Ferne and Vicky had gone to do their trial, and camp was practically silent.
Nobody was talking, nobody was moving.
Suddenly, the silence was broken by the sounds of people walking towards camp.
"Is that them?" Tony asked as he stood up.
We were surprised when we saw no other than Ant and Dec emerge from the foliage.
"Hello campmates!" Ant said enthusiastically.
"You're probably wondering why we're here" Dec said as him and Ant stopped at a halt at the main entry of camp.
"Well, as you all know, Spencer Mattews had to sadly leave the jungle under private circumstances. And since you are now officially missing one campmate" He paused and read something from a sheet. "There has been someone new dropped in the jungle about a mile away— they should be here shortly"
"Who is it?" Lady C asked from her bed.
Dec tapped his nose, signifying that it was a secret. And with that, they left.
I rested my hands behind my head and stared at the jungle canopy for a bit.
Some poor person, is in the jungle. Alone.
I sighed and tucked some hair behind my ear just as Vicky and Ferne walked back into camp wearing the most ridiculous clown suits ever.
They explained that they had only won six meals for camp— meaning that we would have to have two people per meal.
"We'll have to share our meals then" Brian said, as if he was reading my thoughts. "I'll cook"
"Jess or George can you be useful and go and get some logs" Duncan said harshly, from his stupid camp leader throne.
I got up obediently and walked down the path to the pile of logs. I didn't want to wait for George, the quicker I do it, the quicker it'll be done.
I lifted up about three logs and carried them in the way you'd carry a baby. Worried that i'd get splinters in my arms, I cautiously walked up the path back to camp. I was walking past the shower when I heard Vicky and Ferne talking.
"You sure you don't fancy George" I heard Vicky ask Ferne.
"I'm sure" I heard Ferne say.
I stood completely still and eavesdropped in on their conversation.
"Well maybe I do like him a little" Ferne admitted. "But I'm like three years older"
"Three years isn't that much babe" Vicky told her.
I've had an odd feeling about Ferne ever since she arrived that day in Crock Creek. I'd held a grudge against her too, since she banished me to Snake Rock.
I sighed to myself and continued to walk up the path, back to camp. I dropped the logs next to the pit of ash where the fire was earlier.
I walked up to the dunny and looked at myself in the small dirty mirror we had to use.
My face was getting dirty, and my hair was too. I pulled my hair out of the buns they were tied in and I walked back to where my hammock was.
I grabbed my mint coloured 'Triangl' bikini and got ready to take a freezing cold shower from the 'waterfall'. When I say 'waterfall' I mean freezing cold drips of water dripping down from rock above you.
I walked hastily through camp, hoping nobody could see me, since I was awkward and very bodily conscious. Luckily, nobody noticed. People were sleeping or too busy doing chores.
I stumbled down to the shower, jumping under the freezing cold water.
I washed my hair and body as fast as I could, eager to get back into my camp wear again, given how cold I was. Not even the humidity of the jungle helped. I worried that my hair was going to go all mental and frizzy, so I quickly tied them into two french braids, praying it wouldn't frizz up as it dried.
I walked back through camp, clutching my towel. Jorgie did her best to wolf whistle, but it didn't really go to plan. She may or may not have accidentally spit all over Lady Collin Campbell.
I laughed and got changed back into my second set of clothes, and gave the other set to Chris to wash.
My other set was a blue vest top, and red loose fitting trousers that sat low on my hips. I still wore my bandana around my forehead and my military boots, but since my beloved jacket was being washed, I had to wear a khaki coloured button up jacket of which I rolled the sleeves up and left undone.
I sat back down, cross legged on my bed, waving off Brian and Kieran as they left to do their 'Dingo Dollar Challenge'.
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