Precious Stones.

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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β  "I swear the package said to boil for twenty minutes," Carina mumbled, trying not to grimace as she swat the smoke away from her face.

Stephen gave her a perplexed look, "The instructions said that you should boil the pasta for twenty minutes?"

Carina shrugged, looking as Wong used a few spells to put out the fire that had almost spread through the kitchen. He was using magic because it wasn't normal fire that she used but faltine fire, she could control it, but Carina measure the time wrong."Yes, more or less."

"You're a terrible liar, you know that," Stephen deadpanned as he turned on the kitchen extractor.

"I..." She purses her lips, trying to come up with an answer or rather a lie but coming up with none. "I might have... thrown the box of instruction away." She opt for the truth because there was no way she could get away with it now.

Stephen pinches the bridge of his nose, exhaling heavily. "Of course."

"Carina, when I told you to do something productive today I didn't mean burn the kitchen." Wong's voice rang through, he finally put the last of the fire out.

"I'm sorry," The girl turn to him, sending the man a sympathetic smile knowing he only suggest that because he was making an attempt to get her out of the shell of a girl she had turned into, and she was trying to, not only to please Wong but because she didn't like who she was becoming either. "I just thought that making us lunch would be nice."

"Touching really," Stephen said sarcastically, before sending her a confused yet serious stare. "But what on earth was going through your mind when you thought of boiling the pasta for twenty minutes and with faltine fire, no less."

Carina huffs, sending an annoyed look back. "I don't know, Stephen. I've never cooked before, okay?"

"I thought you usually help in the kitchen–"

"Yeah, to cut vegetables and stir the pots, not to actually cook."

"Oh, for christ's sake."Β 

Carina sighs exasperatedly, flinging her arms around. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to."

"We know, Carina," Wong said, placing a hand on her shoulder and squeezing it once in comfort. "But you ought to be more careful, more so when using your magic."

"I know..." Carina sulked, then lighten up again when an idea struck her out of the blue, she looked at the sorcerers with an innocent smile."On the bright side, we can go to the deli."

There was a pause. Carina looked between them, the hopeful smile still painted on her face. Wong blinked confused and Stephen glared at her, shaking his head.

"What do you think?" She asked.

Stephen scoffs, crossing his arms."Now I see what this is. This was your whole plan, wasn't it?"


"You purposely burn the food to go to the deli and order a cheese sandwich." Stephen accuses, shaking his head.

"I did not," Carina gasped, offended at his claim, she looked at Wong who was tilting his head, looking unsure yet convinced by Stephens's allegations. "I didn't, I swear, but I'm not going to lie and tell you this fire isn't convenient for me, because I do enjoy a three-cheese delight."

"Right, you little liar." Stephen rolls his eyes at her making Carina narrow hers, he looks around the room before shrugging. "But I could go for a BLT, so... shall we?"

With that, Stephen rounded on his heels and walked out of the kitchen forcing Carina and Wong to follow him out.

"The masters aren't supposed to use the Agamotto money for anything other than the necessary for the sanctums," Wong informs as they walk through the halls of the sanctum to the main staircase.

"I give him permission to use the card for our sandwiches," Carina said nonchalantly and Stephen send her a glare over his shoulder.

"How caritative of you," Stephen rolled his eyes, before looking back at Wong. "But who says I'm using the card?"

Carina frowns looking up at Stephen, "Aren't you?"


"Well, in that case, I think we should make do with what we have, or go to the Kamar-Taj." Wong suggests.

"NO," Carina groaned, head falling back in distress."It's night there already, everything will be old and soggy."

Stephen nodded his head, "As much as it pains me, I agree with the kid, don't you have money to buy something?"

Wong kept silent, giving his answer.

"Seriously?" Stephen asks in slight disbelief as they proceed down the main steps of the Sanctum. "You don't have any money?"

"Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual." Wong voiced to Stephen making Carina roll her eyes. It was the same thing he always used to say to her whenever she asked to buy something in the market.

"I'll tell the guys at the deli. Maybe they'll make you a metaphysical ham on rye." Stephen drawls, sarcasm oozing from his tone.

"Oh, wait, wait, wait, I think I have 200," Wong called, digging his hand into his robes and searching for something.

Stephen stopped, glancing at the man "Dollars?"

"Rupees," Wong answers, showing him the paper bill.

"Which is?"

"How is it that Americans say?" Carina thinks for a second before her eyes widen in realization. "Ah yes, 200 rupees is a buck and a half."

Stephen sighs and continues his journey again, shaking his head, done with the conversation already. "What do you want?"

"I wouldn't say no to a tuna melt," Wong said pleased, following Stephen.

"Wait," Carina stopped mid-staircase, looking down at Stephen. "Does this mean I need money too? Because if so, I need to go for my purse... actually I might bring it anyway, just wait a minute so I can go get it."

Carina climb a few stares up but Stephen's exasperated voice made her halt on her steps. "No, no, there's no need to bring your purse you brat, I have the same card as you, I'll just pay for it with it."

"But... Stephen, the purse compliments my outfit." Carina mumbles, looking down at her light pink skirt and white shirt.

"Carina, I swear to god..."

"And now that I think about it, I think caring a purse is rather essential–"

The words that were meant to come out of her mouth turn into a shriek as something crash-lands through the Sanctum stairs making her fall back. Dumbfounded, Carina stares at the beaming light that seems to be coming down from the heavens, bright and white but soon enough that light ceased, leaving a hole in the ceiling and staircase, just where moments before she was standing.

Carina shakily slides a bit to look down at it as Stephen, (who already had his cloak on) and Wong swiftly move up to also discover what cause such ruckus, both holding a defensive stand, ready to attack and defend if necessary.

"Thanos is coming." An oddly familiar man whimpers as his green skin tone fades away. The brown hair man was conscious which is good but he was looking between them wildly, almost scared or perhaps it was panic. "He's coming... "

Stephen shared a look with Wong and Carina, both just as confused, "Who?"

"Thanos... he's coming. He's coming for all of us."

"Yeah, you already said that but whose Thanos?" Stephen demands.

The man shakes his head, his eyes became distant as he was remembering. "The mad Titan, he killed the Asgardians... Thor and he's coming to kill us."

Carina tilt her head, the panicking man was so familiar to her that it was at the tip of her tongue. She stared, his clothes were ripped, he didn't have a shirt on, letting his hairy chest for everyone to view, and the only thing that was covering him was his huge pants– It clicked. For the stars!! It should have been obvious.

"Bruce Banner," She announced, making the man snap his head towards her and dragging him away from his thoughts, the call of his name seems to have some effect on his, he's breathing was returning to normal. "You are Doctor Bruce Banner."

"Yes, that's... that's me." Dr Banner said, almost as if trying to convince himself that he was indeed Bruce.

"Carina," Wong's voice made her head turn to the man, he had dropped his Tao Mandalas. "Are you alright?"

She nodded, standing up with shaky legs, making her glad to find the red cloak by her side to help her regain her footing. "Yeah, just a bit startled, I guess."

"I'm sorry..." Dr Banner said as he also tried to stand, though he seems to be having more problems than her. "I-I- I'm a bit lost, who are you? Where am I?"

"You are in the Sanctum Sanctorum," Wong tells him, making Dr Banner's frown deepen as he looks between Stephen and Carina quizzically.

Carina sends Stephen a quick look as Banner finally stopped stumbling, he was at his full height now, making it more obvious his lack of clothing. "I'll go find Dr Banner something he can wear while you explain everything."

With one last look at the ceiling, Carina set her pace to find Bruce Banner some clothes. She thought of giving him robes but she remember all the robes were usually guarded inside the Kamar-Taj, and unless you requested one pair you wouldn't get any. So, Carina searched inside the old room of the previous Mater of the temple, Master Drumm -may his soul be travelling through the universe- and searches in a closet for something Dr Banner could wear.

She might have felt guilty for looking through the late master things if it wasn't for the restlessness that seems to be gradually growing inside her with each minute that passes. Dr Banner's words repeated in her mind. Thanos, the mad titan was coming to kill them like he killed the Asgardians... What was that supposed to mean? Were they all dead? The whole planet? Was Thor really dead? It's been almost two months since she last saw him and Loki. Carina is sure he'll never let anything happen to his people, wouldn't he? But why would Dr Banner lie about something as such? He's been missing for a while, who knows what he has been through... but whatever it was, she was sure was traumatic by the look in his eyes.

Snapping out of her thought, Carina collect the clothes that might be able to fit Banner, she also searches for socks and shoes (if they don't fit him she'll ask Wong to enchant them to make them smaller) and begin to walk back to the main staircase, or what is left of it– when all this is over, which hopefully would be soon, she'll tell Stephen to have a list of contractors at hand because you never known when is the Sanctum going to be at harms way again.

Once there, she notice Banner was already out of the hole, he was holding his massive pants up as he paced about, telling Stephen and Wong all he knew about Thanos in alarm, a state he can't seem to shake off.

"He wants something, a gem or a rock, he's collecting them and he has a whole army with him,"

"A stone," Wong declares, he and Stephen share an ominous look, which only made Carina's restlessness continue to grow.

Banner nodded fervently, "Yes, yes and he's coming here for it...We– we need to find it, he can't have it, otherwise, there's no telling of what he might do."

"Excuse me," Carina called making all heads turn to her, she smile awkwardly. "Erm– Can someone help me get over..." she motions to the huge hole in the stairs. "This, please."

Stephen nodded, and his cloak left his shoulders to fly towards her. Carina smiled softly as it plunged itself on her back and hover her a few feet off the ground, drifting her away from the stairs to the ground near Wong and Stephen. She had only used the cloak three times, the first two times Stephen had been unaware she had taken his cloak to play around but the last time she did that, she got caught mid fly... Stephen didn't let the cloak alone after that, which was a bummer because Carina was sure the cloak also enjoyed flying with her.

"Thanks," Carina mumbled to the cloak as it detach from her, before looking at Banner, she send him a smile and pass him the clothes. "Here you go, Dr Banner, I apologize If there's something that doesn't fit..."

Dr Banner took the clothes, shaking his head. "No, no everything is more than fine, thank you uh..."

"I'm Carina, it's a pleasure, Dr Banner." Carina smiled at him, remembering all those years ago when they met before, but he doesn't seem to remember, so to avoid any embarrassment she decided to keep it to herself.

"Right, Carina. You're really nice, thank you" He nodded his head in understanding. "Uhm... is there a place I can change?

"There's a door on the left, near the stairs, it leads to the undercroft but you can change on the stairs," Wong offered, he holds his arm out in the direction of the door.

"The underβ€” Thank you," Dr Banner said while stumbling over to the door. And the second the door closed, Carina wasted no time asking questions.

"What is happening? What did he say?"

Stephen sighs, looking over at Wong who also seemed concerned, "Thanos is after the Infinity Stones, and according to Banner he already has a hold of two of them."

Infinity Stones rang an alarm in her brain. She knew of them, she learn about them a long time ago, having to ask the Ancient One about the Eye, she gave her an extensive lesson about the Eye of Agamotto and its powers– it was one of the first lessons she had with the older sorcerer that had nothing to do with meditation– Carina remembers asking her what was that the amulet was sheltering, and she distinctly recalls when the late Supreme after a thought, opened the Eye showing her the emerald green stone, she not only explained the power of said stone but she showed her what it could do. A short but very meaningful demonstration with a Lilium, she'll always remember the way she saw the white flower wither and then, in the next second it was nothing but an unplanted seed bean. All of that only made Carina inquire more about the mystical stone, and she came to learn that this stone was one of six. The six Infinity Stones grant control over the domains of Mind, Space, Power, Reality and Time, which was the one inside the Eye, a stone all sorcerers have sworn to protect against anything that might want to take it. All very important stones because of the cosmic, celestial power they contain.

"Which means we can't by any means let him get this one, it's our duty to die protecting it," Wong's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, the sorcerer was looking at Stephen with determination and seriousness. "If what Banner says is true, then we must prepare for battle."

Carina felt nausea at the thought that someone was on the hunt for all of the stones, she knows a single stone can cause destruction beyond anything, and the thought that someone wants them all together makes her wonder the motive behind that, she knows it can't be good, to have that so much power is never good, she knows from experience and that's what's worst. It makes her want to vomit.Β 

"But you said he had two already," Carina spoke after swallowing back her breakfast, she looked between them in urgency. "How are you supposed to fight him? Do you even know what stones he has?"

"There are a few ways we can find out..." Stephen shrugged, looking down at the necklace on his chest.

"Do not–" Before either Wong or Carina could say something else, Dr Banner came back all dressed up, thankfully everything seems to fit like a glove.

But as soon as he came back, Dr Banner began speaking, "Right, like I was saying we should find the other stone, the one he's looking for–"Β 

"That won't be a problem, we already have it," Stephen said tapping the Eye of Agamotto which turned a shade of bright green for a moment, showing that said stone was safe in it.

Dr Banner did a double take, he looked between the amulet and Stephen, then Wong and Carina. "Is– Is it there, really?"

"It is," Carina said, nodding her head worried eyes trained on the Eye.

"Well that's good, that makes things a hundred times easier, all we have to do now is to keep it safe and away from Thanos" Dr Banner mumbled, his eyes moving to the ground before he asked. "Does anyone have a phone? I– I need to call Tony, he needs to know about this."

"We got something better..."

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"From the dawn of the universe, there was nothing. Then, boom!"

Sitting on the collapsed wooden stairs, Carina observes with her stomach twisting as Wong projects a universe that paints the foyer with shades of dark blue and bright dots to simulate the stars, he conjures a small replica of the big bang, that shines with bright light and then out of the bang, five out of six Infinity Stones descend.

"The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals, hurtling across the virgin universe," Wong explains, displaying the stones for them to see, all different colours, red, orange, purple, yellow, and blue. "These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence."

Each stone glows brightly as Stephen called their domain, "Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind." Stephen looks down at the Eye, "And Time." He taps the necklace, and crosses his wrist, with two fingers on each hand he uncrossed them willing the amulet to open, revealing the Time Stone which was emitting powerful emerald light.

"Tell me his name again." Tony Stark spoke, standing up from the sofa he had taken refuge on.

When he first came inside the sanctum, the man looked around mumbling 'Nice place, I guess birthday parties pay off', he send her a quick confused smile when he notice her before taking a hesitant seat on one of the sofas. He was probably very confused by everything which was understandable, but now his confusion seems to have passed and replace with something else, however, Carina can't quite figure out what it is.

"Thanos." Dr Banner said, anguish and desperation oozing with every word that leaves his mouth. "He's a plague, Tony. He invades planets. He takes what he wants. He wipes out half the population. He sent Loki. The attack on New York. That's him."

"This is it..." Tony mumbles to himself, finally downing on him the grave situation they were in. "What's our timeline?"

"No telling. He has the Power and Space Stones, which already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe."

Carina tilt her head with a soft frown, at loss and slightly amused at the statement of the man. She wanted to correct Dr Banner because she was sure that as as powerful Thanos can be, there are plenty more others with the same, if not more power than he has but just as she opens her mouth, Carina caught Wong's eyes, he shook his head lightly as if saying 'now's not the time', (having know her like the back of his palm, he probably could tell what she was planning to do,) so Carina kept quiet, instead she observes with raised eyebrows as Tony Stark beginnings to stretch like he's about to go for a long tiring run, against a relic.

"If he gets his hands, on all six Stones, Tony..."

Stephen walks forward, so he could speak with the billionaire. "He can destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of."

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