✦・twenty one╭╯

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Yoongi always loved the smell of rain and wet mud. He could feel it tingling his skin and linger around his nose. He could feel his heart going crazy. It was the first time he was going on a rescue mission.

Their van was standing in front of the warehouse. It was old and covered in dust. There was a door round the back, but no windows.

They were going over the plan one last time. The rain hitting the roof of the van, rhythmically. This was calming Yoongi's nerves for reasons he didn't understand.

He exhaled. He was feeling powerful, like he could conquer the world. Is this how he would feel when he activates his powers?

"Night, use the chloroform only if you need to." Zia warned her.

"Yes, I know. I will use it only if someone is causing trouble."

"The door is on the opposite side. We should have got an umbrella." Jimin said. He watched the rainfall on the ground. His eyes filled with nostalgia, making them glisten like oil.

Lighting cackled in the clouds and Yoongi felt energised. He wanted to rescue J-Hope and find the other Phenomenal at the same time.

"Taehyung, you remember the plan?" Jungkook asked.

He nodded.

The plan was straightforward and simple. Yoongi prayed everything would go according to the plan.

"Let's go." Zia said. Her voice carried an authoritative tone. It calmed everyone's nerves and gave them confidence.

Yoongi opened his door and stepped out into the rain, regretting it instantly. The rain fell on his skin, chilling it to the bone. He shuddered and mustered the energy to run. He ran in puddles. His shoes soaking the water, splattering mud everywhere.

Thunder and lightning boomed overhead, and the wind blew faster. It was getting difficult for him to see anything properly. Suddenly, the rain near him lessened, and his vision cleared.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Jungkook and Taehyung overtake him. Night following them, covering her head with her hands. Yoongi turned, but he didn't slow down. He was almost there.

He looked back, and Zia and Jimin were running behind him, side-by-side. Shouting at each other, trying to communicate. Yoongi didn't know if they could hear each other over the sound of the wind.

Jungkook and Taehyung had reached. Taehyung was leaning on the door, catching his breath.

Yoongi put the last of his strength in his legs and continued running the rest of the way. He finally reached, his face beaded with sweat. The rain washed it away as he stood trying to get his heartbeats normal.

The rain had plastered his hair to his head. They were going in his eyes, irritating him. His hand pushed them back, but they still fell on his eyes. He sighed and swept them to the side.

"It's locked. Great!" said Night through gritted teeth.

For a strange reason, the door was locked from the outside instead of being locked from inside. There was a small lock dangling on the door.

If only I could blast this lock into tiny pieces. Yoongi thought.

Suddenly a streak of lighting blew the lock apart. Everyone jumped and landed almost five feet away from the door. The lightning had turned the lock into a grease spot, unlocking the door.

"How did that happen?" Taehyung whispered, his eyes wide, looking at everyone.

Yoongi's mouth fell open. He was thinking about blasting the lock. Did he actually do it?

"Well, it took you long enough." Someone said.

"Who are you?" Yoongi asked, looking around. He didn't recognise the voice and there was no one unfamiliar around him.


"Who are you?" Yoongi asked, he was looking at Taehyung.

"I'm Taehyung." Taehyung replied.

"Not you."

Taehyung looked around, and there was no one behind him. He frowned. Who was Yoongi talking to?

"Yoongi? Who are you talking to?" Night asked, she was also frowning.

Yoongi didn't respond immediately. He looked deep in thought. "Guys, I think I activated my powers."

No one responded immediately. Taehyung looked confused. He did not know how to activate his powers. He had decided to worry about it after they rescued J-Hope.

"How did you activate your powers?" Jungkook asked, also frowning.

"I don't know. It just happened."

"Did you blast the lock apart?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, that was an accident. I wished I could break the lock, and the lightning blasted it the next second." Yoongi explained. "The voice of the gems you guys talk about. It's there in my mind too."

"So you have the power of thunder and lightning, like Thor, that's cool." Taehyung smiled. He was happy that Yoongi had activated his powers.

Thunder and lightning was so powerful and it was raining today, giving Yoongi an advantage to use his new powers.

Now even Taehyung wanted to activate his powers more than ever, but he knew he had to wait. His powers won't get activated until he faces a life or death situation.

"Not exactly like Thor. It's just lightning." said Yoongi.

Zia laughed for no reason. "What? It's funny how Yoongi activated his powers just like that." She defended herself when everyone looked at her, questioning her sanity.

Night opened the door slowly, and nervousness crept in Taehyung. He had done nothing like this before. He didn't want to be a dead weight.

Slowly, behind Jimin, he walked in. The warehouse was huge with several floors and covered with cobwebs. It was going to take a lot of time for them to find J-Hope.

No one attacked them as they entered. The warehouse was dead silent. Taehyung could hear his footsteps whispering around the place.

Zia closed her eyes. Concentrating hard on finding the exact location J-Hope was being held. Taehyung was still curious about how everyone's powers worked and couldn't take his eyes off her. Others, who were used to it, were keeping a lookout.

"He's on the top floor." Zia said, opening her eyes.

"Everyone be careful." Night instructed. She had a black sword with her. He hadn't seen it before. It was dark like darkness with a sharp edge which could cut through metal easily.

Jimin took the lead. He started walking up the stairs. The stairs were old and creaked whenever anyone walked on them. The sound of the rain covering the noises made by the staircase.

They weren't lucky when they reached the first landing. Quietly, they tried to sneak past the people there, but the bad guys stopped them.

"Hey! Who are you?" One of them yelled.

"You guys continue. I'll handle them." Jimin whispered to his group. He was confident in his skills.

"Be careful." Night said. Jimin nodded, and they continued climbing up the steps.

Taehyung could hear his heartbeat. Things had gotten dangerous. Yet he continued climbing up the steps with his head crouched down.

"Where are you all going?" The same voice called out. Taehyung ignored it.

"What is that?" Someone else said.

Out of curiosity, he looked over his shoulder, his mouth fell in awe. White mist surrounded Jimin. It was dancing around him, waiting for his instructions.

They continued climbing. No one stopped them on the second landing. Taehung could feel his breath hitch. They were climbing quickly.

"Jungkook, Yoongi and Taehyung continue. But remember, don't kill anyone, just knock them out." Zia said when another bunch of kidnappers stopped them.

Night readied her sword and charged. She wasn't planning to kill them; she was just going to knock them out.

Taehyung climbed the last set of stairs. They were on the last floor. The corridor leading to the rooms was empty. J-hope had to be in one room.

The three boys walked forward and opened the doors down the corridor. The first three rooms Taehyung looked in were empty.

He stood in front of an oak door and opened it, expecting to be lifeless. To his surprise, there was a figure sitting on the bed, his back facing the door. His pink hair glowing warmly in the dimly lit room.

It was J-Hope. Taehyung's emotions were tangled up, seeing the idol in front of him. J-hope paid no attention if anyone was at the door.

Taehyung moved forward. "J-Hope?"


{A/N}: Update! Yoongi activated his powers! What will J-Hope's reaction be on seeing Taehyung? Thankyou so much for reading. Pls vote and comment on your favourite part of the chapter. 💜

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