Chapter 11 - π™Ώπšƒπš‚π™³

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*The next day*
*7:49 AM*
~the sun is rising~

*Will was peacefully sleeping in his room with the door closed*
*he stayed wrapped around his blanket just like Mike left him*

**out in the kitchen**

*Joyce was on the phone with Wills doctor, telling him about what happened with Will*
*Mike layed back against the wall behind her while she talked to him on the phone*

Joyce: Yeah, okay I will. Thank you, bye.  *she puts the phone back on the wall*

Mike: What'd he say??

*she sighs*
Joyce: Well, he said he might know whats going on, but he wants us to go down there so he could make sure.

Mike: Did you tell him that he wouldn't tell us what happened?

Joyce: Yeah, and thats why he wants us to come down.

*Mike nods*

Mike: I should probably go check on Will.

*he walks out of the kitchen and slowly opens Wills door, trying not to wake him*
*luckily the door didn't creak so Mike made it in his room without waking Will up*

*he slowly and quietly shuts the door behind him as he continues looking at Will*
*He walks over to Wills bed and sees him sleeping*

~Mike loves seeing Will asleep, the cuteness puts him at ease~

*he carefully sits down on the bed where Wills legs were*
*He gently moves Wills hair to the side and kissed his forehead*

~Mike was kinda bummed they weren't dating at the moment, but he completely understands why~
~in fact , he doesn't want Will to date him until he's better because he doesn't want Will to worry about him~

*As Mike looks over at Will sleeping a hot tear falls down his face, thinking about how crazy the month has been*

~Will went missing and everyone thought he killed himself, and thinking back, the way Mike felt when he was gone was just.. horrible. That just proves Mike was in love with him~

~Mike cared the most out of everyone in his life, even his own mother~

*Mike slowly lays down next to Will and takes a quick power nap*

*9:01 AM*

*Mike wakes up next to Will who was still asleep*
*He slowly gets up off the bed and glares over at Will sleeping*

He really is the cutest person I've ever met. - he thinks to himself

*He looks over at his desk and sees papers scattered all over the top*
*He walks over there and looks at the papers to see Wills drawings*

*As he was looking over, admiring Wills beautiful artwork, one of his drawings in particular catches his eye*

*he slowly picks it up off the desk to get a better look and sees a huge hand with spiky fingers holding a guy by his hood*

*he looks at the date and sees it was made a while ago.. so he shakes it off*

*as he was about to make another snoopy move, he hears Will moving*
*he turns around and sees Will beginning to wake up*
*He walks over to Will and sits at the edge of his bed*

Mike: Good morning Will. *he says softly*

*he rubs his eyes*
Will: Good morning Mike.. *he reply's with his adorable and raspy sleepy voice*

Mike: How are you feeling? *he asks remembering last nights event*

Will: Better, I guess. *he reply's while stretching*

Mike: You guess? *he asks*

Will: Yeah, I have no idea what happened last night.. *he reply's after yawning*

Mike: We don't either.. that's why your mom called your doctor, we're going to visit him around 1 today.

Will: You guys really didn't have to to that, I'm fine! *he chuckles as he gets up out of bed*

Mike: You didn't sound fine last night.. Will.

Will: It was just a panic attack I'm fine.. *he reply's quieter*

Mike: Over what?! Will we're worried about you-

Will: PLEASE MIKE, IM FINE!! *he yells while cutting him off*

*Mike was caught off-guard when Will raised his voice at him*

Will: No I- I'm sorry I d-didn't mean to yell at you.. I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm.. sorry! *he begins crying*

Mike: Hey.. shhh it's alright, I understand..

*Mike walks over to Will and Will buries his face into Mike shoulder while crying*
*Mike rubs his back repeating "Its okay." to him*

*Skip til 1:09*

*Will, Mike, and Joyce get out of the car and Joyce wraps her arm around Will as they walk inside*

*Moments later*

*Will sat in a chair In front of dr. Owens desk*

Dr. Owens: Okay, tell me about this "flashback" you had last night.

Will: I- I was just.. I just got back from the hospital.. and I was just hanging out with Mike in my room, when I saw.. something.

Dr. Owens: can you tell me what you saw?

Will: it was like.. a hallucination.. it was when the guy held the gun to my head that night.. but what I saw.. he pulled the trigger.. and there was blood everywhere.. *mike puts his hand over his eyes*

Will: Mike walked in after I saw it.. when I looked at him.. I saw myself, in the fire, and it was what I saw when he saved me.. I saw him behind the fire.

Dr. Owens: Well.. what did you do when you saw him?

Will: I.. I just started screaming and crying.. then I fell asleep from crying in Mikes arms..

*Will looks behind him and looks at Mike, who softly smiled at Will*
*Owens nods his head*

*11 minutes later*

*Mike was outside his office waiting with Will as Joyce talked to Dr. Owens*

*Mike looks down at Will*

Mike: You okay? *he asks as brushes Wills hair back*

Will: Yeah, I'm just tired. *he reply's as he lays his head on Mikes lap*

*Mike runs his fingers and plays with Wills hair as Will rests his eyes*

Dr. Owens: so, what we know about PTSD, he matches most of the symptoms-

Joyce: Does he have Post Traumatic Stress or not?! *she interrupt's him*

*He sighs*
Dr. Owens: Yes, he does.

*Joyce sighs as she puts her hand over her eyes*

Dr. Owens: BUT, I wanna put him on medication if it's okay with you.

Joyce: No, I don't know about that..

Dr. Owens: well from all of my other patient's with PTSD, they said the medicine helped them get better a lot faster. If you decide not to give it to him, the flashbacks will get worse and it could last possibly YEARS! But its up to you, you're the mother!

Joyce: How long will it last if he takes the medication? *she asks*

Dr. Owens: A couple of months. The longest was 6 months.

Joyce: Ugh. *she softly whispers*

Joyce: Okay, fine. I want him to take it.

Dr. Owens: great! I'll have his prescription ready for you at the pharmacy on Monday, okay?

Joyce: Okay, thank you.

Dr. Owens: come back if something doesn't feel right!


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