Chapter 6 - πšƒπš‘πšŽ πš‘πšŠπš›πšπš›πš’πšŸπšŽ

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suicide mentioning*

*the next day*

~ Mike was real lucky he didn't get a suspension, just a detention but however, Troy and James both got a suspended for talking about the "incident"~

*Mike walks through the school halls, numb, with eyes glued onto him along with occasional whispers but Mike couldnt hear them, mostly because all he was thinking about was Will*

*he walks to his locker and opens the lock and sees a hard drive that Mike knew wasn't there before*

~Mike then knew somebody put it in his locker~

*his curiosity began eating him alive so he pulls out his computer and puts it in*
*he sees a file that says "Will"*

*his heart stops and he looks around to see nobody watching him*

*he clicks on the file and sees a 4 minute video*
*He clicks play on the video and realizes its security camera footage from the school Counselors office*

*he looks at the bottom of the video and sees the date to be the day Will killed himself*

*He sees Will and the counselor walk in and they both sit down*

Mr. Bradley: Okay Mr. Byers, what's on your mind today?

Will: Um, I dont know.. Everything.. I guess.

Mr. Bradley: Everything? Well is there anything in particular on your mind?

*Will pauses before slowly shaking his head no*

Mr. Bradley: Well, lets start with how you are feeling.

Will: How I'm... Feeling?

Mr. Bradley : Yeah, what exactly are you feeling right now at this moment.

*long silence*

Will: Different..

Mr. Bradley: Different?

Will: Mostly empty. *he chuckles*

Mr. Bradley: Empty?

Will: Yeah.. I.. Don't really feel anything.. I just feel numb and I dont really care anymore.

Mr. Bradley: What don't you care about anymore?

*silent pause*

Will: Friends, school, myself.. My mom.

Mr. Bradley : you're mom?

Will: Well I care about her, a lot! But.. she doesn't deserve to have me as her son.

Mr. Bradley : What do you mean by that?

*Will pauses trying not to cry*

Will: She doesn't deserve to have a son who screws things up all the time. I'm just a problem.

Mr. Bradley: Why do you think you're a problem?

Will: I don't know... I just am.

Mr. Bradley: Well, don't you care about your friends?

Will: Yeah. Of course I care about my friends.

Mr. Bradley: Well, do you think they care about you?

Will: Yes, I know they care about me.. all of them care about me.

*there becomes a long pause between them*

Will: none of them care enough though...

Mr. Bradley: What do you mean Will?

Will: I just.. I need this to stop.

Mr. Bradley: you need what to stop..?

Will: Everything. *His voice shakes*

Will: Pain, people, Life. *a tear falls down his face*

Mr. Bradley: Life? What do you mean by "You need life to stop"?

*Mr. Bradley places a tissue box in front of Will*
*Will takes one and wipes his tears away*

Will: I'm sorry I didn't mean it like... that.

Mr. Bradley: Are you sure? That's a really serious thing to talk about. Do you ever have thoughts of.. harming yourself?

Will: No! *he accidentally raises his voice*

*he clears his voice *
Will: S-sorry I didn't mean to yell I-

Mr. Bradley: It's alright.. you're in pain.. I get it.

Will: I should probably go!

*Will gets up and begins to leave*

Mr. Bradley: Will! William! Mr. Byers!

*Will shuts the door and leaves the office*

*And Mr. Bradley doesn't follow him*

Lucas: Mike!

*Mike jumps and quickly closes his computer*

Mike: Jesus don't scare me like that!

Lucas: I'm sorry, you're gonna be late for class c'mon!

Mike: Yeah sure, one second.

*mike shoves his computer into his bag and grabs his books*
*he shuts his locker and walks to his class, pissed off at what he just saw*

*he walks into health and sits down at his desk right as the bell rings*

*He saw that the teacher was late, so he decides to skip before anybody saw*

*he walks out of the room and down to the office in a rush so a teacher wouldn't see him skipping first period*

*he goes up to the front desk where Mrs. king was*

Mrs. King:Hi! What can I do for you today Michael?

Mike: hey, can I see the guidance counselor?

Mrs. King: Yes! I believe Mr. Bradley's just in his office back there.

Mike: Okay, thanks Mrs. King.

*he walks down behind the front desk and sees Mr. Bradley on his phone*
*he opens the door and he looks up from his phone*

Mike: Hey, sorry to bother you but I kinda need to talk to you.

Mr. Bradley: Okay Mr. Wheeler, have you made an appointment with me?

Mike: No, but it's kind of an emergency..

Mr. Bradley: Okay, go ahead and take a seat!

*Mike sits down at the chair across from Mr. Bradley's desk and he puts his phone down*

Mr. Bradley: What's on your mind today Michael?

Mike: ... Do you remember September 12th..?

Mr. Bradley: um, yes I do. Why?

Mike: Will came to see you.. before he died.

Mr. Bradley: Do you wanna talk about William?

Mike: Don't you?

Mr. Bradley: If you're thinking about it.

Mike: Aren't you?

Mr. Bradley: Yes, everyday. What happened to Mr. Byers is an unexplainable tragedy-

Mike: He killed himself!

Mr. Bradley: I know and we-

Mike: You what?! You let him run off and do that to himself!

Mr. Bradley: We shouldn't be talking about this.

Mike: WILL WAS CRYING OUT FOR HELP!! And you just let him leave your office like it was NOTHING!

*Mr. Bradley sighs and puts his hand over his eyes*

Mr. Bradley: We shouldn't be talking about this, you should go to class.

Mike: Why not? Nobody seems to give a fuck about this whole situation and you guys act like nothing ever happened!

Mr. Bradley: Please get out of my office before I call the front desk!

*Mike scores and gets up out of the chair*
*he grabs his bag and walks out of the room in upset, feeling many different kinds of emotions at that moment*

*He couldn't believe he didn't fucking know*

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