"HELP ME" I screamed as I ran away from George, jumping past hammocks and beds, through the camp— Catching the attention of everyone currently lazing around the camp.
I reached Kieron and grabbed both of his shoulders, hiding behind him. Kieron chuckled. I watched as George drew nearer.
Letting out a high pitched squeal, I again ran down the hill towards the creek, running for my life. "LEAVE ME ALONE" I yelled as I dashed past the trees, laughing my high pitched laugh.
//Kieron's Confession— Kieron shook his head, a smile on his face. "They're adorable together, I wouldn't be surprised if they became the second Peter and Katie" His expression changed. "But now, I kinda feel alone" He sighed. "Chris and Lady C were my closest campmates, and now they're both gone. I wish them all the best though."//
I squealed and jumped onto Vicky's back, wrapping my arms around her neck. I started to loudly sing the British national anthem, Vicky joining in after a couple of seconds. She marched around the camp with me on her back.
"...GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" I lengthened the last word out, lifting my arms in the air as Vicks span around next to the entrance of camp.
Ferne ended up becoming the new camp leader, knocking George and I off the throne. She picked Vicky as her deputy, and they left to go and sort out new jobs.
When they arrived back, the announced everyones new jobs to complete around camp.
The chefs of the camp were Sky and George, which they were pretty pleased about.
The laundry was to be done by Kieron, which he seemed fine with. He'd been upset all day, I felt bad for him. I don't know how I would feel if George and Jorgie both left in the same day.
The cleaning had to be done by me, which I didn't really mind. I mean, it wasn't like that camp got that dirty anyway.
And the last jobs were given to Tony and Duncan, and that was camp maintenance.
After we'd all been given our jobs, Sky and George left to go and complete todays Dingo Dollar Challenge. We all had our fingers crossed for them, some biscuits or cake would be amazing right now.
Skylar and George arrived back, breaking the sad news that we had got the question wrong and that we could have had chocolate cake.
We decided to not let it get to us, and be thankful that we had a full meal tonight; curtesy of me.
As George cooked, the chicken sizzled on the fire. I watched sleepily as he flipped over the meat repeatedly. Vicky, Ferne, Jorgie, Skylar and I all laid in a tangle of bodies, our arms and legs intertwined.
We eventually ate our dinner; which was something called 'Silky Chicken'. I would have probably eaten more if the meat wasn't black.
We were all lying around, stuffed with chicken meat when another bag was lowered into camp. I was the first to get up; out of curiosity. I lifted out a sealed envelope.
Dear Tony
"Letters from home!" I called, catching the attention of almost everyone and running on the spot in excitement. I gathered them up and started to hand letters around camp.
"Hey Jessie, I'm not sure how you've got this far, but I'm so, so, so proud of you and what you've done. We've been watching none stop and cannot wait to see you soon. Do us proud, love momma xx" Skylar read out my letter.
I smiled widely and covered my face with my hands, soaking it all in.
"We have news" Ant told us. "After Lady C's departure, we can reveal that none of you will be leaving camp today." Ant finished. And with that, both of the presenters walked back up the hill; disappearing into the Australian jungle.
Minutes later, after a bit of conflict; Kieron and Jorgie left to go and complete todays Bush Tucker trial.
"If I could change anything about me at all, It would probably be my height" I said, continuing the conversation we had earlier as I walked past the emus and picked up a small tin that was next to the fire.
George cocked his head to the left slightly, as he listened to me speaking.
"You're height is adorable" He chuckled as he rested his forearm casually on my head.
I pouted and folded my arms over my chest. "See what I mean" I did my best scowl and pushed his arm away as I walked back up to my bed.
//George's Confession— George looked at the camera. "She's either a really good actor, or she's just really upset with me" He cracked a smile. "Who am I joking— She's a celebrity because she is such a dramatic actor"//
Jorgie and Kieron arrived back, with three stars. We weren't too happy with it, but they did their best and that was all we could ask for I guess. Shortly after; Tone and Duncan left to go and do the Dingo Dollar challenge.
"PATTY" I squealed as I referred to Vicky as her surname and ran up to her, jumping onto her and letting her spin me around.
"MAARLY" She copied in the same tone of voice. "Can you come down to the Bush Telegraph with me?" She asked quickly.
//Vicky's Confession— Vicky and Jess sat in the hut. "You, my friend, need to calm yourself down" She laughed. "You're such a ball of energy"//
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