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"Ennessey" I slowly opened my eyes seeing Saige looking down at me. I closed them back and rubbed them to try and wake up.

"What time is it?" I questioned.

"Pushing 7:30, get up" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Boy no it's too early" I snatched the covers over my head trying to go back asleep. I refuse to get up that early unless it's for work.

"Ion care" he snatched them back off. I glared at him with a mug as he snickered. Ain't nothing funny about messing with my sleep.

"Why are we even up this early?, the birds haven't even started chirping yet"

"Cause we gonna take a little nature walk before the rest of your folks wake up" I sat up yawning.

"Nature walk? I'm not about to hike no where" he squinted his eyes.

"Says the woman who was driving an atv through mud, get dressed" I rolled my eyes getting out of bed.

"Roll 'em again and see what happens" I was tempted to do it just to get a rise out of him. I dragged myself into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I was hoping to at least get another hour or two before my mama start banging pots around like she can cook.

It didn't take me long to put my hair into a low ponytail and some comfortable clothes. Well clothes suitable for hiking. There was a hiking trail close by my grandparents house, so we started the walk there.

"So what time do you usually go hiking?"

"Depends on my schedule I try for 6 every other week" I took my head back in shock.

"6? You one of those people who wake up before the bird gets the worm" I joked. He cracked a smile.

"You're funny" I shrug.

"I tryβ€” what the hell" I smacked at my arms as a couple of gnats flew in my face. And it begins.

"Did you spray any off on yourself" I nodded.

"That shit never works. False advertisement. Zero out of ten don't recommend" he chuckled.

"You on a roll today." He pushed a couple leaves out of my way. "Tell me, why does your mom care so much about your love life"

"I dunno. Apparently every woman in my family was one and done but I refuse to stick with someone just because it's comfortable. I always wanted to find my soulmate but niggas ain't shit" I muttered causing him to chuckle.

"So what it's a brown tradition?"

"You can say that. It's not only my love life. It's the way I choose to live my life as well. They are very traditional if you haven't notice. My sisters both decided to quit their jobs to tend the house. I can tell brandy is miserable with her decision and I refuse to follow those footsteps"

"So they were against you going to college and having an actual career" I nodded. "That's bullshit. Working women are way more attractive"

"So do you find me attractive Mr.Hartz" I asked with a smirk. He bit his bottom lip looking me up and down.

"Insanely beautiful. It's just something about a woman who knows how to handle her own that turns me on. That's another reason I find everything about you attractive. You have dreams and aspirations"

As I was fixing to say something a rock tripped me up. I just knew for a fact I was gonna face plant when I felt him catch me before I fall. "Told you nature don't like me"

"Being clumsy got nothing to do with that" I opened my mouth in shock making him laugh.

"Anywho we got jokes I see, can I ask you a question?"


"It may be kind of personal but you said you had an estranged relationship with your father, was it always like that?" He pressed his lips together as we continued the walk up the trail. The occasional mosquitoes trying to take me out.

"Not always. We were never that close but it goes worse some years back over a situation he won't forgive me for. Let's just say he puts his business before his wife and kids" I frowned not wanted to pry into what happened. We kept hiking for what felt like hours when it was about 5 minutes.

With the constant swatting bugs away and catching my balance I was beginning to get tired. We kept small talk learning more bits and pieces of one another. It was nice to just be away from everyone and focus on natureβ€” well except for the pesky bugs and critters.

"Can we take a break please, my shins are screaming"

"Sure" we walked off trail through some bushes until we spotted a small waterfall. A smile came across my face as I shrugged the backpack off my shoulders.

"Wow, me and my cousins use to sneak up here to go swimming when we was younger" it was just as beautiful as I remembered.

"Then let's swim" I turned around to see he was also looking at the view.

"I don't have on a swimsuit, maybe another time" he walked in my peripherals taking his shirt off.

"W-what are you doing?" I questioned as my eyes traveled down his chest.

"For as long as I've known you, your constantly on the go. This is your time to break out of those confides and relax" he reaches for his belt and begins unbuckling it. I looked back at the water seeing how clear it was. It was such a rare sighting to find a waterfall that looks so pure and refreshing.

"We probably shouldn't" he grabbed my hands making me focus my attention back on him.

"Do you trust me?" I nodded.

"Of course I do" his hands grazed my waist as he gripped the bottom of my half tank lifting it over my head.

"Then try something new with me, enjoy yourself for me please" he tossed my shirt near our bags as he helped me slide my leggings down.

"All of our so called dates are strange" he smiled.

"Well I'm a untraditional kind of man, so expect the unexpected" he grabbed my hand as we both jumped in. I held my nose as I plunged underwater. My adrenaline was through the roof. I raised back up from under the water smiling. I wiped the water out of my eyes taking in the view. Saige popped out of the water wiping a hand down his face.

"That was actually fun" I admitted causing him to smile.

"Good" he moved some of my hair out of my face. "How are you feeling?"

"Free, happy.... Hell risky" he chuckled as I wrapped my arms around his neck to stay afloat.

"I want you to always feel like that around me, I want you to always feel happy" he cupped my cheek as we stared at one another seductively. I took the initiative and pressed my lips onto his. Without hesitation, he kissed back. Thankfully we wasn't in the deep part of the water so we were able to keep our balance.

His mouth was so subtly gentle yet demanding. As the kiss was a blend of tenderness and intensity. The heat that rose from our bodies drew me closer to him creating the need of desire. The crashing of water in the background began to fade as I caved completely to his touch. Allowing his hands to pull me closer to feel his print against me. I moaned softly as our tongues began to fight for dominance. He bit my lip softly as he pressed more into me. For a moment I forgot where we were until I heard whistles. I pulled away abruptly.

"Ooooo that's where y'all snuck off too" my big headed cousin Deon said standing further away from us as his girlfriend whistles cheering us on. Now I was embarrassed. I stuck my finger up at him causing him to laugh out before leaving us be. I removed my arms from around Saige as I cleared my throat.

"I'm sorry" I muttered. He licked his lips catching his breath. My body was still aching for his touch but I couldn't give in.

"You don't have to be sorry for kissing me, I wanted it to happen as much as you did" I opened my mouth to protest but instead I got out of the water grabbing my clothes.

"We should head back, they probably have breakfast ready"

"Ennessey, I know we are taking it slow and I'm sorry if I crossed a boundary. The last thing I want is for you to regret it"

"Thats the thing Saige, I didn't regret it" I admitted.

❀  ❀  ❀

There was music blasting and kids running around everywhere. I never seen a smile so big on my grams face. This was all she really wanted for her birthday was to see all of her family. I was in the house trying to help the women cookβ€” well more like watch. I was more of a eater than a cooker.

"Y'all seasoned up the hamburgers?" I looked up from my phone to see Saige walking into the kitchen. After that intense ass kiss, we've been exchanging looks all day. I was ready to risk it all for this man. My aunt started smiling making me mug her.

"I'm doing the last few" one of my other aunts said.

"So Saige how's my baby's cooking" lord knows I don't need to be cooking for anyone. If Solani not cooking for me then I'm eating out. He caressed my hand looking me over. I couldn't help the smile that came about.

"I prefer to cook for us. I like to make sure my woman body is nurtured as well as her stomach" he kissed my forehead as they started aww'ing. Then there was brandy who sucked her teeth. Hater much.

"That's different, I prefer to do all the cooking" Stella intervened leaning on her fist.

"She works just as hard as me, I like to make sure she's taking the break she need" Saige said. Making me forget that this whole relationship is a facade with the way he's playing his part so well.

"You one of them niggas that like that 50/50 shit?" Brandy asked popping her gum. My mom smacked her with the hand towel.

"Brandy language" she shrugged crossing her arms.

"She leads I follow, all the money ennessey makes is her to use in anyway she wants but when she with me she don't need to worry about pulling her card out for nothing so nah I'm not one of those niggas" he grabbed the hamburgers from my auntie Gina causing a few of us to snicker.

"Shots fired" Dixie called out making me hold my mouth with my hand.

"They say that now then they want you to quit your job cause you making more than them" little did she know, I would never surpass Saige in finances. He was a whole millionaire in these streets.

"Why you got an attitude" my mom asked wrapping tin foil around one of the aluminum pans.

"I don't" she snapped.

"Cece tell your brother in law to start giving her that act right so she can stop acting out" Dixie said causing me to gasp.

"Both of you, out" my grandmother said with a scowl.

"Wait what I did?" I questioned holding my laughter back.

"I see the way y'all keep exchanging glances, out the kitchen.. be messy somewhere else"

"Fine" i interlocked arms with Dixie as we walked outside. As soon as we was out of view we started laughing.

"Why would you say some shit like that" I asked calming down.

"It's true, she's gotten bitter over the years. Khalil need to start giving her attention" I nodded agreeing.

"The attitude been with her since I was born. It feels like we are always competing for some unknown trophy. She thinks I care about her getting married first or scoring some hot shot that made her a housewife. Every time I got something going for myself she be ready to rain on my parade" Dixie nodded.

"Oh girl I noticed, which is why Khalil need to handle that immediately" I chuckled causing her to grin.

"Speaking of being handled, wassup with you and Caine?" I asked nodding my head in his direction. He was Deon friend that literally grew up with us all. She started smiling.

"Unfortunately not a damn thing. I don't think he'll look at me in that way... ever"

"You can't be too sure. I be seeing the way he be eyeing you. That man wants you" she shrugged.

"Then why hasn't he made a move on me yet" I redirected to where all the men were standing near the grill or playing around.

"Unt unt what are you doing?"

"Helping him make a move"

"Cece" she warned making me smile.

"Just trust me" as we got closer I saw him look over at us.

"Wassup babygirl, why you not helping them in the kitchen?" My dad asked kissing my forehead. I glared at Dixie who smirked.

"Cause someone was being messy so grams kicked us out. I'm too old to be trying to run around with the little ones so if fired we'll kick it with y'all"

"What y'all done did this time"

"Yeah Dixie what you did?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Wow you just gonna out the blame on me like you wasn't snickering" Dixie playfully rolled her eyes as she looked over at Khalil.

"Please give your wife some good dick tonight. Her attitude is played out" Khalil choked on his beer making a few people around to start laughing.

"Sis" Deon said holding his laughter.

"What you should've saw the way she was going down Saige throat, she need some get right. Grams thought that was messy and gave us the boot" she shrugged.

"I mean she ain't lying, you want your woman happy, lay it down right" my dad said flipping a few burgers. I had to keep myself from making a face. I didn't want to imagine my parents being nasty.

"No matter what I do, I can never satisfy Brandy. Shit ever since she decided to quit her job she been in a pissy mood"

"Well have you tried to understand why she feel that way?" Caine interjected taking a sip from his cooler bottle. Khalil raised the blunt back to his lips shrugging.

"She won't give me the time of the day. Dismisses me before I can talk to her"

"So y'all like roommates then" Saige asked.

"Shit that's what it feels like"

"She should've listen to me when I said not to marry you" my uncle Bud said from the rocking chair. I started laughing lowly as Khalil mouth dropped.

"Unc" he shrugged his shoulder.

"Since the day I met you, you never made the intiative to give her queen treatment. She quits her job just for you to be out all hours of the day"

"I never told her to quit her job, she wanted to be a housewife and I was fine for that. I can provide for us"

"That's the problem man. She want more than financial support. Show her that you only want her and give her that reassurance" Saige said.

"See and that's why I like this Nigga. Cece you picked a good apple" Uncle bud said as they slapped hands.

"I definitely try something different, maybe I'll get that attitude in order so it don't bother you Dixie" she started laughing.

"I hope so"

"What about you Caine, you got any new love interest in your life?" I questioned. I felt Dixie nudge my shoulder.

"I mean I got my eye on someone but nothing too serious yet" he said taking a quickly glance.

"I thought you swore off relationships?" Deon asked. There wasn't much a knew about his situation but I heard it didn't end well.

"I did then I realize what my ex did shouldn't hold me back from a good woman" I started smiling as I looked over at Dixie who was blushing.

"What about you Dixie, you ready to settle down with someone soon?" I asked.

"Oooo you trying to play matchmaker" Saige whispered in my ear before letting out a low laugh.

"I've been ready for awhile, just not sure if the guy I'm feeling is interested"

"The same thing I tell my kids, you have to put yourself out there to find your person. So if you know in your heart that you want him go for it niece" my dad said.

"Who's the nigga?" Deon asked making Khalil laugh. Dixie rolled her eyes.

"I doubt you would approve of it" would any brother approve his friend dating their little sister.?

—Saige    οΌ¨ο½ο½’ο½”ο½šβ€”

We were currently playing a game of spades. It was Phil and Arnold against me and Deon. We were handing them they ass on a silver platter.

"Bullshit" Arnold muttered tossing his last card on the table.

"Ahhh got y'all again" Deon called out as he wrote down the points.

"Y'all must've been conspiring beforehand" Phil said causing me to laugh.

"I don't get this game" Ennessey said scratching her head. She was sitting on my lap this whole time trying to understand the concept of it.

"Why no one taught my baby how to play yet" her mama said from the other table that was holding a spade game.

"Cause she never want to learn" Khalil said making her smack her lips.

"I got 4 and a possible" Deon said as I looked at my cards.

"Man there y'all go lying again" Phil said making me smirk. My phone started ringing.

"Aye Khalil can you tag in for me real quick?" I asked looking at the caller ID.

"Yeah I got you" I tapped her thigh so she can stand up. I excused myself to the front porch before answering.

"This is Saige Hartz" I answered.

"Hello Mr. Hartz. This is Calvin. I'm sorry I have to disrupt you on your day off but there is an issue I have to arise to you"

"What's up?"

"We discovered that there is an issue with the foundation of the ground and there could be a safety issue if we don't get the proper materials."

"What kind of foundation issue?"

"We would have to add in more square footage due to a natural disaster that took place here years ago; the base of the foundation isn't sturdy enough to hold anything above two floors" I sighed pinching my nose. I took a seat on the swinging chair.

"How much are we talking"

"Well we are in need of some piers to do some underpinning to help keep the foundation steady and leveled for the years to come. I had a list sent over to you for some crucial parts that are now needed for this build to be done correctly.. it'll be almost an extra 1.5 million if we include the first three levels of the hotel"

"Let me guess, if I want this to be done to all of the floors then it'll be even more than that?"

"....Unfortunately sir"

"I'll look this over with dahlia when I'm back in the office tuesday"

"Yes sir, see you soon" after we hung up I closed my eyes sighing. This isn't the first complication that has arise. We had some other issues that had me kicking in more money that I wanted to as well as the incident to the hotel in Dubai. My father was so quick to put his hands back into the business without reviewing the finance reports. It was best if we stayed to more low budget projects since I just us out of the brink of bankruptcy.

"You okay?" I opened my eyes seeing Ennessey standing there with a concerned look.

"You want the truth or a lie?" She took a seat on the swinging seat tossing one of her legs on my lap.

"The truth, what's going on?"

"Before you asked about my relationship with my father" she nodded. "Both me and Silas were destined to work in the company with him. In the beginning I didn't mind working for him because I knew my future was secured and I was willing to sacrifice my actual dreams for stability. But now I'm not so sure. This whole CEO shit is becoming tiring and I wonder taking over was ever the right choice"

"Why didn't you chase your dreams" I shrugged staring up at the dark sky.

"I wanted to please my father, I wanted him to finally be proud of me. I thought working for him would finally create the relationship I wanted for him and I was wrong." I turned to look at her. "Sometimes I envy Silas. He chased his dreams of being a designer over my fathers wishes"

"Is your father proud of him" I scoffed.

"He stopped acknowledging him the day he choose his life over the family business. He gave him the cold shoulder and it hurts to see my little brother wanting to share his success with our father"

"Wow I'm so sorry for Silas, I couldn't imagine how that feels" it grew silent as I was in deep thoughts. I never had one set dream, I had many aspirations I wanted to complete in life but unfortunately I took the easy way instead.

"Believe it or not I wanted to have my own restaurant" she

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