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"I'll see you later Doll" George said gently as he kissed my cheek. "Have a good day"

"You too" I smiled as I stood up out of the car and closed the door behind me.

I smoothed down my hair and walked through the doors, onto set. I was wearing a holographic bomber jacket and a white halter top with a black grid skirt and some white knee socks.

I'd been out of the jungle for just under a year. George and I started dating just after we got out of the jungle, but we had to break it off for a while because we just needed space. We ended up getting back together a couple of weeks after, and I just recently moved in with him. My acting career was in full swing— I'd just landed one of the main roles in an upcoming movie.

Jorgie, Ferne, Vicky, Skylar and I had all stayed close friends, landing ourselves in the 'Jungle Babes🌍🕷' group chat. We were all planning to go to coachella together in the summer.

I had both Yvette and Susannah's contacts in my phone, and I spoke to them for advice; and me being me, I needed that a lot. I always spoke to them when I felt like I couldn't speak to my own mother.

I spoke to Skylar the most though, since she and I worked together on the same set.

I think the jungle changed the way I see things. I tend to appreciate the little things a lot more and I'm definitely never touching rice or beans again.




"George I'm going!" I called as I checked that I had everything that I needed.

"Have you got everything?" He asked as he jumped down the stairs.

"Everything" I nodded. I was leaving to go to Coachella; where I was planning on meeting Vicky, Skylar, Georgie and Ferne. George was upset that he couldn't go, he had to stay in England because Union J was preforming in an interval on the X-Factor. "Okay, I'll only be gone for three days, so don't do anything stupid" I told him as I slung my backpack over my bag and put both of my palms to either sides of his face. "Promise?"

"I wont, promise" He reassured me as he removed both of my hands and kissed my temple. "Have a good time" He smiled.

"Will do" I nodded as I gave him a quick peck on the lips and walked out into the cold morning air.

[A/N: and mucho grando. <3 thank you so much for all the support i've been getting on this book, ily guys. i hope you've enjoyed this story.]

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