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And before you say something, nothing happened between George and I last night. We just fell asleep, him holding me closer to him than I thought he would.

It was odd, I could feel his heartbeat and his breath on my forehead.

I woke up, with my phone vibrating up a storm on my bedside table.

George was asleep, his face peaceful and calm. I looked at him for a moment, quickly realising how creepy I was being.

I turned over, grabbing and unlocking my phone after taking it off charge. I wiggled out of his grip and sat up, brushing some hair out of his face and looking at him for a second before folding my legs.

Oh my fucking god, Jorgie are you kidding me? Are you actually joking?

George rolled over and grabbed one of my legs, cuddling it like a baby. Aw.

Last night, she had posted a picture of George and I, in my bed. Cringe. She must have snuck in and taken it after I had fallen asleep.

I tweeted her back quickly, even though thousands of people had already seen, favourited and retweeted it since last night.

@JessieLeigh: Stalker ;))) @Jorgie_Porter

I then took a picture of George, and attaching it to a tweet. Now, most people are unaware or how terrible I am at thinking up captions for pictures on Twitter and especially Instagram.

I sat there for a minute, resting my phone on my lap and staring into space.

@JessieLeigh: George of the jungle🐒 @Georgeshelley

I laughed at a couple of comments, praise ones and hate ones, even though the hates ones always brought me down a bit. I mean, they always had.

'She's a slut'

'Ew, whore. Why is she even hanging out with him? She's fugly af damn'

I gritted my teeth for a second and quickly relaxed, turning off my phone and shaking George gently to wake him up.

"You stayed her for longer than a little while" I giggled as I rubbed my eyes.




"I saw that thing on Twitter" Skylar whispered as she elbowed me. We were sitting at breakfast, Lady C who was sitting with Chris, was sitting all the way over on the other side of thw room.

"You haven't even got a ship name yet" She gasped. "Hmm. You don't have a very obvious one. Maybe I could mix your surnames, but you'll probably have the same one soon" She winked.

"Hey!" I laughed. "Thanks not even funny" I told her, a smile still on my face.

"Georssie" She giggled as she cut up some toast.

"Oh god, that is the worst ship name ever" I rolled my eyes and put one of my hands to my forehead. I smoothed down my hair and looked at her.

"I'll work on it" She laughed. "It's better than Vuncan though"

"Vuncan?" I burst out laughing.

"Yeah, Vicky and Duncan" She told me. "Duncan the jungle sort"




We spent the whole day chilling by the pool, and mostly just having interviews from various different people.

[A/N: Woah, It's so odd, I can remember when I was writing this book on my notepad app, contemplating whether to publish it or not; and now I have 7k reads. 7K! I cant explain my emotions right now. I'm actually really happy with how I've written this book; and I've had an idea for some upcoming chapters, so they'll be coming soon, ily xx]

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