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We were flying on the bison while Kai led us to the other airbenders. The wind felt nice though.

"The blace where I saw them taking the airbenders is around here." Kai said.

"That's gotta be where they took Korra." Mako said.

We flew over a couple stone mountains and saw a couple statues with a cave opening below them.

"That's it!" Kai said. "Down there lefty." He said and the bison flew towards the cave, causing Oogi to follow him.

We all got off the bison. Bolin and Tonraq helped Tenzin down.

"Find the airbenders and my family." Tenzin said. "Don't worry. I'm not coming out without our children. And the rest of our people." Su says placing a hand on Tenzin's shoulder.

"Are you able to come with us?" Su asked me. "Mhm." I nod. She smiles and we all ran into the tunnel.

We approached a couple tunnels and looked around, deciding which way to go.

"Which way?" Bolin asked.

Lin used her seismic sense and told us which way. "This way." She pointed at the wall. "But there's a tunnel that leads that way." Asami said.

"There's guards down that way and we don't need to get caught." Lin said.

"Was there any sign of Korra?" Mako asked. "Not yet." The older Beifong said.

Lin moved her arms out, making an opening in the wall.

We eventually made it to the other side of the wall. Lin punched the rock in front of us, causing it to fly out the wall. After the dust cleared we saw two guards and all the airbenders.

The guards bent rocks at us, but Su blocked then with a wall.

Asami flipped over the rock wall and charged at the guard. He threw a rock at her but she slid under it and electrocuted him, and pinning him to the ground, knocking him out.

"Mom!" Opal yelled. Su looked in the direction of her daughter and ran over to her.

"Oh honey I'm so glad you're safe." She said hugging Opal.

Bolin made his way over to Su and Opal, pushing Su out the way and hugging Opal. "Me too." He said. I watched as Su sat up and glared at Bolin.

I noticed Kya lying on the ground and I ran to her.

"Are you okay?" I ask helping her up. "I'm fine." She said. "What about you?" She asked. "Just a broken ankle, nothing special." I said. She sighed and shook her head. "You shouldn't be walking." She says. "I'll be fine." i chuckle.

"Uh.." She said pulling on her shackles. I lit a blue flame, easily burning through the shackles around her wrists. "Thanks." She said. I nod and hum, throwing her arm around me to help her balance.

"We have to get these two out of here now." Lin said, referring to Kya and Bumi. "They dont look so good."

Bumi coughed. "What are you taking about? I feel great." He said shoving his arm up and giving a thumbs up, then coughing again.

Kya limped and almost fell, but I caught her before she fell. "Can you stand?" I ask. She shook her head no. I sighed and picked her up bridal style. "Better?" I ask. "Better." She repeats and smiles.

"You guys get everyone out of here. I'll search for Korra." Tonraq said. "We're going with you." Bolin said.

"You don't have to search for her. I know exactly where she's being held." Ginora said.

Ginora told Tonraq, Bolin, and Mako where Korra was being held.

"Just be ready for Zaheer." Tonraq said. They boys nodded and they headed for Korra.

We all walked out with the airbenders and Tenzins kids immediately ran for him.

"Oh, thank goodness you're all right." Tenzin said as his kids hugged him.

"Honey, are you okay?" Pema asked her husband. "I'll be fine." He replied.

Kya groaned and held her stomach. "Do you want me to set you down?" I ask Kya. She shook her head. "You sure?" She nodded. I sigh and obey her decision.

Tonraq ran past us to Tenzin.

"We have to help Korra." He said.

I looked in the distance to see Korra chasing Zaheer. She kept throwing boulders half his size at him, which he dodged every one of them. As she kept throwing them, they progressively got bigger.

She chased him around some more and he ended up kicking air at her, throwing her onto a mountain platform. She tried attacking him but he just did the same thing over again, throwing her over the edge, cause her to land at the bottom.

Zaheer flew around and Korra chased him with a boulder the size of a house. She threw it at him but he fled just before the rock squished him.

Korea landed in some water and used it to her best ability. He dodged every time Korra tried hitting him. She eventually trapped ice around his ankle causing him to fall through the air. Korra used fire jets and flew at him. She made it half way to him and curled up, then flew to the top of one of the mountains.

Zaheer disappeared below the peak and flew back up looking at Korra.

"I can fly my bison up there to help her." Kai said.

"You'd never be able to keep up with Zaheer. He's too powerful." Lin said.

"We have to do something." Kak turned around and looked at Lin.

"How can he fly like that?" Bumi asked.

"Hes unlocked powers of airbending that haven't existed for thousands of years." Tenzin said.

"There haven't been this many airbenders in one place for a long time, either." Ginora said. "We have to power together." She stood up. "Hurry! Everyone form a circle. Follow me." She said and ran to an open area, the other airbenders following her.

Ginora held her arm up, creating a small tornado in her hand that progressively got bigger. All the airbenders then joined in on what she was doing.

Zaheer kept swooping down on Korra, knocking her on every mountain edge until she fell a ways down and landed on another one, coming close to the edge.

Zaheer made his way over to Korra and made a circle air bubble around her body and then her head. He made a wind tunnel through her mouth, sucking the air out of her.

The tornado kept getting bigger until it finally sucked Zaheer into it and the air around Korra disappeared, also sucking her into the tornado. He inched closer to the center of the tornado and flew up, grabbing Korra and trying to flee. But, he didnt get away and was now inside the tornado.

He let go of Korra and let her fall. She three the chains at Zaheer, wrapping it around his ankle and yanking him down.

Korra landed on the ground and the chain came down, causing Zaheer to slam into the ground.

The tornado stopped.

Korra groaned and fell to the ground. Ginora ran over to her, making sure she was okay.

Su and Lin built the ground around Zaheer and trapped him there.

Tonraq, Mako, and Asami made their way over to Korra.

Tonraq held Korra in his arms.

"Korra, sweetheart, it's me, dad. Please hang on." He said worried.

Korra realized who was talking to her. All she probably remembers is her father being thrown off a cliff by Zaheer. She tried reaching for his face but closed her eyes fell more into his arms. Tonraq grabbed Korra's hands, tears were slowly streaming down his face.

"You motherf-" I say walking over to Zaheer but Lin grabbed my arms and pulled me back.

"Leave him alone." Lin said.

Zaheer starting laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin asked.

"You're too late!" He yelled. "The poison's been in her system too long. The Red Lotus has won."

"You can save her. The poison is metallic." Jinora said.

Su ran over to Korra and put her hand on her forehead. She started at Korra's feet, making a pulling motion until she reached her head. She then pulled the poison out of Korra, causing her to go into the avatar state. Su threw the poison on the ground once it was out of Korra's body.

Korra started coughing and she opened her eyes, immediately looking at her dad.

"Dad?" She asked. "You're alive." Korra smiled.

"I'm here for you. I'm never going to let you go." Tonraq said and hugged Korra.

"No!" Zaheer yelled. "No! You dont understand. The revolution has already begun. Chaos is the natural order of-" Bolin cut him off by shoving a sock on his mouth.

"You see what I did there? I put a sock in it. Literally." Bolin said proudly with his hands on his hips.

"Classic Bolin." Opal said. "I do what I do." He said.

a few days later

I sat at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper when Tenzin came up to me and handed me a letter. "This is for you." He said. I noticed it had a Fire Nation stamp on it. I took the note and opened it.

Dear Keira,

I have been informed that you helped save Avatar Korra from the Red Lotus. I have done some thinking, and I would like it if you came back to the Fire Nation and help me out with Fire Lord business. It is totally up to you. I would just like to say you are welcome back to the Fire Nation.

                                             -Fire Lord Izumi

"So, what's your decision?" Tenzin asked. "I.. I don't know. Is this even real?" I ask. "Everything you are seeing right now is real." He said.

I stared at the letter, not knowing what to say. What will happen if I go back? What position will I be to Izumi? Will I still get dirty looks from people? My mother. What about my mother? Will she be there?

I folded the note the way it came and put it back into the envelope.

I sighed and stood up.

"I'll go." I say.

Tenzin smiled and hugged me. I hesitated a moment cause I'm not used to him hugging me often. Never, actually.

"I need to say bye to someone before I leave." I said letting go of him. "Tell everyone I said bye." He nodded and watched as I walk away.


I knocked on the chief's door, waiting for her to open it.

"Come in." She said. I peeked my head in and saw her doing some paperwork, not looking up to see who it was.

"Can we talk?" I ask. She looked up and nodded.

"Is it important?" She asks. "To me, yes. To you, I'm not sure." I say. "Take a seat." She said pointing to the chair in front of her desk. I nodded and sat in the chair.

"So, I got a letter from Fire Lord Izumi, asking me if i wanted a position under her." I say. "Did you accept it?" "I did, yes. But, in order for me to do that, I have to go back to the Fire Nation." I said crossing my legs.

"Are you going back, then?" I nod.

"So, you came here to say bye?" Lin asked.

"Yes, but I came for another reason." I said. "And what is that reason?"

I sigh.

"Ever since I came back to Republic City, I thought: Should I really be here? And I'm glad I stayed here. I'm glad I found you. After talking to you and spending time with you, I developed some sort of feelings for you." I say.

Lin just looked at me shocked.

"So now, I came here to say, that I love you." I said with zero hesitation.

It was quiet while she processed everything I just said.

Once I realized that she wasn't going to say anything, I stood up.

"Now, if you don't mind, I got somewhere to be." I say pointing my thumb at the door. I turn on my heels and made my way to the door.

"Wait." She said.

I turn back around and she was now in front of me.

She put her hands on my cheeks and softly kissed me. I wrap my arms around her waist. Due to her shortness, she pulled away.

"I love you too." She says.

She stood on her tippy toes and kissed me again.

"I need to get going or else-" "I know, I know." Lin said.

"Before you go, there's something I want to ask you." "Are you asking me out?" I ask.

"No. Would you like to be my- Uh- Would- I-" She stuttered and sighed, rubbing her face.

"Take your time, honey." I chuckle and cross my arms.

her face turned even more red and she sighed calming herself down.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" She finally asked.

"I would love to." I smile making her smile.

She pecked my lips and rested her head on my chest, hugging me.

"So, is this going to be a long distance relationship?" She asked.

"I'm afraid so." I said. "I dont know if I can deal with that." She said. "You'll be fine. I'll write to you as soon as I get there." I say.

"Promise?" She asks looking at me. "Promise." I repeat and kissed her head.

"I have to go." I say. "The boat I'm getting on leaves in 20 minutes." "Then go. I'll see you soon." She said resting her hand on my face caressing my cheek.

I walked away and left the police station.

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