it was the first time...
i sat by the bleachers alone at pe today since my doctor told me to avoid strenuous activities.
watching our classmates run through the oval was really not my thing. i used to make myself busy with my phone or listen to music, but today was an exception.
i watched you as you stretched and warmed up with the other girls on the field. you were so serious but i thought you looked cute.
i didn't realize i was already chuckling until the girl beside you seemed to notice and tapped your shoulder to tell you to look at me.
that moment, my mind just went blank. just thinking about the event that had happened at the cafeteria last time would make my heart race really fast, and any more of that would be the death of me.
opposite from what i was thinking, i didn't look away when you turned your head to my way. you were looking at me, confused.
and i was quite surprised when your lips formed an upward curve and raised your hand.
it was the first time you waved hello.
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