AS THE SUNSET KISSED INTO THE NIGHT, the dark sky painted a beautiful canvas of dark blue and black,4 ghosts were in their studio getting the rest they deserved.
Reggie immediately ran into the bathroom for the shower he wanted and Olivia had no idea where Alex was in the garage and she didn't care.
The younger Mercer sibling lay on the couch with one of the woolen blankets pulled over her legs, her white jacket discarded on the coffee table.
She closed her eyes and placed one arm over her face before letting out a sigh. She didn't realize ghosts could get so tired so easily.
Before she could even think about going to sleep, she felt the couch dip near her head and snapped her eyes open to see hazel eyes gazing down at her, a small smile dancing on Luke's face.
She tried to sit up, but Luke shook his head before gently shifting her up, so her head was laying on his lap as he gently braided her hair.
Luke never told anyone this, but once in their sophomore year, Luke and Olivia were doing some songwriting in the garage while Bobby and Alex went out to get dinner and Reggie was at home.
Olivia tried to re-braid her hair since it was getting everywhere, but she was never good at doing it by herself without a mirror.
That night, Luke asked Olivia to teach him how to braid hair, and now Luke knew all kinds of braids and patterns for hair. He gently weaved Olivia's hair into a French braid as Olivia closed her eyes peacefully.
This, this was bliss.
As Luke continued to braid her hair , Olivia asked "how are you feeling ", she peeled her eyes open and her baby blue irises stared into his hazel ones .
Luke gave her a smile as his eyes went back to braiding her hair
" what do you mean ?" he responded .
Olivia shrugged , "well i mean i haven't really heard you talk about the whole ghost thing and now we find out that people can hear us play , i mean it must be alot for you" the girl said gently.
Luke felt like he could stay in this position forever, just hearing her talk with her head in his lap and braiding her hair. He shook his head while his fingers braided her long hair slowly.
"I mean, yeah, I guess it's a lot, and the whole dead part really does suck, but Ol people can still hear us play. This means Sunset Curve isn't over yet, we can still do this thing," the boy said with a smile in his voice, causing her to smile.
Luke took the hairband around his wrist and tied off the girl's braid.
Luke would never admit it to anyone, but the hair tie he always had around his wrist wasn't really for him, even though he used it from time to time, it was always for Olivia in case she needed it.
The girl sat up and felt the braid, her hands brushing over his handiwork as a smile grew on her face as she looked at the boy.
"Thanks, I love it. Your braiding has gotten much better i must say , you used to suck" she giggled as Luke held a hand to his heart in mock hurt
"how dare you , my braiding never sucked" the blonde raised a brow as Luke blushed slightly
"Ok, maybe I did suck," he mumbled as the girl laughed.
She sat up beside him, their shoulders touching each other as her legs were pulled up to her chest. Luke looked over at her.
"What about you?" he asked.
"Are you OK?"
Olivia frowned slightly in confusion but a smile still remained on her face. "What do you mean, of course I'm ok-well okay as a ghost can ever be," she said lightly.
"Don't lie to me, I saw the way you froze up when Julie walked in on us playing and the way you looked like you were about to pass out when you found out everyone could hear us play. Come on Olivia, you really think me and Alex didn't notice? " Luke raised an eyebrow as Olivia turned away from him.
" I mean, I definitely wasn't OK at first. But the thing is," she returned her gaze to Luke,
"even though I desperately wanted to dig a hole and hide, I somehow didn't cry like the last time," she said quietly, and Luke's heart clenched.
All the guys knew about Olivia's problems with performing. None of them would talk about it and neither would Olivia.
They knew how hard it was after what happened and Luke couldn't help but feel proud that Olivia didn't break down after Julie saw her play.
"You should be really proud of yourself," Luke said, rubbing her arm affectionately, but Olivia shook her head.
"But I still froze. I-I still barely held myself together. I don't know what's wrong with me." She sighed shakily and Luke gripped her shoulders and turned her to face him.
"Hey, nothing is wrong with you. Ol, you're a great performer and singer, and you just need some time to get back on stage after the incident. That doesn't mean you won't ever get better.
You sounded amazing today, I haven't seen you play like that in ages. You should be proud of yourself, OK, I know I am," he said fiercely with affection, and Olivia smiled at the boys.
Even though she never really believed herself, her boys always, always did.
Olivia could not help but take that moment to look at Luke. She had looked at him many times before, of course, but she never really looked at him.
Luke was a handsome guy for sure, hot even. His messy brown hair, his warm hazel eyes, his jawline, and as Olivia looked at him, she couldnt help but stare at his eyes and that feeling of butterflies erupted once again in her stomach, causing her to turn away, and the moment was broken.
Luke felt it too, the electric energy in their little moment, but he didn't want to think too much about it.
Olivia looked back towards him with her usual sweet smile, as if their moment never happened.
"Thank you for always believing in me,"
Luke just chuckled
Luke jumped up from the couch and extended his hand to Olivia, saying, "Come on, I want to do something," with a grin. Olivia took the boys' hand and stood up.Luke ran off to get Reggie as Olivia went to find her brother.
When she couldn't find him anywhere in the garage, she walked outside and looked around before spotting a mop of blonde hair on top of the garage.
Olivia poofed herself onto the roof, sitting beside Alex as he jumped at his sister's presence,
"Hey, what are you doing up here? Thought you were with Luke?" he asked as Olivia laid her head down on his shoulder.
"Rather hang out with you anyways," she mumbled as Alex laughed.
The siblings sat in comfortable silence before the girl asked, "Are you okay? With the whole "we're dead ghosts that can play music that other people can somehow hear"
"I wasnt really at first, but after thinking it over, I guess it isnt the worst thing ever. I mean, at least people can still hear our music. I think that's something worth living for-well, I guess we can't use the word living anymore," he said as Olivia smiled.
Usually siblings don't get along with each other that well, but Alex and Olivia never had that problem.
They never fought or argued with each other, and, on the contrary, they always looked out for each other and cared for each other.
They were each other's best friends.
Their sibling moment was soon ruined when Luke and Reggie both walked out of the garage, Luke shouting up at the two blondes, "Come on, let's go!". The two poofed onto the ground, and soon all four ghosts poofed onto another roof, the Orpheum roof.
The group grunts at the impact as they stare out into the bustling city of LA, Olivia breathing in the air and shivering since she never got the chance to put on her jacket.
Luke instantly taking off his and handing it to her as Olivia gratefully accepts, while Alex quickly puts his hand down from where he was about to offer his sister his sweat shirt.
He liked Lukes on her better.
"Hey, I know being dead wasn't our first choice, but it sure is easy getting around," smiled Luke as he nudged Reggie and Olivia playfully.
Reggie pouts, "easy for you maybe, I lost my shirt on that one," he says.
Olivia leans over a slight bit just to see a white shirt suddenly poof out of nowhere to cover Reggie's bare chest.
"Oh! There it is!" the boy smiles innocently as Olivia and the guys laugh at the boy. Alex looks up at the big, lighted up Orpheum sign and looks back at Luke. "Ok, so why'd you bring us here? Just another painful reminder of where we never got to play " he asks sarcastically.
Olivia nodding along side him "yeah i really wanted to go to sleep" she glared playfully .
Alex nudges Luke with his hand and gives him a passive-aggressive smile.
"Thanks Luke."
"Look, guys, the game isn't over yet," Luke grins as they poof down to the sidewalks, now walking among the humans that are actually alive.
Not that anyone could see or feel them, of course. "I'm telling you, we've been given a second chance. Let's find some music. Let's see how many clubs we can hit before sunrise!" The boy says enthusiastically as they start walking around the streets in the hope of finding music.
Olivia suddenly felt Alex's presence beside her disappear, and she turns around to see her brother staring at a man in a long cape, his head nodding at Alex as he tips his top hat before turning to walk away without a word.
He could see Olivia's eyes widening.
This man, whoever he is, could see ghosts.
Alex continued to stare at the man's retreating figure before Luke hollered down the street, "Hey Alex, Ol, you coming?" The two siblings exchange wary glances with each other before turning back around to join their best friends.
But while Luke, Alex, and Reggie scoured the street for music clubs, Olivia's mind couldn't help but race.
Who was that man?
A/N : finally updated ππ also i love cheyenne jackson i think he has a killer voice
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