I got out of bed and walked out to the living room. Lin was just sitting on the couch, her leg bouncing up and down. I plopped down next to her and she looked at me.
"You look happy." I say. "We were supposed to leave a half hour ago." She said. I rolled my eyes and looked at her. "They're probably still sleeping." I shrug. "Well, I'm gonna go find out." She said standing up and walking to the door.
She stopped before walking out and sighed.
"Do you want to come with?" She asks. "I suppose. Just let me get ready." I say.
I walked into the bedroom and put my armor on. I took a brush through my hair and brushed my teeth. Once I was done with all that, Lin and I walked around to find Su.
"Where is everyone? I've been waiting to leave for half an hour." Lin said.
"And good morning to you too, Lin. Now, don't get mad. Korra's fine. I'm just waiting to hear if she tracked down Aiwei yet." Su said.
"What? You let Korra go? I thought we were on the same page about this, and then you go and stab me in the back?" Lin said angrily. "Oh, don't be so overdramatic. You can't control the Avatars every move."
"I can try." Lin said and walked away.
"I was expecting her to be more pissed off." I said a little confused. "Yeah, me too." Su says crossing her arms. "Anyway, thanks for not telling Lin anything." She said. "Nah, don't worry about it." I say.
a day later
Lin and I were off to find Korra and her friends. So far we've had no luck.
"Will you slow down?" Lin asked.
"Uh, no." I chuckle and go a little faster.
"I really hate your driving." She said. I rolled my eyes and slowed down, going about 5 mph.
"Okay now your just pissing me off." She crossed her arms. "That's what I'm best at." I smile and pick up more speed.
Lin leaned forward and point to some tire tracks. "Follow those." She said. "Yes ma'am." I sigh.
I turn the wheel and followed the tracks. It led us to two other Jeeps. One out in the open and the other barley hidden behind some rocks. I put the car into park and got out, Lin doing the same.
She walked over to the Jeep in front of us, looking in it to see if anyone was hiding.
Naga jumped out and roared at Lin, causing her to jump back a little. She jumped over the Jeep and circled around Lin. She then licked Lin's face, causing me to chuckle.
"First you scare the life out of me, now you wanna lick me." Lin said and Naga licked her again. Pabu jumped onto Lin and ran around her until she caught him and held him up.
"Gimme Pabu." I say.
Lin set Pabu on my head and he licked my face.
"Hello to you too." I chuckle and pet him.
"Here. Chew on this and leave me alone." Lin said giving some jerky to Naga.
"Nuh-uh, Pabu gets some too." I cross my arms as Pabu whined. Lin sighed and gave me some jerky. I broke it into small pieces and gave it to Pabu.
"Tonraq you read me?" Lin asked. I look over and saw she found a receiver. "Yes. We copy." He said. "I found Korra's Jeep, but the kids aren't here. Meet me at the Misty Palms Oasis." She said and put the receiver back.
quick Lin pov
I leaned against the Jeep and watched as Keira played with Pabu and Naga. Keira has a love for animals, she always has. I'll never understand it though. Whenever we saw a stray animal on the road when we were kids, she would always carry it around with us and even bring it to a shelter.
"Ooh! I'm so glad I brought this along." She said and reached into the back of the Jeep, pulling a ball out. "I told you I would get you a new one." She says patting Naga's head. Keira reached back and grabbed her katana, unsheathing it. She turned it over to the dull and flat side.
"Ready, girl?" She asked Naga. The polar bear dog barked and jumped back, getting ready for Keira to throw the ball. She threw it up in the air and hit it with her katana like she was a batter, making Naga chase it.
Naga came back and dropped the ball in front of Keira. She picked it up, unbothered by all the slobber that was on it. She batted the ball once more and watched Naga chase it.
"Come on, Keira. We need to go." I say.
"We can't just leave them here." Keira said looking at me. Naga dropped the ball in front of her and she picked it up, holding it.
"Either we go, or I'm popping that ball again." I say leaning off the car. "Go ahead." She smirks. "Fine." I frown and walk over to her.
I go to grab the ball but she moves it. I went to grab it again and she held it above her head.
"Why do firebenders have to be so tall?" I asked. "You're asking the wrong person, honey." She chuckled. I felt my face heat up. I frown and try to grab the ball again, but she moved it behind her back.
"Keira, I'm not playing around. We need to leave." I said crossing my arms. "We have time." She says. I roll my eyes and reach around her, trying to grab the ball.
She kicked my feet from under me and I fell backwards, but she caught me before I hit the ground. Her hand was barley around my neck armor and she was still holding me up, her leg in between my legs.
I felt my face turn red Again.
"You're turning red there, Lin." She smirks.
I felt my cheeks heat up even more.
"Is this what you want?" She asked holding the ball in front of my face. Luckily, it wasn't full of slobber anymore. I went to grab the ball but she threw the ball over her shoulder, causing Naga to chase it.
She looked back to make sure Naga got the ball, then looked back at me.
I'm tempted. I really am. She always knows how to get me in a particular mood, specifically for her.
I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her into a kiss.
Keria pov
Lin grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me down into a kiss. She pulled away and I leaned back up, pulling her up with me.
"Sorry, I didnt mean for that to actually happen." She said so casually.
"It's- Um- You're- I- Uh... It's fine." I stutter.
"We should get going. Bring the animals with too." She says. I gave a quick nod and grabbed the ball.
"Come on, girl." I say and Naga followed me, Pabu jumped back onto my head.
The entire walk to the restaurant bar was quiet, except for when I talked to Pabu or Naga.
We walked into the small restaurant and saw Lord Zuko and Tonraq.
"Its nice to see you again, Lin." Zuko said, embracing her in a quick hug. "It's good to see you, too." She replied. They pulled out the hug and my uncle looked at me.
"I heard what happened." He said. "Yeah I kinda figured that." I say.
"It's good to see you." He says. "You too." I said.
"Did you guys find Korra on the way here?" Lin asked. "No." Zuko said. They all took a seat, leaving me standing.
"I can move if you want to sit down." Tonraq said, looking at me. "Nah, I'm good. I'd rather stand anyway." I said. He nodded and looked back to Lin and Zuko.
"What are you all doing here?" A voice asked. We all looked up to see Korra and Asami.
"Korra, you're safe." Tonraq said and hugged her daughter.
"Yeah, we made it out the dessert, thanks to Asami." The Avatar said.
"Do you remember Lord Zuko?" Tonraq asked.
"I met you when were a very young girl. It's good to see you again, Avatar Korra." Zuko said. "It's good to see you, Lord Zuko." Korra said.
"Thanks for ditching me back at Zaofu." Lin said. I gently nudge her in the arm and she looks at me.
"Yeah, sorry about that. But how did you all find us?" Korra asked.
"I'm a detective, you know."
"Did you find Mako and Bolin?" Asami asked. "Some people at the inn saw them get captured by Zaheer's crew. We don't know where they are." I said and crossed my arms.
"Did you hear about the Earth Queen?" "What about her?"
"Once again, the Earth Queen's reign has come to an abrupt and violent end. Ba Sing Se has descended into chaos. Rioters and looters have overrun the palace." The man on the radio said.
"So the Earth Queen is dead?" I ask. "Apparently so." My uncle said.
"The Red Lotus." Korra said. "What's that?" Tonraq asked. "The name of the group thats been trying to capture me and just took out the Earth Queen." Korra said. "I'm afraid this is only the beginning dad." She said looking at her father.
We all found a small inn and stayed there till morning.
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