharp pain up my arms.

"George thats not funny!" I told him as I stood up and rubbed my trousers, brushing off all the sticks and dirt that had stuck to me. I put my hands on my hips, glaring at him.

He was laughing hysterically, clapping his hands and all. The corners of my mouth couldn't help but curl up into a smile.

"That was mean though" I told him as I hit him lightly on the arm.

He just chucked in responce and walked over to help Brian prepare the food.

We may have jobs, but when Duncan and Kieran aren't around— we tend to unintentionally do what we want.

I shook out my sleeping bag and wrapped it up, putting it neatly in my bed. I adjusted my bandana and looked around. It was pretty dark, the camp being lit up my mainly the light of the lanterns dotted around. By the smell, I guessed that dinner was nearly ready.

I skipped down towards where Brian was cooking. I sat down on a log next to Yvette.

"Wow Jess, what got you in such a good mood?" She giggled and covered her mouth with her hands.

I shrugged in response. "I'm not sure, but savour it whilst it lasts" I told her with a smile spreading wider across my face.

//Ant and Dec— Ant clapped his hands together enthusiastically. "So Brian and Kieran completed their 'Dingo Dollar Challenge', earning themselves a bar of chocolate! How long will they be able to keep it from the other campmates? Or will they keep it for themselves?" He looked directly at the camera. "Find out next time in I'm a celebrity, get me out of here!" The camera panned away from the presenters.//

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