As per usual, I woke up to the sounds of arguing. Lady C and Tony this time, to be exact.
"Good Morning!" Ferne smiled as she walked past my hammock. It was odd, between Ferne and I. Our friendship almost seemed like a plastic toy— Incredibly fake and easy to break. I made a small animalistic noise as a response, which was shortly followed my me turning too far over and falling out of my hammock with a thumping noise.
"I swear you have fallen out of that bloody hammock every single morning" Kieron chuckled as he walked past holding a dishcloth.
I stretched and rubbed my eyes, stuffing my things back into my hammock and walking down to where the fire had been the night before.
"Alright, so it's time for us to pick who is doing the trial today" Duncan exclaimed as he clapped his hands together, catching everyone's attention. "So should we just to a vote?" He suggested, not letting anyone interrupt his words. "Who wants to do the trial?"
"I'll do it" I volunteered sleepily. Anything that'll get me out of this camp for a bit.
"Well, everyone in favour of Jess?" Duncan looked around at the others, who stuck their hands up in the air. "Okay, so looks like you've got the majority vote, have fun!" He nodded at the direction of the exit.
I said goodbye to everyone, and they all wished me the best of luck. I walked across the bridge and made my way to the Bush Tucker trial clearing.
"Hello Jessie!" Ant used my full name with a smile as I walked into the open space. I instantly saw the hole in the ground. Oh god— Another underground challenge. Really? I'd forgotten how bad the trials would get.
"Hiya" I smiled as I looked down at where I would be going in a couple of minutes, feeling elements of panic rising in my chest.
"Welcome to 'Panic Pit'. In this challenge, it is purely endurance." Dec explained to me. "You will get a star for every minute you spend in the pit, adding up to eight stars in total."
I nodded. "Okay, well lets just get this over with" I said as I tried not to work myself up about this.
"Any remember, you won't be alone in there" Ant warned.
I gave them a thumbs up, and walked over to the hole. "Can I just go?" I asked them uncertainly.
"Yeah, just go for it" Dec told me.
I popped the goggles over my eyes and crawled into the underground tunnel.
I could hear the presenters voices through some kind of microphone that was inside the box.
"Okay, so just strap yourself inside there and tell us when you're ready" Ant explained.
"Ooh, theres a pillow in here!" I gasped with sarcasm lacing through my voice. "You guys know me too well, I can take a nap and all"
I heard them both chuckle at my comment.
I cringed as I heard the sounds of the critters that were bound to be dropped onto me. Trying to block out the noises, I rested my head on the pillow and strapped myself in. "Alright, lets go" I said as I glued my arms to my sides, mentally preparing myself for what was to come.
"Okay, so, eight minutes" Ant reminded me.
"Yeah, eight minutes. Two advert breaks, the amount if time it takes to get from my house to set" I told myself. "Okay, I'm ready" I announced to the camera.
"Okay, eight minutes starts..." Dec paused. "Now"
Suddenly, a large amount of weird substance was dropped onto me. "Ew!" I shrieked. "What the fuck is this?"
"Its just sand and soil, its alright" Dec reassured.
I took deep breaths in and out to try and slow my heart rate down. I squeezed my eyes shut, so tightly that I could almost feel tears forming in the corners of them. I heard a sight hissing sound in my left ear.
"What is that?" I asked loudly.
"Its four jungle pythons, try not to move and keep calm" Ant said calmly.
I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists together, as snakes slithered over me, one finding it nice to lie right where my goggles were.
I didn't dare to open my eyes. If I had done, I would have freaked my out too much— So much more than I already was, if that was even possible.
My breath hitched, my heart racing faster than I'd ever felt it beat. Ant and Dec were speaking, but I couldn't hear them properly. It sounded like I was underwater.
I didn't dare open my eyes, knowing that more and more snakes were being dropped in every second.
"How long left?" I asked, shivers rushing up and down my body as I felt a snake slither past my neck.
"You're five minutes in" Dec's voice told me.
I suddenly felt something massive wrap around my neck; making my heart leap out of my chest.
"I'm gonna die!" I hissed. "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here!" I panicked, the words falling out of my mouth in a jumble of letters and sounds.
"Do you want us to get you out of there?" Ant asked me quickly, as if he was ready to spring into action.
"Wait no!" I corrected. "I can handle it" I told myself with a slightly shake in my voice.
I swallowed slowly and felt the snake around my neck get tighter.
You can do this Jess. For the camp. For the team.
My breath hitched as the lights turned off. I opened one eye and saw a scaly body across my goggle. I did my best to hold in the urge to scream.
After about thirty seconds, light filled the hole and I was thankfully lifted from the pit. I bit hard on my lip as I watched the jungle rangers lift the scary amount of snakes from the place where I had been only a minute ago.
"Well done, Jessie, you have won all eight stars for camp" Ant congratulated. "That looks like the scariest trial we've ever done on this show; you were very unusually quiet"
"Yeah well, I don't think the snakes really wanted to be talked to" I answered, with a smile plastered across my face.
I literally sprinted back to camp, eager to tell everyone all about it.
As soon as I arrived back, I explained to the others what I had to go and how many stars I had got. They all smiled and hugged me, thankful that we would have something other than rice and beans to eat.
I had just sat back down next to Jorgie in my hammock when the others struck me with the news.
Lady C had left.
I nodded. To be honest, she wouldn't be that missed between the remaining campmates. Jorgie and I walked down to the bush telegraph together.
//Jess' Confession— Jess sat down. "So, Lady C has left on medical grounds" She sighed. "But in other news, guess who got eight stars for camp? This girl!"//
"Do you ever wonder what you're family are doing right now?" Jorgie thought aloud after we had sat back down in camp.
I walked over and sat down next to her. "I'm not sure. Hopefully they're watching" I giggled. "Hey Ivory!" I waved at the nearest camera.
"Who's Ivory?" Jorige furrowed her eyebrows, a confused expression taking over her face.
"Ivory is my little sister— She's fourteen" I explained, smiling widely.
"Aw, cute!" She chucked. "Hi Ivory!" She waved at the same camera, sending us into fits of laughter. Once we were finished, she started to ask me questions. "What does she look like?" She asked me as she rested her chin on the palms of her hands, as if she was a child listening to a story.
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