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Ant and Dec walked into camp, holding a sheet of paper each.

"Okay, campmates. As you know, over the last couple of hours, the public have been voting for who they would like to keep in camp" Ant expalined. "So, In no particular order"

"Chris, the public have decided, It's not you" Dec said. Chris smiled and looked around at us.

"Jorgie, It's not you" Ant told us. Jorgie clapped her hands together. I gave her a quick hug.

"Lady C, It's not you" Dec smiled. Lady C nodded silently.


"Brian, It's not you" Ant said. Brian sighed with relief.

"Tony, It's not you" Dec told us. Tony just smiled in response.

"Yvette, It's not you" Ant smiled. Yvette fanned her face with her hand.

"Kieran, It's not you— Infact, the public has decided, that nobody will be leaving camp today" Dec explained. "We'll see you tomorrow"

"Wait what?" I gasped.

"Oh crap, you know that means a double eviction tomorrow, right?" Vicky sighed.




"They're like best friends" I whispered to Jorgie as we watched Brian gossip with Lady C.

"It's the weirdest thing" She giggled as she covered her mouth with her hands. She then diverted her attention to Yvette who was sitting talking with Skylar. "Poor Yvette, she's so upset that Susannah has left. She's so desperate to leave"

"I know, I'd love for her to leave— For her own sake" I sighed.

Tony and Duncan had arrived back from their challenge, Duncan with a black eye. They had won nine out of eleven stars in their trial.

"Duncan what did they make you do?" Ferne gasped.

Not long after, Jorgie and Ferne left to go and do their Dingo Dollar Challenge.

I sat, next to George on Vicky's bed. The rain had started to pour down, drenching anything that wasn't under the jungle canopy.

Suddenly, a crack of thunder ripped through the camp.

I yelped and covered my face with my hands, whereas Yvette was skipping around in excitement. She was obviously more excited than me about this weather.

I grabbed my blue rain-mack that I had been given when I entered the jungle. I grabbed the strings that hung at my collarbones. I pulled them so the hood tightened around my head, leaving only my face visible.

"That is some jungle fashion" Vicky laughed at me over the sound of the rain. 

Suddenly, all of the lights blinked out, plunging the camp into pitch darkness.

I left out a small high pitched scream, grabbing onto George nervously.

My biggest fear was the dark. It sounded stupid, but not being able to see anything really scared the crap out of me.

I stared breathing heavier than usual, feeling light headed all of a sudden.

"Jess? Are you alright?" George asked me, a slightly worried tone lacing his voice.

I couldn't answer. The scariest thing was, I couldn't speak. I put my hand on his shoulder as I hyperventilated.

"Whats going on?" He asked me in a panicked tone. I felt him pull me closer to him.




I could barley remember what happened last night. I had a terrible feeling that I had undergone a panic attack.

I sat, my eyes fixed on a certain spot on the floor.

"Are you alright?" Skylar asked as she sat down next to me. "You haven't been yourself all day"

"Yeah, I'm fine" I told her as I diverted my attention to the phone box that was making a loud ringing sound.

Ferne and Jorgie had been given the Dingo Dollars, even though they didn't complete the challenge because of the storm.

Brian jogged up to the box and answered the phone. He made a few 'mhm' sounds before announcing the question to us all.

"What percentage of the British public can name all of their sexual partners?" He asked us. "Is it; A, sixty-four percent, or B, seventy-six percent?"

We ended up going for option A, sixty-four percent.

The two girls arrived back in camp, with a wooden container of food. They chose to buy us bread, butter and jam.




"Ferne, the public have decided, that It's not you" Ant announced. Ferne smiled with a relieved expression spreading across her face.

"George, It's not you" Dec said. I hugged George as he smiled.

"Yvette, It might be you" Ant told us. I smiled over at Yvette, who looked happier than she'd been for the past couple of days. I hoped that she could leave the jungle today.

"Jorgie, It's not you" Dec smiled. Jorgie returned the smile.

"Kieron, It's not you" Ant said. Kieron nodded.

"Vicky, It's not you" Dec announced. Vicky fanned her face with her hand, smiling gently.

"Jess, It's not you" Ant said as he looked at me. I nodded as relief filled my body. I was staying in camp for another night.

"Duncan, It's not you" Dec smiled. Duncan nodded and rubbed his eyes.

"Chris, It's not you" Ant exclaimed. A happy expression spread across Chris' face.

"Skylar, It's not you" Dec said. I hugged Skylar.

"Tony, It's not you" Ant announced. Tony nodded slowly.

"Lady C, It's not you" Dec smiled. I couldn't tell if Lady C looked happy or sad, but an unusual expression was plastered onto her face. Maybe she was confused.

"Brian, It might be you" Ant told us. Brian covered his face with this hands.

"Between Yvette and Brian, next person to leave I'm a Celebrity 2015 is" Dec paused for suspense. "Brian"

Everyone gasped in shock.

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