⤷ 8

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'Woah, I didn't tell you to grab my hair but, okay.'

She chuckled.

'Now, if someone grabs you from behind, like this,' Mark said, going behind her and snaking his arms around her small waist. He smirked when he felt her getting tense. He then whispered in her ear, making a shiver run down her spine, 'You can't get tense if someone holds you like this, you got to fight back, babe.'

She huffed out and hit her elbow on his stomach making him groan a little, then she unwrapped his hands from her waist and twisted them.

'I wondered what Taeyong hyung saw in you when he said that he wanted you in our gang.' He smirked. 'Now I know.' He walked away.


Aecha walked to the class with one of her best friends, Minsung. She kept looking at Mark, who was hanging out with his friends, and whenever she looked at him, he would already be looking at her and smirk at her.

She was uncomfortable, and Minsung noticed that. 'Aecha, you know Mark?' He asked.

She ignored him and kept walking until a paper ball was thrown at her, and it fell on the ground. She knew that Mark threw it so, she looked at him and he motioned her to open it.

She put the ball in her pocket and walked to her classroom with Minsung giving her a suspicious look.

They entered the class, Yuki and Dawon were already there. Yuki was hitting him on his head, while he was laughing. Minsung patted Aecha's head and went for his class.

She sat down beside Donghyuck and he whispered to her, 'I heard what happened today.'

She looked at him and shrugged. Then she remembered about the paper ball so she took it out and unrolled it.

It was written in a really bad handwriting, as if someone had pressed the paper against the locker to write it.

It was written, 'What did I say? Stay alert.' She looked at Mark, who was sitting across the room, and Mark blew a kiss to her.

She tensed again and she could hear Donghyuck chuckling from beside her.

'Looks like Aecha got a lover...' Dawon said from behind. Yuki hit him again.

'Atleast she's got one! You've got none.' Yuki said. 'Woah, that rhymed.'

'Look who's talking.' Dawon scoffed, earning another smack on his head from Yuki.

'You guys dating?' Yuki asked out of the blue, making Donghyuck chuckle out louder, and Aecha blushed.

'Spill the tea sis.' Dawon said munching on a granola bar between class.

'I...' Aecha started, but looked down when her phone dinged. It was a message from Mark.

[Lee Minhyung]

Tell them I asked u out on a date

'He asked me out...' Aecha mumbled, acting shy.

'What? When did that happen?' Donghyuck yelled and Aechan stomped her foot on his. 'Oh yeah, it was yesterday.'

'That's so cool! We got to tell Minsung about this!' Dawon said, and the bell rang, making him grab Yuki's hand and dash out of the class.

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net

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