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it was the first time...

i used to bite my fingernails when i get nervous, but my mom always scolded me for doing that since she said it wasn't a good habit.

and today, i tried my best to suppress doing that habit again.

it was our first quiz for speech class. i know we wrote a short speech beforehand, but still, i couldn't help but get nervous.

anyone could make me do anything, from solving math problems to memorizing the periodic table, but not speech. i always felt uncomfortable when all eyes are on me, and i'd end up stuttering or even forgetting my lines.

i remember how my heart raced quickly the moment i realized that it was almost my turn. my palms were already quite sweaty that time, and i never liked the feeling of it.

just when i was about to stand up and go in front, someone tapped my shoulder from behind and said "good luck", with a refreshing smile across the face.

it was the first time you talked to me.

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