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Night hated mornings, but getting out of the bed was the worst part. Unwilling, she came out of her blankets and opened her curtains just to be hit with a beam of sunlight. This was enough to make her want to crawl back into her blankets. Barely opening her eyes, she went into the washroom to get dressed.

She went to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal. After finishing, she left for work.

As she was walking down a small lane, she heard someone kick a trash can. But the next sound wasn't easy to ignore. It sounded like crushing metal. She turned around to see a strange creature on top of a car which had been crushed under the weight of it. She examined the creature. It looked like a rather large rat, baring its fangs at her. Horns sprouted from its head.

"I'm your worst nightmare-" the creature started.

"Oh yeah, I have heard it a lot of times. What's your name? And who sent you to kill me?" She said, rolling her eyes. Her response took back the monster. It stared at her for a while, tilting its head before answering.

"I'm Chupacabra, your death," It snarled.

Night sighed. Her hand moved up to her neck and rested on her necklace. Drawing out an Elysium sword. Seeing this the Chupacabra lunged at her. Night dogged and raised her sword in front of her. The Chupacabra turned around and raised its claws before attacking. Night swung the sword as it approached, cutting the Chupacabra's side. The monster made a horrible screeching sound, blood gushing out of its wound. Night had to kill the monster quickly. She was out of practice. Before she could defend herself, the Chupacabra jumped and landed on top of her, causing her sword to slip out of her hand.

"How stupid," The Chupacabra sneered, its fangs inches away from her face. Night tried to reach for her sword, but the monster kicked it away. "You know what you need to do."

"It's not all I can do." Night grunted. She pulled her leg back and kicked the Chupacabra on its wounded side. It howled in pain as she kicked it in the chest, throwing it off her.

She then crawled towards her sword. Her hand grabbed the handle, but the Chupacabra had grabbed her leg. Night kicked the creature in its face, giving her enough time to slip out of its grasp and reach for her sword.

She raised her sword in front of her, ready. The Chupacabra lunged towards her again, and Night moved forward with one swift movement of her sword; she severed the Chupacabra's head off.

Night took a minute to catch her breath when she heard sizzling sounds behind her. All that was left of the Chupacabra's body was a pile of ash. She bent down to blow it away. The ash fluttered in the wind before disappearing out of view.

— ☆ —

The bus slowed down near the station. Zia stepped out, the sun hitting her eyes. She wanted to find another Phenomenal. She had spent the last three weeks finding more about them, with no luck. Psyche had her come to Busan.

"How are we going to find one? Psyche?" She thought. She was getting better at communicating with Psyche. She usually responded when Zia called her name.

"When you go near a Phenomenal, your bracelet will blink. But there are chances they wouldn't know. Explain it to them." She added the last part.

"How do I know whether they know?"

"If their heirloom blinks, it means they have activated their power."

Zia looked sideways for passing cars before crossing the street. There weren't many people around in the afternoon. "Then why are we here? Shouldn't we be in Seoul?"

"Why do you want to go to Seoul?" Psyche asked.

"Seoul has a greater population than Busan. I thought it would be easier to find one," Zia said thoughtfully.

"There is a reason we are here, Zia." Psyche did not elaborate further, this irritated Zia. Psyche rarely gave her complete information, but expected her to follow her instructions. "Why did you stop?"

Zia had stopped mid-step. "Tell me," She said simply. "Or else I'm not doing this anymore."

"Fine! I have sensed magical radiation from around here, dating a few years back."

"Then why couldn't you tell me this first? Did you have to act like it's something which can destroy the world?"

"Because it can. You can destroy the world. You hold enough power to do that."

"So why are we here searching for more Phenomenal?"

"Because believe it or not, you are the only ones who can also save this world," she said with a hint of admiration.

"That's clichéd," Zia said as her stomach growled.

"What was that sound?" Psyche asked, frightened.

"That was my stomach. Chill out." Zia chuckled. She couldn't remember the last time she had a decent meal. Hamburger and sprite were her favourite. "Do you know where good restaurants are, Psyche?" She asked out loud, making an elderly couple look in her direction. Embarrassed, she turned her back on them.

"I'm not that human thing you use... what's the name of it?" Psyche tried to remember.


"Yes! That! Ask that, not me. I have more important things to do."

"Like what?" Zia asked, frowning slightly. If Psyche had important things to take care of, she wouldn't have time to order her around 24/7. "What do you do other than irritate me?"

Psyche's silence caused Zia to remove her phone to find a place to eat. Her hunger was growing by the minute, eating up her insides. There was an internet cafe near her called The Relaxed Hut, it seemed to be very popular among the students. It wasn't very far from where she was. After browsing through the menu, she decided to check the place out. She walked down the street, hearing the roaring of the sea. It was too peaceful to have any magical disturbances in this place.

"Don't forget," Psyche said, picking up her thoughts."There is always peace after a storm, Zia."

It took a moment for Zia to understand. Psyche was right, there always was a calm after the storm. She had to be careful if she wanted to put together a team. A crowd of people exiting the cafe interrupted her thoughts. She moved aside to let the people pass.

"Sorry." A guy bumped into her and apologised.

"It's ok," she replied as the guy walked in the other direction. Her bracelet started blinking, but it was unnoticed.

"CATCH THAT GUY! HE IS A PHENOMENAL!" Psyche is screaming in her head. Zia turned around and dashed behind the guy who had bumped into her. "Do you remember what he looked like?"

"Uh...." Zia started, "He had brown hair. OH! He was also tall." She looked around to see someone similar to her description. Sadly, there were a lot of people who fit the description.

"Did you see his clothes?"

"Um, no?"

"WOW! I'm working with an amateur."

"Hey!" Zia said, offended. "I'm new to this."

"You still have to be careful. If he comes here regularly, you can catch him. I think you should eat now," Psyche said, but Zia could sense slight disappointment in Psyche's voice. She sighed as she walked back to the cafe.

"The guy I bumped into also looks like a student. Maybe he does come here regularly. It's an internet cafe after all." She pushed open the door to see a crowd of people in the cafe. Half of them were college students. She walked to the counter to place her order. "Can I please get a hamburger and sprite? Thank you."

"I'm sorry. Can you please repeat your order?" A white-haired waitress asked. She was managing a large crowd alone. "Sarah, where the fuck did you disappear?" She mumbled under her breath.

Zia didn't reply immediately. She had noticed her bracelet had blinked. Zia checked the girl for any signs of being supernatural or to find any heirloom blinking. She was wearing a few accessories, but they weren't blinking. 

"Is she one?" She asked Psyche.

an, how was the chapter? 

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