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Briar's POV.

"Hey, sweetie. How was school?" mom asked as I plopped myself on the couch of our living room.

"It was fine, mom." I lied not wanting her to worry.

It wasn't fine, hell, fine couldn't describe how I freaking feel.

After being splashed by cold water and practically being dragged outside the bathroom by none other than Luke himself to embarrassed me I had the guts to actually push him and ran towards my locker getting a spare of clothes changing into them and luckily I've avoided him the whole day.

"Good, your birthday's near approaching, any plans? do you wanna throw a party? Invite your friends? your classmates?" mom asked throwing questions as tons of bricks was thrown over my shoulder.

"U-hh no, mom. It's fine I'll just treat them a-and we can have our family dinner at night." I said not wanting her to know that I don't have any friends, well I do have but nah, I'm not sure if they'd even remember my birthday.

"Sounds good. Come, dinner's ready, your dad will be here in a few so help me set the table." I walked towards her helping her set up the table.

Well, this was nice, I may not have a happy social life, but I do have a happy family and I guess thats enough.

The night went on quickly and I was already preparing for bed when I heard my phone beep.

It was a text, from an unknown number. Weird, I don't know anyone has asked me my number these past few days, not that there will be one to ask but I just kinda guess how would someone get my number?

My heartbeat faltered when I opened the message.

Tomorrow. lunch time. Old school building. I'll be waiting, flower.

My almost jumped out of my chest, it was beating rapidly faster at the simple text that came from the one person I know who calls me flower.

Holy Guacamole.

What could he possibly want? what if he's planning to kill me there and leave my body rotting for the worms to eat? and nobody will find my body, oh God what the hell am I thinking.

I deleted the message shrugging it off. I laid in bed the thoughts of a blue eyed monster hunting me before I was pulled in a sleep.

I ran as fast as I can, my feet aching at all the branches I was stepping at.

"Come, flower. I wont hurt you. I promise." his soft and gentle voice stopped my feet from running and as of they have their own mind they walked towards him.

"Good, little one." he said as I came closer I can see his blue eyes twinkling as the stars reflected them.

"Who are you?" I asked puzzled at how much control he had over me.

Before he could answer, darkness takes in and his once blue mesmerizing eyes turned into a pool of darkness seeping through every fiber of my being, sending electricity coursing through my veins as fear crawls up my spine.

I was yelling, I was yelling but no voice came out.

"wake up!"


"wake up!"


"Wake up, briar!" I was awaken by my mother shaking my arms vigorously making me a dizzy mess.

"Okay, mom! I'm awake so you can stop shaking me now, you're actually making me bit dizzy." I answered clutching my forehead as I felt the room spin.

"You were having a nightmare?" she whispered caressing my cheeks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, mom. You can go back to sleep now." I said smiling at her reassuringly as I push her lightly.

"Okay, sweet dreams, sweetheart. Pray before you sleep." she said before closing the door behind her.

You don't know how many times I do that mom, but does it even work?

I looked at the bedside table to see it was 3 in the morning, I just stared at the ceiling after that because sleep was nowhere to be found.

Hours passed by and by six am I was still wide awake, I took a quick shower and dressed myself in my uniform, navy blue skirt and a long sleeve blouse,

I walked downstairs to find my mom making a pancake and my dad sitting in the table with a newspaper in his hand. Being the only daughter and not having a sibling is pretty boring, well except I have a pretty cool parents.

"I see you're pretty early." my dad said not taking his eyes off from the news paper he was reading.

I know all too well he was at the jokes section reading corny jokes to share with me.

"Well, early birds get their allowance early." I said gigling.

"Never heard of that before." My dad said raising a brow now completely giving me his whole attention.

"Well, now you do." I said laughing as I bit down onto my breakfast.

"Okay, you win." he surrendered  laughing along with me.

"Yey! So do I get my allowance now?" I chirped happily as I give him a smile so wide my cheeks hurt.

"Too bad you're not a bird." he said then laugh as my mom laughs along with his sarcasm.

"Very funny, dad." I said containing the smile that's creeping up on my face.

"What? Come on, it was pretty funny, even your mom laughed, admit it." he said laughing again.

"Alrigh, alright, if it helps you sleep at night." I said laughing as he laughed with me.

"Okay, now you're grounded for messing with your old man." he fakes scold me as he contains himself from laughing.

"Alright, I guess I wont be able to join you watch The walking dead then." I smirked giggling.

"I was kidding, tonights the new episode on Netflix. I expect you home by five." he said laughing.

I giggled and nod happily.

I wish it was like this everyday, happy and stress free.

But I wished too soon.


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