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"Are you okay?" I asked Fitz from the other side of the bathroom door. We had just landed in Phoenix, Arizona. Fitz was currently in my private plane bathroom hurling in the toilet. I rubbed my forehead looking down at my watch.

"Sorry, motion sickness" Fitz opened the door rubbing his stomach.

"Let's go" He grabbed his stuff and followed closely behind me. I walked off the plane feeling the weather difference.

"Does everyone have their belongings?" I asked. My father had already chosen ten other people to tag along to this conference. If it was up to me, we would not be expanding this soon after how much it cost to build a hotel in Dubai.

"Yes sir, are we going straight to the conference or settling in our hotel first?" Dahlia asked, one of my marketing agents.

"Since we had a delay" I looked over at Fitz, who gave a cheeky smile. "We are going straight to the conference, Rodney and Gerald will take our things to the hotel. Let's roll out" I got in the car with the few people who will be working closely on this project.

"Do you know how many companies will be there?" I asked. I unbuttoned my suit jacket and slipped it off.

"Um it's going to be a lot sir, almost 30 different companies". I sighed.

"I assume my father sent it out to everybody in the state" They all nodded. Dahlia passed me the schedule. I scanned over the huge list that varied of Construction, Interior Designing, Catering and Landscaping companies. There were a few other companies that wanted to provide their services once the hotel was up and running.

"This will be a long three days. I want everyone on their P's and Q's. Antonio I want you to get a history background on all of the companies. Kieran, I want finance reports." As I was giving everyone their tasks for this trip, we pulled up to the building soon after.

"What would you like me to do?" Fitz asked as he followed behind me.

"Make sure everyone gets the itinerary schedule. Anyone who is late will not get a meeting with us" He nodded. Fitz took my suit jacket as we took the elevator up to the conference floor.

"We have about 15 minutes before we get started, want me to get you anything?" Dahlia asked as we got settled in one of the rooms. I shook my head.

"No need, Get everything set up" She nodded. I walked out of the room as I could hear people starting to flood into the room. I slipped my hand into my slack pockets as I walked to the Center room. Catering was set up with finger foods and drinks. Variety of different companies were spread out talking amongst themselves. I walked over to the coffee table, something I needed desperately. I grabbed a coffee cup and walked over to the machines.

"Oops let me get out of the way" a woman spoke as she scooted all of her coffees out of the way.

"You got it?" I asked. She looked up at me with a smile.

"uh yeah, thanks" as she was grabbing some of the creamer packets, one of her cups tipped over and splashed on my suit pants.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry" she grabbed napkins trying to blot the spot.

"Action before the first date" she stopped frantically as a laugh slipped out.

"Wow that's embarrassing, I didn't mean-- no worries" I gave her a smile as I dapped the spot some more. I always come with some backup clothes in case of any accidents like this.

"May I ask why you need five coffees? Long day" she rolled her eyes.

"I know its going to be but no this is for my boss and coworkers"

"Are you sure you don't need help?" She waved me off.

"Thanks for the offer but I got it" She sent another smile my way as she poured in the creamer packets. I poured the hot freshly brewed coffee into my cup then grabbed a lid.

"Do you hate yourself? no sugar, creamer.. hell ice?" She joked. I started laughing before taking a quick sip.

"I prefer the bitterness, not too much a fan of sugar" She grabbed her chest as she shook her head.

"Something tells me you like dark chocolate over milk chocolate" A smile spread across my face.

"Bingo" we shared a laugh.

"So I assume you're here for the conference. Have you met the head honcho of the franchise?" I slipped one of my hands into my slack pockets.

"Yes I have"

"So is he an ass like everyone say he is?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I guess it depends on his mood, I never caught your name"

"Sorry I'm Ennessey" She smiled putting her hand out.

"Saige, pleasure to meet you" I kept her hand in mine as we kept eye contact.

"EMILY" she broke away from our eye contact.

"I should go, it was nice to meet you" I watched her rush off with all five coffees. Hmph, an ass. I shook my head with a smirk before walking back to my team. I walked in to see everything was set up. I took another sip of my coffee.

"What happened?" Fitz asked.

"Coffee accident, go ahead and gather everyone and ill meet y'all out there" They nodded as they walked out of the room. I reached in one of my bags and pulled out some fresh slacks. Luckily they weren't as wrinkled as I expected. I took a huge gulp of my coffee before making my way back to the center room.

"If you look on the table there is a projected schedule for this conference. Please make sure you have your presentation ready to go when we call you. I would like to welcome our CEO, Mr. Hartz" I walked over to where Dahlia was as a round of applause started. I raised my hand, silencing them.

"Goodmorning, I would like to thank you all for coming. We have a long day ahead of us, so let's go ahead and get started. Can the first group get ready in the conference room one" People begin scattering as I caught the eyes of Ennessey. She looked white as a ghost. I sent a wink her way before following everyone into that room.

It's been about three hours and none of the companies have piqued my interest. I rubbed my forehead listening to the group of guys in front of us explaining their plan to enhance our hotel.

"I've heard enough, you're dismissed" They stopped talking and looked over at me.

"We still had a couple more slides to get through"

"We will be in touch, thank you for your time," Dahlia said, opening the door for them. They all grumbled, grabbing their stuff and walking out of the room.

"That's the seventh company you dismissed" Dahlia spoke with a frown.

"I thought their plan sounded right up our alley," Antonio said. I slid over the finance reports.

"They use cheap materials for all of the construction builds and charge a high price" They all looked over the paper before sighing.

"I only want quality companies, the past seven would have cost our hotel huge complications, we can't afford that" I spoke, catching all of their attention. I was getting frustrated. I already did not want to come to this and on top of it, my father didn't take the time to properly research who could attend.

"Bring in the next group" I motioned towards Fitz. He quickly scurried out the room.

"Would you like to break for lunch after this group?" Kieran asked.

"Yes we can" He nodded as he called in an order for lunch.

"You can set up right here, Sir this is Orchard & Co Designs" I looked up from the folder I was reading as the group piled into the room. The first person I noticed was Ennessey standing off to the side avoiding eye contact. I couldn't help but let my eyes travel over her attire.

"Whenever you're ready" I spoke as they got their presentation pulled up.

"Thank you all for having us, I am Opehlia Willow"

"Well let us start by asking, why do you think your company is the best fit for this project" I sat up as they shuffled through some slides.

"As you see on the screen, here are some of the projects we coordinated" Kieran slid me a couple of papers. As they were talking, I scanned over the finance and history reports. I nodded slightly impressed. They were currently a possibility.

"Here are a couple of design plans we have in mind for the build" Another girl passed us all a paper.

"Despite the other designing companies, we want KOH to grab the attention of the locals and the tourists. One of our designers came up with three different plans that were carefully curated and pieced together to help ensure a cohesive and unique feel in the space." Ophelia concluded. I looked over the design plans not feeling how they were looking.

"Who was the designer?" I asked.

"Carlos," she pointed to one of the guys who was standing on the other side of the projector. Dahlia looked over at me knowing what I was going to say.

"Well I am going to be honest, I don't like any of these. There's nothing fresh about it" Carlos' smile dropped as I crossed my arms.

"Are you sure? We made sure to curat- Do I need to repeat myself?" I interrupted. She shook her head.

"no sir"

"How old are you Carlos, look like you're pushing 40" Dahlia threw daggers my way. I ignored her stare as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm 43"

"Damn" I looked over at Fitz who covered his mouth "Sorry"

"These designs are outdated. Why would you think I want my newest hotel to sport this shit" Everyone grew quiet.

"Please give us a chance to draw up some new ones," Ophelia pleaded.

"I'll tell you what, I don't usually give out second chances but if you could bring me something that's more appealing and fresh tomorrow than I might listen to the rest of your presentation"

"Thank you so much"

"You're dismissed" Dahlia quickly got up and opened the door ushering them out.

"Sir" She spoke once the door closed.

"I don't want to hear it Dahlia, let's break for lunch" I got up from my seat fixing my dress shirt. She closed her mouth nodding as she collected her papers.

"Narrow down potential companies and send everyone else away"

Embarrassed wasn't even the word to describe how I feel. I couldn't even look at Saige in that conference room. one because I spilled hot coffee on his pants and two because I told him what people thought of him. I couldn't help but notice how nicely he dressed, how well groomed he was, his nails were short and clean. Then on top of that his aroma smelled so good. All of those things made me nervous and had me say more than I should've. That same nervousness crept back as his eyes were locked on me during the whole meeting. I followed closely behind as Ms. Willow kept expressing her frustration.

"Who do he think he is, Ophelia doesn't give outdated designs" She fumed slamming her hands on the table.

"Carlos you're fired" He tossed his hands up.

"Fired? Ophelia-"

"It's Willow to you, you created those designs which could have cost me this opportunity, get out of my face" She spat. I looked over at Nia who mouthed 'crazy'. I covered my mouth to keep in my giggle.

"I want new designs asap" My eyes lit up at the opportunity. She looked my way and scoffed.

"Not you Emily, go fetch me more coffee" My face turned into a mug before doing as she asked. As much as I wanted to quit, I knew I could gain some network working for her.

"No, I don't want it from here, go to the cafΓ© down the street. Be quick" She smirked. I gave a fake smile before walking to the elevator. I pulled my phone out and sent Solani a quick text. I walked into the elevator pressing the ground level.

"Why the frown" I froze at the familiar voice. I turned around to see two people. One being the infamous Saige leaning on the elevator wall. The other guy must work for him.

"Ooo you're pretty," He spoke. I gave a smile.

"Fitz" He glared.

"Sorry" he mumbled going back to the tablet.

"Sorry about what I said earlier, I didn't know you were the CEO" He let out a laugh.

"You were being honest, Do you think I'm an ass?" He crossed his arms over his chest. I couldn't help but look at how his arms filled out his shirt nicely. He was defiantly as fine as Nia said he was.

"I wouldn't say an ass more like someone who doesn't play when it comes to business" He smiled. I averted my eyes elsewhere. His gaze made me nervous. Why was this elevator ride so long?

"Tell me, what do you do at Orchard & Co?"

"I wish I had an honest answer to that. let's just say the coffee girl" He raised an eyebrow. The elevator dinged as we finally hit the ground level. I walked out with them right behind me.

"Is that where you're heading"

"Yeah since the coffee upstairs doesn't meet her exquisite taste buds" I mocked with a huff.

"Fitz, go with Rodney to pick up some coffee" I turned around as he pulled a crisp 20 out of his wallet handing it to Fitz.

"Yes sir"

"And Fitz please don't trip" he called out.

"You didn't have to send him"

"It's for me" I mentally slapped myself. "oh"

A smirk spread on his face before he let out a laugh. "I'm kidding"

"Ah you got jokes" I chuckled.

"Do you mind if I ask a question?" I nodded as he rubbed his beard.

"Why do you put up with her, I'm sure you could work somewhere else where you're better appreciated"

"It's been my dream to work there and now that I finally have the opportunity it was not at all what I expected. I know Willow connections could help skyrocket my career"

"So you want to be a designer?" I nodded with a smile.

"I really do, It's one of the main reasons I moved to Arizona"

"Well I hope I get to see your designs tomorrow then" My smile dropped.

"I doubt it, Willow does not want me to partake in that" he slid his hands into his slack pockets.

"I don't give a damn what she says" I wish he could say that to her face. I'm tired of her running all over me and calling me a different name.

"Ah there you are, Mr. Hartz. The next meeting will be starting soon" A guy said walking over to him.

"I'll be right up Kieran" He turned his attention back to me.

"I expect to see your designs, Ennessey" He gave me a smile before walking swiftly past me. A trail of goosebumps went up my arms and a smile spread across my face.

The sound of the bed squeaking and my moans were most likely hearable through the thin apartment walls. I closed my eyes feeling myself there when Liam changed up the pace. His breathing increased as he kissed my collarbone. I bit my lip enjoying the moment when I felt his body jerk forward and his strokes slow down.

"Did you finish?" he asked as he continued. I gave a closed lip smile.

"Yeah" I lied. He pulled out as I grabbed the comforter to cover my body. He kissed my lips before disappearing to the bathroom. I leaned back, sighing. Another day using my vibrator will have to suffice. He came out of the bathroom putting his clothes on.

"Did you want to come to the get together" I shook my head.

"No it's okay tell Quinton I said hello"

"Alright, depending on the hour I might swing back through" please don't is what I wanted to say after another dissatisfied night.

"Okay just let me know" once I heard the door shut and the lock click. I reached down into my bottom drawer and grabbed my device.

"Always gotta please my damn self" I mumbled as I clicked through the vibrations to find one I liked. My phone started vibrating on my dresser making me throw my head back. I turned the vibrator off and grabbed my ringing phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Why isn't my calendar updated for tomorrow's meeting" I rolled my eyes at willow's voice.

"Did you refresh it?" I asked walking to my bathroom.

"Do I seem dumb to you, of course I did that" I rolled my eyes.

"We-" I pulled my phone away from my ear as I looked at my screen, Call Ended. I turned the shower on and quickly got in. I grabbed my body wash and begin cleaning my body. I started thinking about the designs I have yet to work on. I had a couple of ideas of what I wanted to draw out for the project. I do have to agree that Carlos designs were extremely outdated, I thought that when I watched their show. He was my least favorite designer. I then started thinking about the way Saige humiliated him in front of everyone. I laughed a little at the thought as I washed off.

I wrapped the towel around my body and walked back into my room and turned on some music. I danced around my bedroom as I lotions my body. I got dressed in some lounge clothes then walked towards my kitchen.

"Stella rose will have to do" I grabbed the bottle and poured the wine into my glass. I grabbed my Ipad and slipped my feet into my crocs and walked out on the balcony. I hummed along to the music playing through my Bluetooth speaker. It was time I actually try and create some design plans to show tomorrow. I tucked my legs underneath one another and stared at the blank canvas. I lived 20 minutes outside of Phoenix and whenever I look outside I take in the beauty of the place. It was one of my best decisions to move out here after college. It was a place to have a fresh start and work towards my dream. I took a sip from my cup as I picked up my apple pencil and began doodling down some design plans.

Most of my family knew I was going to be a designer when I got older. I was always fascinated with pairing pieces together. I had thoughts of being a Fashion Designer for a while. Clothes were always my first love until I took one interior design class in college and made a quick Major change. It was actually where I met Solani, we ended up being roommates freshman year. I was so deep in my thoughts and doodling that I didn't hear my phone going off.


"Hey this is Nia"

"Oh hey girl, wassup?" I forgot I gave her my number earlier

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