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We all waved Brian off, as he walked along the bridge to meet Ant and Dec. We cheered for him, calling out occasionally, some of us smiling, some of us crying.

"We'll miss you Brian!" I yelled as I waved goodbye to him.

"Love you!" Jorgie called from behind me.

We all picked ourselves up and walked back to camp. Why did all of the kindest people have to go out first? Why couldn't Chris leave? Or Lady C? I mean, almost all of the campmates despised her, whether they chose to show it or not. Either way, she was a terrible person with a sickly personality, and most of us just chose to steer clear of her.

We all walked back into camp. It was the weirdest feeling— Knowing that I could leave any day now. Our time at camp is coming to an end, and a winner is going to be crowned soon. A winner. To be brutally honest, I'm dumbfounded how I got through the first two eliminations.

Kieron left to go and complete his trial, hopefully getting us some meals tonight.

"I'm going down to the creek if anyone wants to join me" I announced to the camp, as I stood, holding my towel over me so that it was concealing my body— There was no way that the other campmates needed to see me in a bikini. How embarrassing.

"I'll come" Jorgie offered as she grabbed her stuff out of her bag.

"Me too" George agreed.

We all walked down to the creek, messing around for a bit in the lake.

"STOP" Jorgie screamed. "IT'S GOING IN MY MOUTH"

I laughed and continued to splash her. George joined in, causing Jorgie to move as fast as she could to get out of the water.

//Jorgie's Confession— "That was two on one, not fair" Jorgie folded her arms. "But I ship them together so I can deal with it" She giggled. "Wait no I didn't say that" She covered her mouth with both of her hands//

I got changed back into my camp clothes, my red military jacket and my red knee socks. I'd always loved wearing the things that I'd been given for luxury.

I tied my hair into two buns on either side of my head, which kind of looked like panda ears. I tied my bandana around my wrist and walked back into camp, rolling up the sleeves of my jacket slowly.

Kieron arrived back at camp, happily telling us that he won himself nine stars in his trial.




Yvette started to read off a sheet of laminated cardboard that had been sent into camp for us. "The public have voted for who they would like to see as their next camp leader." She told us. "They have decided to elect— George"

We clapped and congratulated him, watching as he sat on the throne for the first time.

"Time to pick your deputy, George" Ferne ushered him.

"Oh right, yeah" He nodded. "Well, Jess?"

I looked up, not realising why he had said my name. "Huh?"

"Do you want to be my deputy?" He asked.

"O-M-G YES I DO" I yelled as I ran over and sat on the small wooden log that was next to the throne. "Yay I feel important"

"Well shall we go and choose who's doing what job then?" George suggested.

"Yeah, okay" I nodded. "Lets go"




"Okay" George pointed to the chalkboard that he had written on.

His handwriting was so cute aw.

"So, the cooks will be Yvette and Duncan" He confirmed. "Laundry will be done by Chris and Tony"

"Yeah, and Ferne and Jorgie will be the cleaners" I pointed at the board. "The maintenance can be Vicky and Kieron?"

"Okay, so that leaves Skylar and Lady C to do the emu's then" He told me, raising the end of the sentence as you would do with a question.

"This is going to be the weirdest thing" I laughed. "Not having chores to do around camp" I said as we walked up the hill back up to camp.

We told everyone their jobs, and everyone seemed pretty much okay with what they were doing.

I looked over to Sky and bit my lip. She looked back at me, wide eyed, with what we had just told her. Looking after the emus with Lady C. She mouthed the words 'Oh shit', making me laugh.




"The public has been voting for the third person to leave I'm a Celebrity twenty-fifteen" Ant explained. "And in no particular order"

"Kieron, It's not you" Kieron smiled and nodded.

"Jorgie, It's not you" I smiled at her, glad that she still had a place in the competition.

"Tony, It's not you" Tony nodded at the presenters thankfully.

"Ferne, It's not you" Ferne giggled and let out a small cheer.

"Skylar, It's not you" Skylar smiled and clapped her hands.

"Yvette, It might be you" Yvette smiled gleefully. I was so happy for her, hopefully she'd be getting out of here today.

"Vicky, It's not you" Vicky smiled and smoothed her hair down.

"George, It's not you" A smile spread across his face.

"Jess, It's not you" I nodded. Woah, how have I got this far? I've surprised myself this year.

"Chris, It's not you" Chris thanked them.

"Lady C, It's not you" Lady C nodded silently at Ant and Dec.

"Duncan, It might be you" Duncan shrugged.

"And the third person to leave I'm a Celebrity, twenty-fifteen, is" Ant looked up at us all. "Yvette"

We all cheered happily as she burst into tears of joy. "I'm finally out of here!" She cried.

I felt happy for her, but upset. Three of my close campmates have now left the jungle.

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