For the past weeks, I have been extremely busy with the extra stuff Willow made me do. She said and I quote I will make your life a living hell everyday until his stupid project starts. I was so happy when I received a call from Dahlia that we were meeting up today. I was also quite nervous to be in the same room as Saige again.
I pushed open the glass doors as people were less fidgety than the people at my job. I observed the interior of the building.
"Ms. Brown?" I turned on my heels to see Fitz standing there. I gave him a smile.
"Hey fitz" he gave a smile back.
"We're right in this room" I followed behind him to another room branched off from the reception area. I looked around and saw some familiar faces from the conference standing around mingling.
"Damn this is nice" I mumbled looking around.
"We have a little time before the meeting, you can help yourself" Fitz motioned towards the table filled with finger foods, fruits and my favorite, coffee. I made a small plate and then hooked up my coffee the way I liked.
"Hey Ennessey" I turned to be met with a smiling face.
"Hey dahlia, I hope the flight back was okay" she nodded with a smile.
"It was good besides fitz groaning in the bathroom the whole time" I let out a laugh as she snickered.
"Motion sickness?" She nodded as we calmed down.
"I tried to offer tips but he ain't wanna listen, anyways Mr.Hartz wanted me to come get you before we start our meeting" the nerves crept back as I put on my best fake smile.
"Lead the way" I took a small sip from my coffee as I followed behind her. She opened the door letting me go in first. I looked over to see he was not alone. Dahlia gave a smile before closing the door as she left. He stopped the conversation he was having as his gaze met mine. The other guy that looked uniquely similar to him flashed me a smile.
"You wasn't lying about them Arizona women" I raised an eyebrow.
"Ennessey this is my little brother Silas" I looked over his attire loving how everything was paired together. He grabbed my hand kissing the top of it. A charmer I see. I gave a smile.
"It's a pleasure to meet you"
"Nice to meet you as well, Silas" I said causing him to grin.
"Ooo say my name again" he joked causing Saige to smack his lips.
"Not too much" He demanded from his chair causing Silas to laugh.
"Relax big bro, just tryna make her smile before she goes back to this boring ass environment" he said. I bit my tongue to suppress the laugh that was coming.
"Don't you got somewhere to be" he grunted. He tossed his hands up in surrender as he walked near him. They exchanged some hushed words before dapping up.
"Until we meet again Ennessey" I waved bye as he exited the room. "Deuces Nigga"
Saige rolled his eyes as I walked closer to the arm chairs in front of his desk. His brother was something else.
"Sorry about that" I waved him off smiling.
"He's a character" he chuckled tossing from his seat.
"Would you like water?"
"Y-yes please." I cleared my throat. Why did I ask for water knowing damn well I was still holding my piping hot coffee.
"So is this y'all new office space?" He passed me the glass of water as he leaned against his desk keeping a small distance between us.
"Yes it is, I was working on securing a place close by the construction site" I nodded.
"I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon" I said.
"Why's that?"
"Well um, I thought you have specific people to run your projects" he took a sip from his cup as he kept his eyes locked on me.
"I'm sure you're quite busy withβ your CEO stuff," I continued. He let out a chuckle.
"So you didn't want to see me again" he questioned, closing the gap between us.
"Truthfully, I couldn't wait to see your beautiful face again" His thumb caressed the side of my face as I could feel my heart beating faster. He moved his finger down to my lips as realization hit me and my mouth finally started creating words.
"I have a boyfriend" I blurted. I closed my eyes letting out a sigh. He removed his hand as he raised the cup to his lips still not breaking eye contact with me.
"Hmph" he sat his cup on his desk.
"Well in that case, I want you to sit in on these meetings with me. To give you firsthand experience of what to expect in this line of work. Will that be a problem?" I shook my head
"Sir, we're ready to start"
"We'll be right there" he backed away creating space as I shifted my gaze elsewhere. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as I followed him to the conference room. I took a seat next to fitz as Saige took the other available seat.
"Thank you everyone for joining today, Kieran is passing around the finalized contracts" I looked over to see Willow glaring at me with a smug. A shot a smile back her way as I turned my attention to the paper being placed in front me. I took a sip from my coffee as I looked over the new contract.
"So first we are going to go over the budget amounts in place" I looked over at Dahlia as she began explaining everything.
Working closely alongside Saige on top of the work Willow makes me do has been blowing me out. I took a huge sip from my wine as my feet were propped on Liam's lap. He scrolled on his phone watching car videos, not paying me much mind. I clicked through the channels trying to find something good to watch. I sat the controller on the coffee table as I leaned my head back.
"Liam," I called out.
"What are we doing?" I asked. He looked up from his phone.
"What do you mean?" I sat up tucking my legs underneath me and sitting my wine on the side table.
"Like this off and on shit. One month we together and then the next we not" he rubbed the back of his head.
"We've been working on us"
"For almost three years and the problems we had are still not fixed"
"What are you trying to say?" I chewed on the inside of my lip as I thought of the best way to bring it up.
"Do you see yourself loving me?"
"Yes I do, my feelings have gotten a lot stronger for you"
"You say that everytime I bring it up, the last thing I want you to do is rush saying those words but I'm not getting the assurance you'll ever love me" He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Where is this coming from? Ennessey you know I like you alot and I want to take this to the next step eventually" I sighed sitting up. I crossed my legs underneath one another.
"I just been thinking lately, all we do is fuck, sleep, repeat" Is that what I really wanted? To be waiting around on a nice guy who does the bare minimum to keep me around. I wanted more than this, I think.
"Well how do you think we can fix that?" I shrugged with a half smile.
"This is the one time I don't have an answer for a question"
"I'm sorry if I haven't given you the reassurance you need, I promise to work on that for you. For us" silence grew over us. I felt like the only one bringing up issues in our relationship. I questioned his feelings for me many times as we got deeper into our relationship. He wasn't openly expressive about his feelings and majority of the time it rarely feels romantic.
"I should go" it felt weirdly awkward and I wanted to be far away. He gazed over me.
"Please stay" I gave him a close lip smile.
"I should go, I need toβ I'll call you" I leaned down kissing his cheek before grabbing my stuff and leaving out his door. On the walk to my car I dialed Solani number.
"Oh my god, is this really Ennessey calling me?" I smiled shaking my head.
"Please Solani, you know I've been busy" she let out a laugh.
"Well what pleasure do I have to receive this call"
"I may have broke it off with Liam"
"WHAT, tell me more" I sighed leaning my head back on my headrest.
"Well I-" I closed my eyes "I asked him if he could ever love me"
"I assume it wasn't the answer you was hoping for"
"I thought maybe if I put him on the spot, he would finally open up to how he feels about me, i thought he would realized that I was the best thing that ever happened to him" a tear fell down my face.
"Where are you?"
"Outside his apartment complex"
"Come over my place then. We can eat ice cream and cuddle, okay?"
"Okay" I mumbled. I guess part of me didn't want this to be over, I wanted him to run after me but he didn't.
"Sir your father is on line 1 and Ophelia Willow is here to see you" I rolled my eyes.
"Tell him I'm on a business lunch and send her in" she nodded leaving my office. I leaned back rubbing my head as I let out a sigh.
"Hello Saige"
"Please call me Mr. Hartz" I corrected. She walked closer to my desk as she handed me some papers. I grabbed them as I looked it over.
"Why are you passing me your contract?" I asked.
"The amount your offering me has to be wrong"
"I don't make mistakes" I told her. She crossed her arms.
"You've been playing favoritism to one of my designers, if it wasn't for me you never would have seen her designs. So I suggest you change that number" I raised an eyebrow.
"Is that a threat?" She walked around my desk and leaned against it.
"More so a demand, I'm willing to do whatever you like for you to change it" she rubbed her hand against my leg. I looked down at her hand then back up at her.
"I advise you to remove your hand" I motioned.
"Oh come on Saige, I seen the way you've been looking at me" she flipped her over processed blonde hair over her shoulder. I furrowed an eyebrow.
"And you think that seducing me will raise the amount you get paid. Are you drunk?" I questioned.
"What no" she scoffed.
"I assume this is how you climbed the success ladder then" she tilted her head.
"I have no clue what you're talking about" I removed her hand and stood up from my seat.
"Sleeping with people that is in higher power than you? Corporate men that's willing to get some quick ass"
"N-no I would never, it's just unfair of you to not award me for presenting the designs" I opened my office door.
"I think you should leave and actually listen to your designers rather than bashing them, you're dismissed" I slammed my door in her face as I shook my head. People crazy I tell you. My cellphone started ringing as I let out another sigh.
"Yes father"
"How dare you ignore my call"
"Is this an urgent matter? If not I have work to do"
"Why haven't I been kept in the loop of the progress. Why is stuff restricted on my end" I put him on speaker and laid my phone on the desk as I reclaimed my seat.
"Because I restricted you, your no longer needed to make any decisions for this project" he scoffed.
"Like hell I am, you listen to me boy I d-" I ended the call as I went back to my paperwork. I don't got time for that headache, he'll get over it.
Over the past couple of weeks, I have been busy with this project and helping Silas locate a new spot. He ended up taking a liking to Arizona. He wanted to hold a fashion show for his line out here in hopes to find some donors to chip in on a partnership.
"So tell me why again you not messing with Ennessey?" Silas question popping some sunflower seeds in his mouth with his feet propped up on my desk. I sighed looking over paperwork.
"You're admin about hooking me up" I responded.
"Cause bro, your life boring as fuck. You need some excitement"
"You swear up and down I don't have fun" he smirked.
"Nigga you don't. I can tell by those gray hairs that are trying to poke through" I sucked my teeth as he laughed.
"You irritating"
"Well duh, that's the point of a younger sibling. It's my job to irritate you" I laughed.
"Let's go out tonight, invite your girl too" I glared at him.
"Are you actually going to pay tonight?" Anytime we go out to the bar, my card is always ended up being swiped.
"I'll say yes now, but my answer may change. So no guarantees" I shook my head as I turned off my computer.
"Let's go then" he took his feet off my desk as I grabbed my belongings and walked out the door.
"Ennessey just the girl I was looking for" I looked up to see she was socializing with another familiar face at the desk she currently occupied.
"Oh hey Silas, this is Nia. My friend and colleague"
"Mmhm it's nice to meet you" he smiled towards her.
"What's wrong?" I asked. Ennessey looked over at me and shook her head as she gave me a small smile.
"Just ready for the weekend" I squinted my eyes.
"Well come out with us tonight" she looked over at Nia.
"I'm down"
"Well in that case, would y'all mind if I invite one more" I shook my head.
"Not at all"
Word travels fast that I was in town and the owner pretty much handed me a section in the VIP area. There were a few other people Silas had invited to our section that was doing their own thing. We ordered some bottles and was chilling enjoying ourselves. I was sipping on my drink as Silas was smoking and getting a lap dance. It felt good to not be worried about work all the time. I definitely needed a break to just relax for a little, this was much obliged.
"I said you can have a shot not a whole fucking glass" Silas spoke.
"Damn why you being stingy with it" the girl asked as they tug-a-war the liquor bottle.
"You can leave then, the hell" he shooed her away making me laugh. My brother literally had no filter and said whatever came to his mind.
"Whatever, I wasn't even interested anyway" she flipped him off and left. I doubled over laughing.
"Pull your damn wig back too" he called out after her. I held my stomach trying to calm down.
"Dawg chill" he sucked his teeth as he released the smoke. I drowned my drink and went to pour another.
"Sorry I can't let y'all in" I looked up to see Ennessey standing there with Nia and another girl.
"Damn" I mumbled as my eyes trailed down her body.
"Aye man you can let them in" Silas said. Our eyes connected as she gave me a shy smile.
"Oh Solani this is Saige and his brother Silas" she introduced. I shook her hand.
"It's nice to meet you"
"Likewise, I heard so much about you" she smirked. Ennessey coughed glaring at her.
"Oh?" I shifted my gaze to Ennessey.
"Oo y'all already got bottles up here" Nia said as she went over and made herself a drink. We all walked back over to the couch and got comfortable.
"Pick your poison" I motioned. She looked over at the options.
"Crown peach"
"I've been meaning to ask, how did your parents come up with your name?" She let out a laugh as I passed her the drink.
"Well according to my mom, Hennessy is the reason why she got pregnant with me. So she knocked the H off and rolled with it" I chuckled.
"Well it's a pretty name" she smiled.
"Thank you, oh my god" she spoke covering her mouth with a giggle. I looked over to see Solani and Nia twerking on one another.
"It's looking a little stiff ladies" Silas said. They both flipped him off. We all were laughing, drinking and mainly enjoying ourselves. My arm was tossed lazily across the couch as I rapped along to the music.
"I got feelings for you, Hope you ain't loving the crew" she rapped along dancing in her seat. I let my arm wrapped around her shoulders and pull her closer. She looked over at me with a smile.
"What are you doing?" She asked with a laugh. My eyes looked at her lips then back at her.
"Imma cut the bullshit, I'm a man that knows what he want" she raised an eyebrow.
"Oh? Tell me what do you want" I licked my bottom lip.
"Ennessey Brown" she smirked
"And I told you Saige Hartz, I'm unavailable" I let out a laugh. I grabbed her left hand caressing it.
"I don't see a ring on your finger" she opened her mouth but then closed it.
"βLet a real nigga cater to you" I grabbed her hand and kissed the top of it. I tilted her chin upwards and leaned down. Our lips were a couple inches away and I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her.
"Don't let a boyfriend stop you from finding your husband"
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