⤷ 35

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He twisted his hand, and put his knife under Sam's fingernails. He scoffed darkly, while he could hear gunshots from outside the room. He slowly started uprooting his nail, and Sam screamed in pain and agony.

One by one, he uprooted all his nails, and Sam screamed. He then pointed the gun towards his head. 'You should have thought twice before hurting Aecha.'


Sam lay dead on the floor, blood oozing out from the back of his head. Mark got up and walked to the washroom, to wipe off the blood that was coming out of his busted lip, which was caused when Sam panicked and kicked his shoe on his lip.


'Your head hurts?' The doctor asked.

'Yes...why is the light...so...so bright?' She squinted her eyes.

'Which light?' The doctor asked. 'Its all dark in here.'

'Do you think...she's going to have a seizure?' The nurse asked, looking at the doctor.


Minsung gave Mark a horrified look when he came out of Sam's room. Mark looked at his hands, which were covered with blood and chuckled darkly as he approached Minsung.

'Minsung, lead me to Hyunjae's room. I want to kill that motherfucker.' Mark said. 'He's been watching all of this from the moment we entered, and now I want to kill him.' He said pointing his gun to a CCTV camera Minsung never noticed and shot it, breaking it.

'Yeah...' He said as he led Mark, who kept shooting all the CCTV cameras he could see.


Hyunjae turned away from the monitors, panicking. He started loading the gun with shaking hands, afraid that Mark and Minsung might come to his room anytime.

He had no one to protect him right now, he was with his girlfriend, who was also panicked. All his fighters were out there fighting the NCT members, and were constantly decreasing in number.


'Quickly! Call Mr Lee! She's having a seizure!' The doctor yelled, trying to calm Aecha, who's face had started twitching for the past one minute and now her whole body was twitching.

'Doctor, he's not picking up! I'll try call Mr Qian and Mr Kim!' The nurse yelled back.


Taeyong felt something vibrating in his pocket. It was his phone. He ignored it and continued shooting those who were going behind Mark and Minsung.


Mark broke the door open and entered the room, seeing a man, who was Hyunjae, and his girlfriend.

He pointed the gun towards him, and Hyunjae pushed his girlfriend in front of her, as if telling Mark to shoot her first.

Mark pushed her aside, and grabbed Hyunjae by his neck, pushing him against the wall, as he tried to escape Mark's grip.

Hyunjae's hands started moving, as he tried to get the grip of a knife which was kept on the drinks table.

He finally grabbed it and stabbed Mark on his thigh, making him groan.

'Mark!' Minsung yelled, as he struggled to hold the girl, who kept moving.


'Mark!' Minsung yelled, as Mark staggered, but he didn't lose his balance.

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net

#jaemin #yuta