*TW* mentioned suicide and gay slurs and bullying
*8:43 A.M*
~Mike finally decided to come to school for the first time ever since Will's death~
*his mom drops him off at the front door*
Karen: Have a good day Michael, call if you need anything!
*Mike closes the door and walks inside where he sees the party*
~Everyone was suprised when they saw him, they had no idea he was coming back today~
*They all walk over to him*
Lucas: Hey man, how you feeling?
Mike: Fine I guess.
Eleven: We didn't know you were coming in today..
Mike: Yeah well I couldn't just stay in my room for the rest of my life so..
*Mike looks at them*
Mike: See you guys later.
Max: Ok-Okay bye.
*They watch in concern as Mike walks away*
Max: Do you really think he's okay?
Eleven: I'll talk to him after school..
*They all walk to their classes*
*Mike walks into his class and sits down*
*he looks over next to him and sees Will's seat that was now empty*
*he softly scoffs and looks back up to the class where the teacher begins to teach*
*as the teacher was teaching the class Mike hears soft giggling and whispers coming from behind him*
*he turns around and sees Troy and James looking at him while laughing*
*once they realize Mike was looking at them they stop and act like they're paying attention to the lesson*
*Mike rolls his eyes and turns his head back around and he rests his head into his hand*
*a couple moments later he hears the whispering and laughing again so he sighs in frustration*
Mr. Clark: Troy? James? Care explain what I just said?
*They stutter trying to think*
Mr. Clark: Thought so. Pay attention!
Troy: Sorry sir.
*As Mr. Clark begins to continue the class they giggle one last time*
*Mike closes his eyes, wishing for this nightmare to be over*
*fast forward after class*
*Mike gets up and walks out of the classroom, trying to avoid Troy and James*
*as he was walking down the hallway and he turns the corner he sees a small crowd surrounding Will's locker*
*he gets a little weirded out but slowly walks up to it*
~He sees his school picture on the bottom of his locker surrounded by flowers and candles~
*As Mike was getting lost looking at it Troy and James see him and chuckle*
Troy: They we're 100% gay for eachother. No doubt about it.
James: How much you wanna bet he killed him and covered it up to make it look like a suicide?
*They laugh as Mike turns around*
~Mike heard them loud and clear~
*he clenches his fist as their laughter intenses*
*he watches them walk away, but he wasn't gonna let 'em off the hook THAT easily*
*he walks up behind them with anger filled tears in his eyes*
Mike: Hey.
*Troy turns around and Mike punches him*
*Troy and James try attacking him to the floor but Mike slams James into the lockers and he pushes Troy to the floor*
*he gets on top of Troy and continuously punches him*
*the party runs up to the crowd and sees Mike beating up Troy*
Eleven: Mike stop!! MIKE you're gonna get in trouble cut it out!!
*He obviously hears her but doesn't listen and continues punching him*
*All Mike was thinking about was how Troy and James drove him into suicide*
~They killed him! They killed Will~
~But so did Mike...~
*A teacher takes Mike off of Troy and Troy stands back up on his feet*
Coach Karl: The hells wrong with you boy?!
*He pushes the gym teacher away and was about to turn around to hit troy, but when he turned around.. He saw Will with tears running down his eyes instead of Troy*
Will: Don't do it Mike.. *his voice echos*
*as Mike stares in disbelief "Will disappears into thin air and Troy stands there confused*
Troy: The fuck you staring at Wheeler?!
*Mike snaps out of it and looks around to see everyone around him, staring at him*
*Mike runs away as a tear falls down his face*
*El and the rest of the party chase after him*
*Mike runs outside and his friends soon after*
Eleven: Mike! Mike wait!!
*Mike turns around*
Mike: No! No I can't live like this, not anymore! I just can't!!
Lucas: Live like what?!
Max: Mike don't say that..
Eleven: Mike stop it that's not true!!
*Eleven heart sinks because he's never cursed at her, let alone yell at her*
*Mike remembers the last time he talked to Will before he took his own life*
Will: You're destroying everything and for what?! So you can hookup with some stupid girl?!
Mike: She's not stupid! It's not my fault you're not into girls!
*Mike takes a deep breath*
Mike: I'm sorry El, but I don't think I can be in a relationship right now..
Eleven: W-what..? You're breaking up with me?
Mike: I'm sorry.. It's just not the right time.
*she nods her head as a tear falls down her face*
Eleven: I understand..
Mike: Good.. Don't follow me guys..
*He gets up on his bike and peddles away, feeling empty*
*They all watch as he rides away into the woods*
Max: You alright El?
Eleven: Mhm.. Perfectly fine. Thanks.
*They all walk inside, feeling like they failed as a friend for not going after Mike*
~But they all just figured, Mike needed some alone time~
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